Author Topic: Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High  (Read 6852 times)

Offline Bingo73

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #105 on: December 07, 2006, 11:32:48 AM »
To me it seems that the 38 is a plane that takes constant working to fly to it's limits. You're constantly working the throttle, flaps, trim, etc. to get the thing to perform..but when you DO hit that magic can really shine. It's not an easy mode plane by any means...and I myself have many wonderous moments watching the flames dance across my wings as I plummet to the earth. But I'm learning. I just recently discovered how much of a difference banging in manual trim will help the 38 in a fight.

And for all the nay sayers that talk about how easily they beat up on a 38...running into folks like me...and running into folks like killn, or lazer, or any of the other hot 38 sticks are 2 totally different things. I myself have had the displeasure of being on the wrong end of killnu's 38 wrath. I still haven't figured out how he reversed that thing that fast..all I know if that I got a cockpit full of 20mm's..then my wings fell off.
Oh..and I was in a turn fight with him and I was an F4U-1. It was nasty. hehehe

Offline Boxboy

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #106 on: December 07, 2006, 12:23:51 PM »
As I read this thread it occurred to me what great job HT and his crew have done to make and model so many planes that the "Grogs" can acctually argue the technical aspects of each.

I never flew any of the planes HT and crew have modeled, but I am sure glad to have the chance to at least "come close" to the experience in AH.
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Offline Kweassa

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #107 on: December 07, 2006, 12:50:58 PM »
You're a 109 fanboy. I expect no more from you.

 And you're a typical rationalizer, who so often attributes the lack of one's own success to a alleged "fault" in the game, without pausing even for a second that it just might be because you simply suck.

 Occam's Razor anyone?

None the less, I am bound to point out for the benefit of others that the key is liftloading. Lift not only determines climbing ability, it also determines turning ability.

 Cockamamie heap of bullshi* if you ask me.

 Unless you want to rewrite the entire history of aerophysics itself the two prime factors of determining turn performance is wing-loading and powerloading, none other. Turning a plane is essentially climbing function which the plane's lift is redirected to make it possible to initiate and sustain the turn itself, which is what makes the wing-loading in most cases the primary factor in turn performance. However it is also a motion inducing heavy amounts of drag, which is where the power loading becomes so important, since a favorable figure indicates the plane has enough excess thrust to overcome the drag induced by the turn itself.

 A good lift loading is at best a supplementary concept which includes in the equation the areas of the plane besides the wing that might be able to produce additional lift.

 Here you come so far as to claim a plane that is both severely heavier in mass, and has substantially heavier weight for each square foot of the wing to support during the turning motion, should outturn a plane which both key elements of turing far more favorable.

 Simply put, you are claiming that P-38 which its own two wings must bear far more weight, and its engine must work much harder, can turn better than a lighter 109 less than half its own weight with lighter weight to bear on each of the wings, and a more powerful power-to-mass ratio.

 In order for that to be possible the areas of the P-38 excluding the engine and the wings must produce either thrust, lift, or both, which is large enough to overcome the clear initial disadvantages. So just how exactly does the torso of the P-38 produce lift or thrust that is powerful to overcome the differences in the two most important factors measured for determining turn performance? Equipped with a anti-grav field generator or something? Kelly Johnson made the P-38 into a "flying wing"?

 The P-38 has a fantastic lift loading for a plane of its size and weight. A plane with two engines, double the number of fuselage, double the weight of its contemporaries, and yet competitive enough to function as a day fighter. However, that's just about it. Other bits and parcels of its 'magic' comes from its torqueles characteristic, efficient flaps, and skill of the pilots which under certain conditions made it possible to outturn planes with potentially better turning capabilities - not from the plane itself.

The P-38 had a fantastic climb rate of approximately 4,800 feet per minute at war emergency power. Your foolish wingloading argument sort of falls apart there.

