Author Topic: Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers  (Read 4622 times)

Offline MOSQ

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« on: October 11, 2005, 11:53:20 AM »
Dateline Donut Map, October 10th 2005, 11:30PM PDT...........

The Bishop fun killers, reportedly led by Herblife, decide that FighterTown must be all Bish and nothing but Bish. No fun will be allowed for Furballer Freaks! The Bish overran Fighter Town, ruining everyone's else's chance for some fast furballing fights.

By 9:30PM PST the great Rook leader Karaya has had enough of this BS. Despite the fact the Rooks were being pinched on both sides by Nit/Bish attacks, and had even lost any bases near FighterTown, he called upon the Rooks to get it together and retake a series of bases leading directly toward FighterTown, then to jump the forbiddingly high mountains of the Donut Range and retake A21. Many Rooks responded to this call to arms. SHawk brought the WOT . Numerous other Rooks jumped onboard this quest for the Holy Grail of returning FT to the masses.

The quest started with retaking at least one airfield currently controlled by the Bish nearer the donut ring.  The battle began with the eventual capture of A33 and A40 after great loss of virtual life.  The Rooks are now in position to make a run for A21 but one more piece must be in place for the quest to be successful, Knight alliance. The mountains surrounding FT are too tall for an outside attack to stand a chance against the three closely spaced Bishop bases in FT for a normal attack to be able to maintain momentum through a capture.

Karaya enlists the great Knight leader WmLute in this quest. WmLute jumps at the chance to return the holy lands of FT to all countrys' control. In a very rarely seen event in the MA, the Knights and Rooks unite, declaring a truce and active allied support within the FT ring to defeat the Bish fun killers.

The first wave of Rooks cross the forbidding Donut Ring Mountains.  Your writer crossed the DRM in a Goon. At first Bish opposition was light as they could not beleive anyone would be so idiotic as to attempt a capture of FT surrounded by the DRMs. But their resistance quickly gathered as they realized this was a real attempt.

At the same time the first Knight assault wave also crossed the DRMs and met stiff resistance.

The battle at A21 raged. We all wondered if the truce would really work, and to our surprise it did. The first evidence was a Knight P-51 at A-21 working with SHawk to mash the Bish. < A few Rooks had to be educated on how to tell a Bish icon from a Knight icon. However this board will not allow me to post the terms we used when explaining how to tell them apart>.  Rooks and Knights fought till their gas ran out. Shawk reportedly crash landed with 16 + kills at A-21.  Another Rook had 20.

But to no avail. Herblife, the great defender of Bishop hegemony over fighter town, caught this writer's Goon at 16K over A21 and cut it to pieces. He then landed 5 kills in his 109G-10.

A second wave was called for. This time many more Rooks responded. Karaya continued to work the Red Phone to Knight HQ, coordinating our Allied Attack with WmLute.

This time the Rooks were successful despite suicidal attempts by Bish partisans to up at A-21.  Three Rook goons made the daunting trip over the Donut Range Mountains to drop their troops.

Immediately massive numbers of Rooks upped at 21 to flatten 167 and help the Nits retake 193. .  Again, Bish fun killers attempted to save FT for just the Bish, but Rook indignation and Nit ferocity was too much for them. The Rooks pounded 193 to dust, vulching the Bish the moment their planes appeard on the runway. This writer's most satisfying moment came when I vulched a P-38 and got the kill message on Herblife.

The Rooks kept the field capped until more Knight fighters and their Goon arrived.  It was amazing to see 20 Knight and 20 Rook fighters flying around together without a single friendly fire loss. The Knight goon came in and Rooks left before the auto ack came up.

That left the question of what to do about the Bishop base at 167?  A debate raged, some folks wanting to capture it and kick the Bish out of FT for a week. Others called for a continual Vulch green light there for the next week.  In the end Karaya and WMLute took the high ground, and the decision was made to let the Bish keep 167 and just vulch them for a while as punishment. The vulching at 167 continued for about 20 minutes with some Bish, notably Fariz, whining on 200 about the vulching at 167 by Rooks and Knights. The whining fell on deaf ears.

FT has been returned to it's rightful owners.  Let the Furballing Fun go on!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 12:31:55 PM by MOSQ »

Offline Schatzi

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2005, 12:02:43 PM »


to the participants. Dont let it be said this isnt a great community.

21 is only half the truth.

Offline mauser

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2005, 12:03:12 PM »
Glad I didn't have time to play last night then.  Sunday night was the first time I saw the Donut, and I immediately went to the FT.  I really liked it there, it was almost too much fun to handle.  Didn't see any attempts to capture any bases during my brief 2 hr session, only heard about a little vulch attempt (rook on knight-only one guilty party), and heard AKAK say he saw bombers (guess they died quickly).  All three sides were busy furballing.  So what brought all this about??

Offline Bronk

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2005, 12:05:47 PM »
Best AAR so far.
I aplaud all who were involved .

