Author Topic: Excuse me if im wrong but...  (Read 3580 times)

Offline KONG1

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #75 on: July 29, 2005, 04:59:10 PM »
Why do you have a pa…never mind.

Look I’ve been vulched and cherry picked in the DA.  Wait till he’s otherwise involved or take off one base over.  Check 6 him from a reasonable distance then fight him and shoot him down.  One guy can take off from each direction and another from the hanger; someone will get up.  Check 6 him from a reasonable distance then fight him and shoot him down.
In the mean time other guys can get up.

Let him take off and get some alt then one guy can check 6 him from a reasonable distance then fight him and shoot him down.  Rinse repeat.

It’s called leading by example.

PS Ren, "gripe on reality", that's good. can I use that? I got a few gripes of my own.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 05:06:51 PM by KONG1 »
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Offline Stang

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #76 on: July 29, 2005, 05:46:13 PM »
Kong, get a life, grow a sack and quit being a metrosexual wuss.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #77 on: July 29, 2005, 05:46:13 PM »
Originally posted by KONG1

It’s called leading by example.


The example was, act like an idiot suffer the consequences.This is how non-wussys do things KONG. Take your " high road" and hope the bad people realize their mistakes. The rest of us will deal with it.

 I know this where you do most of your fighting in AH2, but if you want to go a few rounds in the DA some night let me know.

Offline SuperDud

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #78 on: July 29, 2005, 05:54:00 PM »
I know I've takin KONG's advice, he is now on my ignored list! Thx for the tip, I already feel much better:aok
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Offline popgun

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #79 on: July 29, 2005, 06:40:18 PM »
Originally posted by KONG1
Snagged me two more.:aok

So you guys are saying his vulching is wrong but your vulching is right because

He did it first

(this is toooo easy)


Your point is theoretically true but oversimplistic in reality.
Vulching is shooting someone in the back. You see someone shooting people in the back. You can either shoot that person in the back or call the police.
Obviously noone's life is at stake here, but people pay to have a good time ( I know, highly subjective). Someone is preventing that from happening. You can stop that NOW, or call the police and hope it doesn't happen in the future. It's more a matter of practicality and expediency than two wrongs making a right.
...or that's the way it looks :cool:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 07:01:59 PM by popgun »

Offline Easyscor

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #80 on: July 29, 2005, 07:25:59 PM »

Definition: Flame bait
n. See Kong1's original post in this thread. ;)

Back when I was raising my kids, if I gave them a time out and they refused to sit in the corner I was forced to sit down beside
them and see that they didn't move until the time was up.  It wasn't pleasant but better then the consequences of having an unruly
antisocial child.

Edit: Just to clarify, sounds to me like the kid needs a forced time out.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 07:35:08 PM by Easyscor »
Easy in-game again.
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Offline Antonio

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #81 on: July 29, 2005, 08:13:52 PM »
ok thats it! im sick of this BS, first of all, im not on 2 weeks trial i paid for da.sloehand: only recall fighing him like 3 times b4 this epidemic started..nexsys: way i got to realized he played AH was whn im in a duel and he cherrypiced me,from that i thought he was a dweeb,didnt fight him after that.hmm Wolfala:..u always fly a 38..u took this thing up on YOUR head  bcuz there were your friends! i never did u anything i only did fight fair wit u, so u draaged urself into this.second , im not a dang vulcher i been playing Ah1 for like 2 years and i been in all AH2 so i dont they could see im alot better than them nexsys and sloehand. but im just a guy who likes to fight, ask the GOOD pilots, if u disrespect me i will 2 this whole vulching thing was statted buy them..but dont get me wrong , i play in DA mostly..and sometime they have a uncontrollable FFA going on..u cant help but join in..and my bad if i mess wit u u just didnt seem any diferent from the noobs that get vulched all the time. prolly the spit jocks in DA are getting tired of fighting me ..but if u want to fight as i said tons o times just check6.. i fergot all about this thing in DA some time now,,but seems u still have it bottled up in ya sloehand. u cant get me out of AH be vulching FYI it just makes u suk alot more. i tried so hard to tell him that when his tail was cliped off my me it was a mistake..cuz i was just upping from a fight with hemp, and was complimenting him on his good work,but u dont listen to me.i did send that film of u guys vulchin me like crazy..and those guys i see replin..i never saw em in DA so they cant say notn about me..try asking the more people who play in DA about me.was surproised to hear a bud say my name was slandered in bbs so i had to say somn.BTW im LiamRay so i wish u could end this silly dillema all u guys who think im a vulcher or cherrypicker or whatever plz . :)

Offline KONG1

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #82 on: July 29, 2005, 08:33:15 PM »


Life is sooooo goooood!!

(Pulls up chair, pops a brew, opens a fresh bag of pork skins, aaaahhhhh)
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Offline Shane

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« Reply #83 on: July 29, 2005, 10:26:08 PM »
well in addition to what's been discussed it's apparent you're an non-paragrapher too!!!  

when did you stop vulching in DA?
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Offline Wolfala

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« Reply #84 on: July 29, 2005, 10:43:39 PM »

Hey man, long time! Whats up with you? Not much here. Eva and I just moved into one of those manufactures homes. She was pushing for this old Victorian deal, but I took one look at the pricetag and knew it wasn't going to work. This analyst job with the military isn't exactly the cash cow I thought it would be, but my last CO says it's the healthiest thing he's ever heard of, and last time I argued with him I got eight weeks in the brig. So anyway, I said to Eva, "Baby, I want a home that's a flimsy and fabricated as our relationship." She's a kidder, Eva. Likes jokes like that. She didn't actually laugh out loud. The laughter was in her eyes. You notice things like that when you've been together as many weeks as we have.

