Author Topic: Rooks Wanted For Mission Alliance  (Read 10644 times)

Offline pluck

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Rooks Wanted For Mission Alliance
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2006, 10:29:42 AM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Fighter Town was a goof ... compared to the cheapjack crap I see committed by others on a regular basis it's trivial.

this is what i don't get.  i think most would agree that fighter town was placed on the map to encourage air to air fighting. a place to get into a quick fight.

so just for you own amusement, as a type of joke, you guys took one of these fields from another country, so now they can not participate in this action.  sounds kinda like griefing to me.

im not saying don't run missions, i fully understand that many enjoy the land grab part of the game.  but to take a field in fighter town as a goof, really for your own amusement, (as im sure the other country didn't appreciate it) doesn't seem to convey a respect for the rest of the community.

could you be a bit more specific as to what the "cheapjack crap" is that you are comparing this to?  not trying to get into "it" with you, just not sure i understand.
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline icemaw

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« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2006, 12:56:17 PM »
wow kewl sign me up
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Offline tedrbr

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« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2006, 01:16:30 PM »
Fightertown, Tank Town, and the like seem, IMHO, to be set up for quick action rather than the longer mission times in the rest of the MA.

If these mini arenas are to be sacrosanct within the MA, then it should be *impossible* to take them over.  The mountains should be 30K+ surrounding them.  On water maps, there should be a great empty sea surrounding these islands to discourage people from running a mission there.  Disable troops at them.  Disable ordanance if need be.  Place cities and factories next to the towns and airfields for constant resupply convoys.  Make it impossible to take down the FH's for any length of time or capture them.  

As is with any online game, if something can be done, it eventually will be done, despite what individuals care to think about it.  It happens.

How many defenders do you see up a fast fighter and ram the attacker that has flown for 15 to 20 minutes to get over a field to attack it in the first place?  It happens.

How many spies are there with dual accounts that monitor the channels and set spotters near active fields to report what's happening to other countries?  Or turncoats that give up their countrymen in channel 200 to the enemy? It happens.

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2006, 01:18:09 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
this is what i don't get.  i think most would agree that fighter town was placed on the map to encourage air to air fighting. a place to get into a quick fight.


Fighter Town was down for, what, 10 or 15 minutes? We came over in unescorted bombers maybe 2000 feet above the field. Hardly either a huge disturbance in that area or something intended to be a sure thing ... hell, a couple of you got kills in C47's from what I heard. Too funny.

When I landed my bombers what did I find at our FT field? Panzers and Osties that must have started driving to our base before we even took off in the bombers. Somehow spawn-camping a FT field in heavy armor is OK, right? Tell me how that "encourages air to air fighting" please.

What FT was intended for was a place for quick action - no long transit times. So it takes you less time to find something to HO or vultch. What goes on in FT is not much different than anywhere else - all that doesn't happen is base capture. If you want FT to be about A2A combat and nothing else - then disable bombers and ord and GV's and add a pile of manned AAA guns which repair in 2 minutes. But I suspect if vultching FT fields became more hazardous duty there'd be a lot less people in there.

You want cheapjack crap? OK.
  • How about the jerks who hide fleets so that losing a port doesn't give the people who worked for it the CV they should get.
  • How about the jerks who aren't bright enough to read a damn map and have to resort to planting spy accounts to know when enemy missions are lifting.
  • How about the jerks who park Panzers in hangars when a field is about to go down.
  • How about the "team players" who do nothing but pork-n-auger all night and waste the time of people who thought that the Tiffy at 12K would, like, fight instead of lawn-dart into the nearest outhouse.
  • How about the cretins who fiddle with their networking to induce such convenient warps - I saw one last night who's handle was "babyseal" - yeah, that's not a give away.
And this garbage happens constantly. All night every night. In comparison a novelty bomber raid on FT is trivial in terms of impact on the ambiance of the arena.

I'm not about to tell others how they should play the game. But lets be straight up about what goes on in the MA and keep some sense of perspective.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2006, 01:54:05 PM »
What's a 38?
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Offline Elyeh

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« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2006, 02:04:35 PM »
The Bish Base at FT went down and then was captured. So any bish who wanted to participate at FT could not.

That was screwed up.

You take down the FH's then get suprised when they up armor?:O

Offline LYNX

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« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2006, 02:26:01 PM »
~SOB~'s willing to participate in joint Ops BUT taking a field in FT or TT is a massive Tactical error.  Taking a FT or TT base should be the very last field, if at all, to secure a reset.

