Author Topic: A timid Pilot  (Read 2030 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: A timid Pilot
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2005, 08:40:53 AM »
Originally posted by Bodhi
I would like to know what a timid pilot is.

I would also like to know how two players can engage in a 1 v 1 for 5 minutes and the one who loses can call the other a timid pilot and claim he is a better stick?

Seems to me that the pilot died, so he obviously is not the better stick....

Just an observation I saw tonight watching the banter from the losing pilot to the winner.

hands Bodhi another minnow :rofl

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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2005, 08:54:00 AM »
I found the exchange to be terribly amusing for a few moments, then it became trite and boring. Eventually, it flooded the text buffer and just got annoying. Typical of channel 200 chest thumping.

I'll never be good enough to be feared or even respected. Oh well, I don't need a game to measure my manhood.

The vast majority of "timid" calls are made by those who demand someone else fight them to their advantage. There are exceptions. None of it really matters.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Suave

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« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2005, 08:55:06 AM »
The epitome of the timid pilot is the guy in 2000 in a spit9 with ammo and alt who ran from me for 3 grids untill he ran out of gas. I was also in a spit9, he was srpaying when he went down.

His ack got me but it was worth it.

Another example is the guy in the 400+ mph getaway plane that won't come within 3k of you untill you're engaged with another plane.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2005, 09:03:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
Example: A few nights ago I was flying the P51D in the “Best” role. (Kill and not die)
I took bombs to A3 and destroyed a FH. I then exited the base hot on a freindlies trail (a spit was following him) I thought I would help him get the bandit off his six as he reported he had taken damage and he was going to have to land at A4. (A4 was HOT with NME)
I followed him in to A4.Within about 4 miles of the home base he barks out “ oh no. There’s a P38 ahead,” he sounded worried that he might get bounced. So I engaged the P38 From an E advantage as my fellow Bish landed safely at A4. Now…Do I fight the P38? Or just land and call it a good mission after getting m,y wingy home safely and dropping a FH at A3?  I decided to try my luck against the PJ. I turned back to the P38 who was trying to exit the area and get back home. I dove on his position and as suspected he did a wingover of sorts to reverse and get positioned for an HO merge. I pulled up gently in a climb as he glided under my belly…I extended in a gentle climb to about D2000 and repeated…he repeated also. At this point I knew I was going to have to try and close the Gap a bit, if i planned to land any hits. I reversed with a high yo-yo once again (a little closer this time,) and got shots on his canopy as he tried a break turn. I decided to stay in the saddle this time. I hit 2 flaps and rode out his six for about 270 deg’s of turn…as he started slipping away and inside my turn, I quickly disengaged knowing that my goose was about to get cooked. As I pulled into a climb at about 800 yrds and separating, he began laying rounds into my pony. I was getting nervous by now. I had 6 small holes in my right wing from Root to tip, and one BIG paint skint area in my left wing! I decided to level and extend a little faster. After he was about 2K behinde me he split off to RTB at his base about 15 miles away. I turned back and chased him to within 5 miles of his base and finished the now badly wounded PJ. the pilot was a "Known" good stick in the game. (Not going to mention names. No sloutch I assure you! I was glad I handled the fight the way I did after I knew who it was! Ahhh now we have arrived to the moral of this long winded story. LOL
Following the fight the "NME PILOT" gave me a textual toung lashing! LOL
Here is the transcript from the film viewer.

This is the transcript from the film with all other player text removed.