See Rule #4

Offline Casper1

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2005, 12:21:51 PM »
Nice job guys.  

Knights and Rooks...flying together.  WEIRD.

Offline hubsonfire

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 12:23:11 PM »

++Blue Knights++

Proper punctuation and capitalization go a long way towards people paying attention to your posts.  -Stoney
I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline Stang

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2005, 12:39:28 PM »


Offline MadSquirrel

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2005, 12:41:19 PM »
LOL, good write.

I am sure that the Rooks and Knights "Just Gave" those bases up to begin with.  Congrats to the "Day Crew" that took them.  I doubt anyone "Teamed Up" with the Bishops to take them.  Must have been a good fight, and would be an equally good write up.

And congrats to the Rooks and Knights that took them back.  That sweet allocation of resources allowed the Bishops some nice captures on the rest of the map.  :D

:aok To the Furballers.  We salute you.

LTARsqrl    :rofl
« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 12:55:27 PM by MadSquirrel »

Offline lasersailor184

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2005, 12:42:59 PM »
Just makes you want to yell, "America!  **** YEAH!"
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline pops949

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2005, 12:48:09 PM »
the Knights and Rooks unite, declaring a truce and active allied support within the FT ring to defeat the Bish fun killers.

And they called it the Rainbow Coalition.

Offline Casper1

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2005, 12:49:25 PM » thats why it feels weird....

Offline forHIM

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2005, 01:00:12 PM »
Sqrl -- I was on when they were taken and they were not just handed over.  The bish had a ton of bombers in the air.  They leveled each bases hangars and then took their sweet time killing the town (which caused them a bit of problem).  The knights were able to defend the first goon drop, but when the bish came back again with multiple formations of low level and mid level bombers with multiple goons, we couldn't withstand that onslaught.

Once the base fell, it was fun getting a fair amount of proxy kills as the bishop were having trouble landing.  I think I was up to 8 proxy kills as I walked through the bombed out town.  None of the proxies were straffing me, so I'm not sure what was happening.  

On a side note, did you know that the 45 cal handgun requires 19 shots to kill a 88 gun?

Offline MadSquirrel

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2005, 01:27:11 PM »
So, the Bishops had to fight a hard battle to take those bases from both the Rooks and the Knights.  Coordinating multiple Bombers and Goons.  Salute to the Rooks and the Knights for those fights.  

However, they did take those bases and without an "Alliance".  And I doubt that the Rook/Knight attack force just flew in with a Goon and dropped troops now did they?  Bomber or two maybe?  More than one Goon drop perhaps?

I am just saying that Rooks and Knights shouldn't toot their horns too loud without recognizing the effort that a single side expended taking those bases.

And back to the main idea, it was still a good write up.

19?  Never counted.  Always to worried it would turn on me. :eek:

« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 01:30:52 PM by MadSquirrel »

Offline MOSQ

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2005, 01:40:31 PM »

Thanks for the compliments on the write up.

However I think you are missing the underlying issue.

FT is for folks who want to get a quick fighter fight in. It's not for GVs, it's not for base captures. There's the whole rest of the map for that.

Second, it's much easier to capture bases in FT when you already have a base there, as the Bish did. The bases are so close that a mission can up and capture an enemy base before the enemy has a chance to mount an organized defense. Once the Bishops captured the other two bases, now it is almost impossible to retake them because of the Donut Ring Mountains surrounding FT. A goon takes 30 minutes to get over those mountains. The assualt force takes at least 15 mins to arrive from outside the mountains. meanwhile the Bish defenders can up from any of three bases and only be 3 mins away.

To retake FT from a single country requires the alliance of the other two countries resources.

I spent 2.5 hours last night flying a freaking goon to retake FT. I would much rather have spent that time battling LTARS outside FT and furballing inside FT for some quick fun.

The bottom line = leave FT for fighting, not capturng!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 01:43:10 PM by MOSQ »

Offline MadSquirrel

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Rooks and Knights Unite to Defeat Bish Fun Killers
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2005, 01:51:59 PM »
MOSQ, I agree.  To me FT is a waste of time.  But what I read is that it took both Rooks and Knights to take it back.  Rooks and Knights had just as much opportunity to defend those bases in the beginning as the Bishops did.  They failed.  Then some Bishops monopolized on that and took the bases.

I have never spent time in FT.  I believe the game is more like RISK.  Capture the map.  Why else have Map Rooms?  If all players want to do us Furball, buy MS Combat Flightsim 3 and play online.  Nothing but boring furballs no stop.

Does FT have troops there or do all troops have to be flown in?  When there is a field, does it have to have a town/Map Room?  If you just want to Furball, then why not got to the DA or make a "Special Furball" Room?

I am sorry, but if there is a map room people will capture it.  And not just Bishops.  Knights will and so will Rooks.  Don't fool yourself.  Bishops just got it first this time.

LTARsqrl    :aok