Author Topic: Navy presses for New Destroyer  (Read 1505 times)

Offline Hangtime

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Navy presses for New Destroyer
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2005, 04:34:44 PM »
Hope they can get her up the river.. she's a mighty deep draft.

Would rather they kept her in Mothballs at Vallejo.. once she goes 'museum' she's not likeley to be returned to service. She had a pretty extensive modernization last time she was rolled out, my info is she's restoreable.

They still got the Glomar Explorer in the Anchorage by the Martinez Bridge? Been 30 years since I saw the mothball fleet...
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Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2005, 04:38:25 PM »
Not sure on the Glomar.

I would rather her stay in the reserve, and the last I heard the hulls had at least another 50 years on them for the Iowa’s.

The Navy does not want them, and not just cause they are manpower hogs.

I think how good the jersey did in Vietnam embarrassed lots of Navy guys who happened to think the airplane is the end all be all of warfare

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2005, 04:48:50 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
 You forgeting the coolness factor of 16inch naval guns.


Don't they give the Marine in you a woody?

Oh they make this Marine Hard into the wind.  But like all things that are considered "outdated" in the military they have there place.

Nothing says love to a Marine more than softening up a beach prior to a landing.  16in Guns are great at that.

I'm not really arguing against bringing back the BB I'm mearly saying that it isn't feasable in the eyes of the Navy.

Offline ASTAC

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« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2005, 05:05:18 PM »
BB's are too manpower expensive to run as far as fuel costs go..and would need major electronic modernization just to be part of a battlegroup. They never even got NTDS or any data links when they were last reactivated.

The DD(X) and LCS type ships are just what the Navy needs. We have not had any major technilogical advancements in our warship designs since AEGIS was designed in the 70's. Even the Arliegh Burkes are from an early 80's design.

The cost is worth it in every aspect. These ships will have new radar, new guns, new missile launchers, new propulsion system, new combat system design and only 85 crewmembers. Not to mention a pretty revoulutionary topside design.

They have to build something to replace the aging "TICO's"..they are already decomissioning the first few. The FFG's will be gone soon. The Spru-Cans are already gone. They can't expect the Navy to put everything in one class of deficient ships (Arligh Burke). And even the first Burkes are getting old and their material condition sucks.
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Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2005, 05:10:45 PM »
Whats wrong with the Arligh Burkes?

I have no problems with the Navy getting some new ships, my love for the old battlewagons just wont die.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2005, 05:19:14 PM »
maybe they'll park the BB's next to the space shuttles. ;)

Good post ASTAC.. yah nailed it. Still; would love it if the Navy kept at least one of these things operational.. just for those special occasions where nothin sez lovin like an 30 knot 880 foot 52,000 ton leviatian with 14 ton broadside parked on your doorstep.
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Offline ASTAC

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« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2005, 05:19:45 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
Whats wrong with the Arligh Burkes?

I have no problems with the Navy getting some new ships, my love for the old battlewagons just wont die.

They are slow. (Slower than the Cruisers and Spru-cans). They have no backup air search radar. Thay are cramped. They only have one gun.

Basically they are overweight slow, and have no redundancy. They do handle pretty well at sea though.
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Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2005, 05:20:10 PM »
The LCS is deffinatly a needed asset.

Offline ASTAC

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« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2005, 05:24:37 PM »
Oh yaeh and half the Burkes don't carry their own helo, and the ones that do , do it at the expense of no Harpoon missiles and no towed array sonar. Basically it will take two Burkes to do the job of one TICO.
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Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2005, 05:26:33 PM »
Wow, yikes.

How slow is slow?

What did they replace?

Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2005, 05:29:46 PM »
One thing is for sure... warships will prolly never look as good as they used to. Or maybe we will think they look good in a few decades.

Offline ASTAC

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« Reply #41 on: August 16, 2005, 05:36:33 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
Wow, yikes.

How slow is slow?

What did they replace?

Slow is max around 30 knots..though with battle overide out we could overtourque the shafts and go faster.

A Spru-can would go almost 40..most WW2 destroyers could acheive 40 knots..

Our aircraft carriers can do 50+ (scoff if you'd like but I've tracked em on radar going that fast)

The burkes replaced all the older ships we got rid of towards the end of the 80's/early 90's. IE knox class FF's our Nuke CG's etc.
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Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #42 on: August 16, 2005, 05:37:02 PM »
I think nothing will top the ships that came out of WW2 for looks.

The Iowas are the great looking ships.

So were the cruisers of the Era, now they are all ugly and top heavy looking.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #43 on: August 16, 2005, 05:42:12 PM »
Nah Nils.. you have a mariners eye. The Iowa class BB's and the Baltimore Class Cruisers were among the most beautiful weapons of war ever built. The only othe country to build a modern warship that had the same panache were the Russians.

Baltimore Class

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Offline GtoRA2

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« Reply #44 on: August 16, 2005, 05:45:20 PM »
I dont doubt the Nukes can go that fast.

hmm only 30 nots.

Still faster then the OHP class frigate though?