Author Topic: France sides with Hezbollah  (Read 4692 times)

Offline PonyDriver

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France sides with Hezbollah
« on: August 08, 2006, 10:17:22 PM »,2933,207454,00.html

I was surprised the French govt didn't demand sooner that the Israeli's abandon Lebanon, thus enabling the Hezbo's to launch rockets deeper into Israel as we know thay won't honor any ceasefire agreement for long.*

Count on the French to do this, as near as I can tell their government lacks entirely the ability to discern that there truly is a right and wrong, a good and evil.  Maybe when the Islamic extremists are goose stepping through the Arc de  Triomphe they will gain enough virtue to know the difference.

*The Koran states that the "faithful" need not honor any agreeements with non-believers.

Offline Debonair

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 10:40:03 PM »
"france is teh ghey" is right up there with "sandwiches are pretty good" or "oxygen is important to me".
IMHO, not threadworthy as i BTT:noid :noid :noid :O :t :t :furious :furious :furious :cool:

Offline AWMac

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 11:13:47 PM »
Besides if France did become a part of the Intl force in Lebenon they would have surrendered....

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Offline Neubob

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Re: France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2006, 11:23:25 PM »
Originally posted by PonyDriver
Maybe when the Islamic extremists are goose stepping through the Arc de  Triomphe they will gain enough virtue to know the difference.

What do you mean when?

Offline Shuckins

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2006, 12:47:03 AM »
The French will only support the Israeli cause when they reap some financial benefit from it.

Offline LePaul

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2006, 12:59:07 AM »
After all the riots and such from the summer of '05...I'm not surprised.

And Im sorry, France aint had a backbone for ages.

The French cant seem to stand anyone that isnt as moronic as they are.

Makes me glad my relatives ditched the country in the 1800s

Offline moot

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2006, 01:18:56 AM »
In effect, the thread's OP is probably accurate, as are its concurent replies.. but it's so obviously distorted by absence of almost any practical understanding of the french point of view, it boggles the mind.

I'll say why I dislike living in France.  It's the sideline jeering.
Calling foreigners dirty, and foreigners calling the french dirty.  The same lazy complacency that foreigners are just no good, inherently to their unfrenchiness, much the same way Neubob described with his dinner table analogy.
From the US, in average, it gets the simple "white flag" earmark, which is like I said, accurate in effect.
What itches is seeing the same armchair kneejerk "intellect" coming from not anyone else, but a country that's supposed to be in a position to mock that surrendermonkey mentality.

When you fail to thoroughly understand that which you wish to passively or actively defeat, you give up the tools required to defeat it and surrender to joining into bigotedness.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 01:46:03 AM by moot »
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Offline Elfie

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2006, 01:40:11 AM »
Originally posted by Debonair
"france is teh ghey" is right up there with "sandwiches are pretty good" or "oxygen is important to me".
IMHO, not threadworthy as i BTT:noid :noid :noid :O :t :t :furious :furious :furious :cool:

Do you ever make any worthwhile posts?
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In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline straffo

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2006, 02:37:51 AM »
Originally posted by Elfie
Do you ever make any worthwhile posts?

His post still have more values than the post of Neubob or AWMac

Offline PonyDriver

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2006, 02:45:24 AM »
I've heard POV's from French persons but not their government.  To a man it's always the same, they simply lack the moral clarity to agree that there is evil in the world, that there are bad people who are  willing to kill others simply because of differring ideology. They always want to make both sides of the conflict to be equally culpable.  It's this lack of moral strength that baffles me... it's literally, from my POV, as if Euope and France specifically learned nothing from the mistakes of those who twiddled their thumbs as Hitler prepared for war.
 I believe that the French live in fear of Islamic terrorism and wish to avoid being attacked, thus their current position.  There really is no other logical conclusion to draw(beyond siding with anyone who hates America, or anti-semitism). Like Chamberlain, you can only dance with the devil so long before you get burned.  The French are solving nothing, only delaying the problem and in the prcess exacerbating it.
 Today's European(at least those on this board and those i speak with) would probably try to mitigate the actions of Nazi Germany by placing blame elsewhere....whether it's the Jews, England, or their old standby fall guy, the USA.