As you guys would have observed.  Since a Bish FT base was taken the Bishops were out on the loose in the main part of the arena.  The Rook guys tuck 1 FT base and lost upwards of 30 (THATS THIRTY) bases to the Bish roll.  They (Bish) had every player out and about whilst the Rooks and Knights had about 20 % of the player base duking it out in FT.

I'm pleased guys are happy with their base taking achievement but it was 110 % the wrong base to take.  We are still trying to get those lost bases back today (Saturday 25th).

Ok eneough said ERROR learned and understud, I hope.:aok

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2006, 03:37:14 PM »
Originally posted by Elyeh

You take down the FH's then get suprised when they up armor?:O

Read what I wrote ... the GV's were launched before we launched our bombers.

If the Bish went on a roll taking bases then the real mistake was not capturing the Knit FT base as well. Yes ... the error has been noted and we'll do better next time. Thanks for pointing it out.

Offline killnu

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« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2006, 03:48:02 PM »
actually, both the bish and nit bases were held by rooks this AM.  and it was fixed.
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Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2006, 03:56:13 PM »
Originally posted by killnu
actually, both the bish and nit bases were held by rooks this AM.  and it was fixed.

Oh ... well I wasn't there for either capture ... I left after the one  B17 run.

Offline eagl

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« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2006, 04:02:55 PM »

When you make a judgement that someone else's GAMEPLAY was an "ERROR", you're assuming that everyone actually cares about how many bases fall or that their enjoyment comes from taking/holding bases and meeting the "win" criteria in the main arena...

If that's what floats your boat, that's great.  Lots of others just want to have fun and if they have a lot of fun attacking one field, why does the loss of 30 "non-fun" fields make their good time an "ERROR" and the wrong thing to do?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but lots of players do not share your priorities in the arena and giving people grief over having fun isn't going to change their minds or turn them into obedient soldiers for your war effort.

Just my $.02
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Offline killnu

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« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2006, 04:53:34 PM »
eagl, think you may of took that the wrong way.  think he was tryin to say taking the bish FT base was the error.  it upset the bish, who didnt have FT to fly in anymore, so they started to steamroll bases in rooks north.  which is kinda against what the "win the war" types want.  if that makes sense.

the buff guys took a base to cause bish grief, which lead to them losing many bases.  think i just said same thing twice, but whatever.
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Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2006, 04:59:57 PM »
Originally posted by StracCop

90% of the guys who are 'Loose Cannons' are in squads.
The 'Loose Cannons Alliance' isn't a squad.  Like the name says, we're an alliance.  We have no commanding officer.  Guys organize missions and we join, its that simple.

We're just a bunch of players who like being part of big missions.
We enjoy working together as a group to achieve a common goal.

Any ROOK can participate in our missions any time they want: whether they are in a squad or not.

You boys the ones who done gone and ruined FT by taking all the bases?:rolleyes:

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Offline jaxxo

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« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2006, 05:07:20 PM »
right right and right....taking part in capturing ftrtwn is not only bad tactics but just annoys people...

Offline pluck

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« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2006, 06:15:03 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Fighter Town was down for, what, 10 or 15 minutes? We came over in unescorted bombers maybe 2000 feet above the field. Hardly either a huge disturbance in that area or something intended to be a sure thing ... hell, a couple of you got kills in C47's from what I heard. Too funny.

When I landed my bombers what did I find at our FT field? Panzers and Osties that must have started driving to our base before we even took off in the bombers. Somehow spawn-camping a FT field in heavy armor is OK, right? Tell me how that "encourages air to air fighting" please.

You want cheapjack crap? OK.
  • How about the jerks who hide fleets so that losing a port doesn't give the people who worked for it the CV they should get.
  • How about the jerks who aren't bright enough to read a damn map and have to resort to planting spy accounts to know when enemy missions are lifting.
  • How about the jerks who park Panzers in hangars when a field is about to go down.
  • How about the "team players" who do nothing but pork-n-auger all night and waste the time of people who thought that the Tiffy at 12K would, like, fight instead of lawn-dart into the nearest outhouse.
  • How about the cretins who fiddle with their networking to induce such convenient warps - I saw one last night who's handle was "babyseal" - yeah, that's not a give away.
And this garbage happens constantly. All night every night. In comparison a novelty bomber raid on FT is trivial in terms of impact on the ambiance of the arena.


yes, i agree 100% that those things are cheap jack crap, and point taken.

i also never said, and will never say rolling tanks and osties into FT to camp was an acceptable practice.  so i agree with you there too i think.  

from my point of view, tanks do not encourage ata combat....nor does killing FH's and taking the fields.  granted if you are flying bombers at 2k, and nobody stops you they probably deserve their FH's killed.
80th FS "Headhunters"