 You seem to have this peculiar way of thought that words like fantastic or great apply to only one of contendors. For some reason if one plane is "fantastic" in a certain area, you automatically assume that others were not.

 Ironically, the simple fact that no P-38 ever outclimbed a contemporary 109 discloses your delusion for what it is. As fantastic as the P-38 was in climbing, there were better fish in the pool. One of them by chance, turns out to be of German construction, whether you like it or not.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2006, 01:18:36 PM by Kweassa »

Offline Benny Moore

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #108 on: December 07, 2006, 02:21:01 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Ironically, the simple fact that no P-38 ever outclimbed a contemporary 109 discloses your delusion for what it is. As fantastic as the P-38 was in climbing, there were better fish in the pool. One of them by chance, turns out to be of German construction, whether you like it or not.

The 109 was not a better climber than the P-38.  That's another one of your myths that come from incorrect flight simulators.

Offline Major Biggles

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #109 on: December 07, 2006, 02:25:32 PM »
Originally posted by Benny Moore
The 109 was not a better climber than the P-38.  That's another one of your myths that come from incorrect flight simulators.

wow, i can't figure out what you are...

stupid, stubbord or both?

38 is a fantastic ride, but don't believe everything the history channel tells you. and it isn't undermodelled at all, it's one of the best planes in the set, you're obviously a cruddy pilot... you aren't using stall limiter are you?

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Offline Benny Moore

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #110 on: December 07, 2006, 02:36:55 PM »
History channel?  I do not watch television.  I have far better things to do with my mind.  You need to stop believing whatever you see in aerial combat simulators.  I've done literally thousands of hours of serious research on the 38, more than any of you will ever do on any airplane in your life.  You are believing a myth propagated by fools who think that they can "calculate" the result of a very complex operation by using simple equations.  These people will actually tell you, "There's no way a 15,000 pound aircraft will turn with a 7,000 pound aircraft."  It's madness; by that logic, the F-15 should not be able to out-turn a B-17, since the F-15 is heavier.  But there are dozens of factors which must be taken into consideration, not just weight.

The hard facts are that the P-38 had a much better lifting wing than the Me-109, had much better flaps than the 109, and had better powerloading than the 109.  Wingloading is only a small part of turning ability, whatever Kweassa says.  And although he refuses to admit it, a great many P-38s were rated far higher than the official United States Army Air Force ratings.  It wasn't an exclusive experiment performed on two or three Lightnings, it was a widespread practice.  The opposite cannot be said of the Kraut ships.  Warren Bodie gives the top speed of the P-38L as about 440 M.P.H., a far cry from the popular but incorrect figure of 414 M.P.H.

The P-38 out-turned and outclimbed anything Germany ever sent up, and outdived them at low altitude (below 15,000 feet).  After the J model, it also outrolled them except for at low speeds.  The FW-190 lost its roll rate advantage over the P-38L at about three hundred and fifty miles per four.  The only time the 38 had difficulties with German fighters was at high altitude, where its engines could not produce enough power to fully utilize the maneuvering flaps and diving capability was reduced before the advent of the dive flaps.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2006, 02:43:32 PM by Benny Moore »

Offline Major Biggles

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #111 on: December 07, 2006, 02:47:24 PM »
keep in mind that most young pilots will always exaggerate ;)

if you have some serious data with good evidence to back your claims, and really think it's undermodelled, put something together and send it to HTC, i'm sure they'd love to have it, and if you can prove it, i'm sure they'd adjust the flight model to be as accurate as possible.

on the 38 turn rate, yes, it was high, but keep in mind that dogfights in real life are very different to AH, as most engagements happened at much higher speeds (38 will kick the crap out of anything at med to high speed). the german rides were much smaller and lighter, so once they got slow, they were far more nimble.

the 38 is a beast in AH, you just need to know what you're doing with it. and if you ARE flying with stall limiter on, that's where your problem is :aok

71 'Eagle' Squadron RAF

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #112 on: December 07, 2006, 02:47:32 PM »
Are you trying to say that in all of world war II no german plane ever out turned  or out climbed  or for that matter out performed a 38 in a fight?