Offline moot

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2006, 03:05:25 AM »
I can't tape and host it at the moment, but if you want some pertinent no-BS info, "Le vrai journal" by Karl Zero, on Canal Plus, is a good political brief.
It's not neutral, but incisive and articulate enough that you have no trouble discerning facts from suggestion.  

Speaking of moral strentgh, aren't constitutional and other political erosions in the US due to a similar lack of integrity on the population's part?  
What's the voting abstention percentage again?  
Where's the opposition to corruption of things like illegals and privacy?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 03:08:35 AM by moot »
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Offline PonyDriver

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2006, 03:14:10 AM »
Speaking of moral strentgh, aren't constitutional and other political erosions in the US due to a similar lack of integrity on the population's part?

I believe so, yes. Many of our citizens have the same malaise when it comes to morality.  Another sickening trend here is that people will cast aside what beliefs/morals they have because they want their party in power.  Individual politicians routinely commit unconscionable acts for fear of offending one block of voters or another, even though the path seems painfully clear.  I use the case of our open borders as an example.  The combined house won't take decisive action for fear of offending the hispanic vote.... this is unforgiveable to me.  They do this in spite of the fact that over 80% of the voting public wants the borders closed.

another sickening example of politicians fear of losing votes is their pandering to the few who want to erase things like  "In god we trust" from our currency.  These people represent less than 4% of our population yet the politicians entertain these ideas simply because the 4% are more vocal thant the other 96%.  It's embarrassing .... rediculous.

Offline moot

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2006, 03:22:54 AM »
Yes, and these traits aren't a matter of nationality..
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Offline PonyDriver

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2006, 03:25:43 AM »
I agree.  I didn't mean to imply that this is a French problem. In fact, I consider it to be an alarming trend here in the US. In other words, I don't think it is some small thing, but rather something that will cause problems for us domestically and abroad should this continue to spread as it seems to be.

Offline Momus--

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France sides with Hezbollah
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2006, 03:52:15 AM »
Lots of the usual smack talking here and not a single person has even got close to the main point that Fox manages not to mention.

The proposed multinational force for Lebanon would be under French leadership. To me, that gives them a bigger say in the conditions under which it enters Lebanon than the US government and the peanut gallery at the AH O'club.

How many troops for a stablisation force has the USA offered? How about none at all. Why might that be? Because your incompetent administration has got you bogged down in Iraq while simultaeneously assuring that no arab state moderate or otherwise is likely to see the US as an honest broker are my guesses.

Originally posted by PonyDriver
I believe that the French live in fear of Islamic terrorism and wish to avoid being attacked, thus their current position.  There really is no other logical conclusion to draw(beyond siding with anyone who hates America, or anti-semitism). Like Chamberlain, you can only dance with the devil so long before you get burned.  The French are solving nothing, only delaying the problem and in the prcess exacerbating it.
 Today's European(at least those on this board and those i speak with) would probably try to mitigate the actions of Nazi Germany by placing blame elsewhere....whether it's the Jews, England, or their old standby fall guy, the USA.

Stuff and nonsense. Hezbollah isn't Nazi germany. It's not even fascist italy. That you think a threat like this truly poses a threat of the level you are suggesting just demonstrates how little you understand it.

France arguably has a record of fighting Islamic terrorism better than that the USA. At least they actually manage to catch the perpetrators of attacks against them or even prevent the attacks in the first place.

Conversley, the US has probably done more to encourage radical islamism in the last few decades than it has to constrain it, unless you're going to give yourselves a pass over your relationship with the Saudis, the Pakistanis, the Afghan jihadis, the KLA etc etc.

No western country including France really has an issue with a campaign against terrorism, only with the idiotic and counter productive way that your administration insists on conducting it. That global terrorism has actually increased massively since Bush declared war on it underlines this point.

Originally posted by Shuckins
The French will only support the Israeli cause when they reap some financial benefit from it.

If that's a veiled reference to the so-called oil for food scandal, I guess you missed the part where it was revealed that US interests were getting more lucre than the French, didn't you? The part where the United States Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations found that 52% of all oil for food kickbacks were paid to US interests or individuals? Yup, I guess you missed it.