Anyway, like I said, not much going on here. Eva keeps saying she wants to meet people in our neighborhood, but i'm not much of a social butterfly so I try to avoid that stuff. I had this great plan to bring the neighbors over by spraying their kids with the garden hose. I managed to knock one of them off his bike while he was riding past, and when I saw his parents come running I thought Eva would be thrilled. but all they would talk about was how their kid lost an eye when he fell on the fire hydrant, and she didn't talk to me for hours. Women!

Well I certainly can go on about myself. Glad to hear you are doing well down on the island. Eva sends her love to your woman or whatever the 4 leg'd substitute is this week, and we both hope that twelve step thing is working out for the two of you. Keep in touch.



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Offline Azul32

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #85 on: July 30, 2005, 12:18:06 AM »
Ok guys i just wanted to say that there is a Jekyll and Hyde to is father and son!!!!!!

When you see the vulching and other BS going on that is the 9 yr old kid

When he is fighting fairly and not vulching it is the father.

I did not read all this thread on this it got way to long, but i agree something should be done about the vulchers and when i go in there I will keep their arse on the runway too if it happens to me.

The TA Trainers have no authority in the DA....I seen Ghosth in there one day when this crap was going on .He must have been just sitting in tower watching then he left.Out of curiosity i went over into TA to see if he was there, and he was.I asked him if he booted anyone from DA and he told me that he couldnt.I told him i had film on what was going on and he urged me to call HTC and to send the film to HTC.

Enough said on the subject IMO if it happens film it and send it to HTC directly maybe if he gets enough of them he will get sick of watching them and get some moderators. Or call them if he gets enough phone calls he will get some moderators , seeing as he so busy with ToD:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

just my 2 cents

Offline Masherbrum

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #86 on: July 30, 2005, 01:00:32 AM »
Originally posted by KONG1

You are under the impression that you punished him and this caused him to run away.  You simply satiated his need for attention.  His complaining and whining about you acting like him just got him more attention.  You did not stop him from flying, he could have easily moved over one base and upped a jet or a rocket and harassed you guys some more.  No need, he worked you like a puppet and got his fix.  Look at this way: he kept poking you with his little donut until you wacked him off. Satisfied he went away.

If he’s gone now, it’s not that you ran him off, hard to do when you give him what he wants.  He’s just somewhere else, kicking over sandcastles, pulling girls hair, and griefing other gamers.  

Your retaliatory pavlovian response seems to be pervasive in human society.  Your behavior was as bad as his was unless you believe in the “Mommy he did it first “ excuse.

He cut me off so I zoomed in front of him and slammed on the brakes.
Jerk pulled out in front of me so I tailgated him.
Chef spits in food because customer sends back a steak.
Girlfriend keys your car because you were talking to another girl.
Yada yada yada….

You wrote “I try to be reasonable first and I will assume alot of grief before I react, but once I do, I never back down. I know that, if you look at it in black and white, I am in the right and he is not.”

What you are talking about is vigilantism. Who made you the judge of black and white in a grayscale world. HTC is the sheriff in this county and you have not been deputized.

Ask Palestinians why they blow up Israelis they will say (see quote above)
Ask Israelis why they blow up Palestinians they will say (see quote above)
(Just a philosophical point, not trying to compare war to computer game purse fights.)

You left out the correct option: Film it, send it in. Just sayin…………..:cool:

Step away from the pipe.

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Offline KONG1

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #87 on: July 30, 2005, 09:27:54 AM »
More fish for the stew:
“Step away from the pipe.”

Now that’s brilliant, original too!  A fine example of reasoned discussion.  The little hamster in your head must have been running in his wheel for hours to come up with that.

Check out Azul’s post:

“…when i go in there I will keep their arse on the runway too…”

Another do as I say not as I do wanna be sheriff.  Then he talks to Ghost:

“…he urged me to call HTC and to send the film…”

OK Einsteins, answer this.  Why didn’t Ghost tell him to go vulch the guy repeatedly?

According to Stang that makes him a lifeless, sackless, metrosexual wuss because as Slash sais that’s not  “how non-wussys do things”.

Try as you might shooting people down in a game is not gonna make your winkie grow.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2005, 09:36:25 AM by KONG1 »
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Offline Shane

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #88 on: July 30, 2005, 10:26:17 AM »
Originally posted by KONG1
OK Einsteins, answer this.  Why didn’t Ghost tell him to go vulch the guy repeatedly?

ummm, because the Trainers are seeking to make a subtle power grab and extend their aegis to the DA?

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Offline DamnedRen

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« Reply #89 on: July 30, 2005, 10:41:01 AM »
Power? MUAHAHAHAHA. You're a riot, sometimes! :rofl

Shane, sometimes you out do yourself. And you call others a slobberdonkey. I guess yer starting to believe yer own blather? :rofl

If you call stopping someone from doing things like ya'll claim is happening in the DA then you might call it a public service not a power grab. But you're you so call it whatever you want. :rofl