"Ann Coulter Answers The Significant Seven
Seven Questions We Ask Every Author
When she's not taking on the cadres of liberal elite or buried in preparing her latest columns for her own cadres of fans, pundit Ann Coulter leads a pretty darn interesting life. And to get a glimpse of it--not to mention her disarmingly charming sense of humor--check out the answers she gave to the Significant Seven questions that we like to run by every author. What book has had the most significant impact on your life? Ann Coulter: Matthew--no, wait: Mark. Luke was great, too. And I just loved John. You are stranded on a desert island with only one book, one CD, and one DVD--what are they? Coulter: Book: Getting off a Desert Island for Dummies. CD: Anything rap. I could while away the days correcting the grammatical errors. DVD: Red Dawn or Die Hard. No-- Doctor Strangelove. Actually, I don't care as long as it's not a rental. Those late fees will kill you. What is the worst lie you've ever told? Coulter: Hiring that hot Israeli guy for $100,000 and telling everyone he was my Homeland Security consultant. No, I'm sorry, that wasn't me. It was the time I said, "I'm sure some liberals love their country." Describe the perfect writing environment. Coulter: A clean, well-lit, heavily endowed university with a dozen unpaid college ghostwriters at my disposal. In other words, Al Franken's office. If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say? Coulter: "Can I please finish my thought, Alan?" Who is the one person living or dead you would like to have dinner with? Coulter: Sir Francis Bacon. Either him or this really cute guy who just moved into my building. Whichever. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Coulter: The United States of America. Oh--that isn't what you mean? Then x-ray vision. That way I could become the first blond white female ever hired as an airport security checkpoint guard."