If thats the case then other then from ground fire.
Its a wonder any 38 pilot ever got shot down
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Offline Benny Moore

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #113 on: December 07, 2006, 02:56:36 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Are you trying to say that in all of world war II no german plane ever out turned  or out climbed  or for that matter out performed a 38 in a fight?

Given equal terms (roughly equal energy states and pilot skill), yes, no German plane ever outturned or outclimbed the P-38 below perhaps 20,000 feet.  The FW-190 could match the P-38 in performance, however, and was possibly better at vertical maneuvering.

The P-38 turned best at low speeds (below 250 M.P.H.), not high.  Once again you fellows get it wrong.  The Messerschmitt had an initial turn advantage, but once the speeds dropped a bit and sustained turn came into play, the P-38 would catch up.


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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #114 on: December 07, 2006, 03:14:37 PM »
Originally posted by Benny Moore
Given equal terms (roughly equal energy states and pilot skill), yes, no German plane ever outturned or outclimbed the P-38 below perhaps 20,000 feet.  The FW-190 could match the P-38 in performance, however, and was possibly better at vertical maneuvering.


thats not what I asked though.

But you answered wonderfully.

"Given equal terms (roughly equal energy states and pilot skill)"

How often do all those things come together at the same time in the game?

Very rarely

And thering lies your answer as to if the 38 is undermodeled or not
and why you might be getting out turned


furthermore Your going by test data
Tests are not combat conditions.

whole host of variables your not taking into account
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #115 on: December 07, 2006, 03:52:17 PM »
Originally posted by Benny Moore
History channel?  I do not watch television.  I have far better things to do with my mind.  You need to stop believing whatever you see in aerial combat simulators.  I've done literally thousands of hours of serious research on the 38, more than any of you will ever do on any airplane in your life.  You are believing a myth propagated by fools who think that they can "calculate" the result of a very complex operation by using simple equations.  These people will actually tell you, "There's no way a 15,000 pound aircraft will turn with a 7,000 pound aircraft."  It's madness; by that logic, the F-15 should not be able to out-turn a B-17, since the F-15 is heavier.  But there are dozens of factors which must be taken into consideration, not just weight.

The hard facts are that the P-38 had a much better lifting wing than the Me-109, had much better flaps than the 109, and had better powerloading than the 109.  Wingloading is only a small part of turning ability, whatever Kweassa says.  And although he refuses to admit it, a great many P-38s were rated far higher than the official United States Army Air Force ratings.  It wasn't an exclusive experiment performed on two or three Lightnings, it was a widespread practice.  The opposite cannot be said of the Kraut ships.  Warren Bodie gives the top speed of the P-38L as about 440 M.P.H., a far cry from the popular but incorrect figure of 414 M.P.H.

The P-38 out-turned and outclimbed anything Germany ever sent up, and outdived them at low altitude (below 15,000 feet).  After the J model, it also outrolled them except for at low speeds.  The FW-190 lost its roll rate advantage over the P-38L at about three hundred and fifty miles per four.  The only time the 38 had difficulties with German fighters was at high altitude, where its engines could not produce enough power to fully utilize the maneuvering flaps and diving capability was reduced before the advent of the dive flaps.

If you really want to set Kweassa off, just mention how the auto-flap retracting system is a hand holding coddling feature for those that don't know how to use flaps properly.  hehehe

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #116 on: December 07, 2006, 03:59:06 PM »
Originally posted by Major Biggles

on the 38 turn rate, yes, it was high, but keep in mind that dogfights in real life are very different to AH, as most engagements happened at much higher speeds (38 will kick the crap out of anything at med to high speed).