NME:200. you are the most boring timid pilot ive “flown” against in a long time.
MugZ:200 sorry bud
MugZ:200 ill DA with ya. It was one fight.
NME:200 . it was 1v1 there, whats the difference? I had wounded pilot after your first bounce.
MugZ:200. me in P51…you in P38J…I think I did what I had better done. Youd kicked my butt…I suck.
NME:200. glad you finally decided to come back after you was 5K away. When I was down to one engine.
MugZ:200. you didn’t say. Least I didn’t see if ya did.
NME:200 I said it a few times on 200
MugZ:200. . had I been more aggressive…youd have killed me. But I guess that woulda been ok?
NME:200 been more aggressive, you prolly woulda got me in one of my many blackouts. you pinged me up bit by bit
MugZ:200. you are mistaken..more aggressive..i woulda lost against you.
I really do suck
MugZ:200. sorry bout that then bud
At this point I checked the Roster because he wasn’t responding to my last 2 comments. He logged off.
Its this type of CH200 dialog that can cause many of us to get real tiered of AH.
A good stick gets caught with his hands down his pants and is toasted by a “Lesser” pilot.
Then the belly aching starts! One must practice good restrain and stay focused so he doesn’t FLY THEIR FIGHT!
Bottom line…He got his BUTT shot off, regardless of how it was done!
He explained how I “COULD" have killed him while his blood was staining the waters of the deep blue SEA.
Hope the Damn Sharks eat his stinky carcas!
The Moral of the story?....Fly the way you feel you need to. Ignor the NME....for he IS DEAD!  
In now way do i want to make the NME pilot that was engaged in this transaction feel bad. He is a good guy and i respect him. I believe this is the exchange that you are refering to sir.[/COLOR]
Distance of Extension depends on the NME AC and his E state

MugZ, with respects, the statement hilighted in red DOES NOT agree with the FACT that you posted the exchange at all. Had you not wanted to make him feel bad, you wouldn't have posted it at all.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2005, 09:32:40 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 10:32:00 AM by Skuzzy »
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Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2005, 09:48:58 AM »
Morpheus, I would have done the same thing you did in this instance.  Why?  It's easy to talk watermelon and call someone timid when a 1 vs 1, can EASILY turn into a 3 on 1 (this isn't a thought in the DA).  

Well done, you were NOT timid, you used your brain.   I've noticed that lately, that if people are in certain planes, they turn right in front of me.  They HAVE TO SEE ME!  It appears cockiness is coming to the MA, I'm glad, I'm landing the kills.  

Again, good job man!  <>

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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2005, 10:01:51 AM »
I knew exactly who the post was about and what incident it was about as well. The minute it started on 200 I had a good idea what happened.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2005, 11:02:11 AM »

I was never angry, just conflicted in how you could tell another pilot that he sucks, especially after he just got done whiping the floor with your's and 2 of your other buddies butts.  I knew it was just a bruised ego, but it deserved to be called.

Top it off with the homosexuality comments emminating from you, and it was really poor form.

It's all good though.
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« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2005, 11:25:19 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 10:32:34 AM by Skuzzy »
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2005, 11:27:18 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
MugZ, with respects, the statement highlighted in red DOES NOT agree with the FACT that you posted the exchange at all. Had you not wanted to make him feel bad, you wouldn't have posted it at all.

Thanks for pointing it out. :( Don't know what I was thinking. In the event that he would have read this post I didn't want him to think I didn't respect his skill or his person. That's why I didn't use his game ID. He is one of the Good guys, he was just frustrated. You know who you are. My apologies..Sorry :(

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2005, 11:30:11 AM »
Little note here. Just because there are 3 NME planes...Doesnt mean they are buddies. (Winging together or otherwise organized)

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2005, 11:30:13 AM »
See Rule #5
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 10:33:09 AM by Skuzzy »
I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

Offline x0847Marine

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Re: A timid Pilot
« Reply #42 on: December 18, 2005, 11:42:00 AM »
Originally posted by Bodhi
I would like to know what a timid pilot is.

I would also like to know how two players can engage in a 1 v 1 for 5 minutes and the one who loses can call the other a timid pilot and claim he is a better stick?

Seems to me that the pilot died, so he obviously is not the better stick....

Just an observation I saw tonight watching the banter from the losing pilot to the winner.

It's nothing but gamer rhetoric & opinion...

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2005, 12:02:19 PM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
Little note here. Just because there are 3 NME planes...Doesnt mean they are buddies. (Winging together or otherwise organized)

mugz please. were you there? mmmk then.

Maybe the comment on Ch200 about "better hurry up 109" while hs friends were roaring in tipped me off that he was in fact trying to set me up.

But of course you knew that. You were there. :rolleyes:

you should think twice before you post something. for your own good.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2005, 12:04:20 PM by Morpheus »
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Offline Cooley

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« Reply #44 on: December 18, 2005, 01:23:28 PM »
you should think twice before you post something. for your own good

lol,,,,,coming from you, that gave me a good laugh, ty :rofl
Cooleyof 367th