Actually, at medium speeds is the P-38s weakness against the more nimble planes.  At medium speeds a P-38 will be chewed up by a Spitfire if the P-38 driver is dumb enough to turn with the Spit.  Againts planes like the P-51, Typhoon/Tempest, FW190's the P-38 can turn with them at medium speeds with out any troubles.    I always tell those that ask for advise with the P-38 is to keep the fight at of the medium speed range if you're going against planes like the Spitfire, Hurricane and N1K2 and instead try to get the fight in the high speed range or if you're stuck in a turn fight to get the fight really slow in the stall speed ranges so you can take advantage of the superior low speed handling, zero torque and gentle stall characteristics of the P-38.  But as with all things in life, YMMV.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Murdr

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #117 on: December 07, 2006, 05:07:57 PM »
Originally posted by Benny Moore
I've done literally thousands of hours of serious research on the 38, more than any of you will ever do on any airplane in your life.

I don't know, you might want to fact check that one with SaVaGe, Widewing, and Guppy just to name a few. ;)

Offline Guppy35

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #118 on: December 07, 2006, 05:17:59 PM »
The problem is, that whenever you go overboard researching any aircraft, you lose perpective on it.

We've had a 190 fanatic like that and a 109 fanatic.

No matter what you said, they had some 'fact' or piece of 'data' to counteract it.

That fanaticism gives the rest of the fans of that particular ride a bad taste.

I'd suggest Widewing and SaVaGe could go toe to toe on 38 Data with anyone, and I'd probably stack my 38 library up against anyones, but I'm more interested in the guys who flew it and their units, not the data on horsepower settings and turn radius.  That stuff starts to put me to sleep :)

But then again I think the 38 in AH is just fine and have a ball flying it.  I'd be hard pressed to tell AH and company they've done it wrong :)
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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #119 on: December 07, 2006, 05:59:54 PM »
The p-38 is a very good fighter,if flown coerrectly,this holds true of any fighter in the group.I think that most planes are pilot dependent.I've seen spits that fought good,spits that didnt.It was the pilot not the plane.

To claim that the 38 is a better turner than the 109 is true,no way can a  109 turn in consistant flat turns with a 38,it doesnt turn tighter ,sharper,harder or any other word that could define yanking and banking.I have personally never stated that the 109 could out turn the 38.

However turning a flat circle and chaseing a planes tail is only a very small part of any fight and to more accomplished pilots than  myself,the fight ussually dont last long enough to get into the "luftberry"Once you take into consideration the "torque roll"of the 109 vs the roll rate of the 38,the fight quickly shifts in faver of the 109.I've been out zoom climbed by many 38 stiks,I've discovered than against most American planes once they get below 150mph,they have difficulty going nose up and this is what I use to beat them with,I slow scissors fight that has the 109 constantly pulling nose high over the 38,if the 38 breaks to extend,the 109 acclerates fast enough to catch it.

The best turner doenst always win,the fastest plane doesnt allways win,the best climber doesnt always win,but the best pilot will nearly alway win the engagement.

The best 38 stik I've dueled to this date are in this order as I see them,based on the performance and number of times they beat me in my 109

1.RONIN--he's in my squad

2.Killnu--great competitor and adjust on the fly,once he's behind the centerline,you might as well order the tombstone.

3.Paws--can twist that 38G like no one I've seen

4.1337DOOD--really fun fights and will get most times in MA,of course Koncho    is always lurking in the shadows,but it's always the best fight of the night.

P-38 vs ME109 1v1 duels

Here are some duels I've had against the P-38 while in my 109.Some I win some I lose and some I just get plain ole lucky.Some of these have been posted before ,some have not.

Also for those who are curious about E-fighting vs angles fighting ,Arial does a great job of mantaining alt and E when dueling,I found this to be some what to my disadvantage as I have a tendency to blow E for angles and then I had to try to recover from the lower position.

Please feel free to critique and if you need any films hosted ,contact myself or "DOMIN" our site admin.