Author Topic: No Honor  (Read 3463 times)

Offline Sweet2th

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« Reply #75 on: June 26, 2007, 01:25:30 PM »
Originally posted by P47Gra
Dee Da Dee

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« Reply #76 on: June 26, 2007, 01:38:37 PM »
Originally posted by Platano
I dont understand all this cacamania talk about Honor and Respect and wat nots in a game :huh :confused: :huh

Just last night I uped from a field in a 109g2 with a lone k4 and 110 strafing the town... I knew the k4 was a clueless tyke cuz hes strafing buildings in a k4...ok so Boom he's dead...the 110 is on autoclimb about 1k on top of me, probably afk. So I hit the WEP making my DB605 scream for all she could climbing up to this 110 and some other friendly comes on vox and says "hey plat, I think the 110's afk, you gonna shoot em down?" I'm like Hell yea. Then he's like "ok but there no honor in it"

In my head im like and? so wat. I can give two chits if he's AFK or not.

Honor? Pffttt... PUH-leeeze...

Oh BTW the 110 went boom-boom too :aok

 i love those afk killz

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #77 on: June 26, 2007, 03:44:15 PM »
Most of my deaths happen when I get bored on the 10+ minute hop to an cartoon airfield one inch away on the clipboard and I end up minimising the stupid game to come read this stupid Bsb or something equally as stupid....

There is no honor in what?  sitting on a fart cushion staring into a LCD virtually interacting with a bunch of other hosers with lots of better things to do but without the sense to do them?

I agree :aok  but it is so much fun ;)
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Souless

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« Reply #78 on: June 26, 2007, 03:54:32 PM »
         years ago thats the way it was here for the most part.
Now with the many numerous players and horde mentality it would be a very rare occurance for that to happen.
I gave up letting a crippled plane go along time ago when they stopped letting me go as well.
Just my 2 cents

Offline ghi

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« Reply #79 on: June 26, 2007, 04:25:51 PM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
You are a moron!  Apparently, you don't know you are a moron, so you continue typing moronic statements like this one here in the BBS.  Shut it, HO twit!:aok

HTC shouldn't alow this kind of vocabulary, your insults on the game chat and BB are tolerated for years and make this game a disgusting experience for lot of players

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #80 on: June 26, 2007, 04:33:39 PM »
Originally posted by ghi
HTC shouldn't alow this kind of vocabulary, your insults on the game chat and BB are tolerated for years and make this game a disgusting experience for lot of players

ghi, u pik me out of all the 200 comments and cpid's that are offensive for this comment??? look right at the end's a smiley face that's winking!  Why would you take this so seriously????  

Seriously, Ghi get a life and get off my ankle.  I have nearly 100 screenshots of 200 bantor involving name calling, sexual refrences, personal attacks, attacks about peoples family's, threats, and the list goes on from many different individuals.  If you have a problem with me, then make sure you take your foot out of your mouth before singling me out!  
Just from this thread:

from yeager in this thread, "or to get ghey with some "childish honor code"

from Halycon in this thread  "Why are you such a ******* anyway?"

now would you like to see some from the other threads???

« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 04:52:13 PM by SkyRock »

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline Noir

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« Reply #81 on: June 26, 2007, 05:00:54 PM »
Any plane is a danger, any plane is a potential kill. I don't follow damaged planes only if it would put me in danger E wise, except when I'm an "arranged" fight.

Believing in the net chivalry will hurt you more than actually dieing in a HO :) I often fight with Bruv119 for exemple, we respect each other but we are mercyless, he won't hesitate to HO me in his tempest if he thinks I can't meet the angle, and I'll do the same.

And don't underestimate flaming planes, they are ready to give up everything to have a last kill before they go boom.

Cruel virtual world isn't it ? :t
now posting as SirNuke

Offline Knegel

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« Reply #82 on: June 27, 2007, 01:38:31 AM »
Originally posted by P47Gra

Do you guys really think that the fighter jocks didnt go after a wonded duck or an RTB bomber.  Dam straight they would.  As some of you know my Grandad was a Jug pilot and he said there was no quarter given on any day.  That pilot in your gunsight was coming for you also and would fill the plane and you full of cannon.   I think the only time I would give a guy a break was when he bails and a CHUTE lights up.  I enjoy bailing and watch the guy who shot me down get flamed by a squadie of mine.  Yeah baby.  Revenge is sweet.  

So Stop Whining.  Sounds like a Bish

Several times it did happen that a wounded Bomber dont got shot down. Mainly they got forced to land, one time for sure a german 109g pilot did lead the badly damaged B17, which lost orientation, over the coast, so it could rtb.
The german pilot later did live in canada, where someone found him 60 years later to thank him.
Also while BoB such things did happen.  
I did read several storys where pilots of the damaged plane wrote about oponents who stopped the attack after the plane wasnt combat worthy anymore.
To shoot to pilots under the chute or to obvious not combat worthy planes imho is like killing POW´s which obvious will get freed within the next day´s.
Thats the morale of the dark age, "its war" is only a cheap excuse for the murders among the soldiers.

If we agree that killing soldiers under the chute or in a not combat worthy plane is ok to prevent that this solder will fight me again, then its also ok to kill the complete enemy population, to prevent that i need to fight them again(if Napoleon would have killed all Prussians in 1803, he wouldnt have lost Waterloo etc).

Such things are against our main religion and against the general condex of honour as well.      

Who agree to such tactics shouldnt complain about terrorism, massacres and torture. Stalin, Hitler and some terrorists from today was/are like this, do we want to be in the same class, with the excuse "its war"??

Actually i cant understand that people come up with such a crappy argument in a "War Game", where the word game alone implement sportmanschip and fair play.

Many Soldiers in WWII was willing and able to follow the codex of honour, despite the HO particular gave other commands, why we should take the others as "good example" to follow??

Only my opinion.


Offline halcyon

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« Reply #83 on: June 27, 2007, 01:50:38 AM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
ghi, u pik me out of all the 200 comments and cpid's that are offensive for this comment??? look right at the end's a smiley face that's winking!  Why would you take this so seriously????  

Seriously, Ghi get a life and get off my ankle.  I have nearly 100 screenshots of 200 bantor involving name calling, sexual refrences, personal attacks, attacks about peoples family's, threats, and the list goes on from many different individuals.  If you have a problem with me, then make sure you take your foot out of your mouth before singling me out!  
Just from this thread:

from yeager in this thread, "or to get ghey with some "childish honor code"

from Halycon in this thread  "Why are you such a ******* anyway?"

now would you like to see some from the other threads???


Okay I'm going to attempt to be civil, adult, and serious here, and I hope SkyRock that you can return the favor.

Smiley face or not, your original comment of me being a moron and a HO twit is immature, childish, and just rude. It's not funny, even with the smiley face at the end.
The context in which it's taken is negative, and maybe if you had only said that it might have been passed off as a "hehe okay good one." But from observing what you say in game and in the forums here, your general attitude and demeanor is all about "I'm the best and you suck." Maybe that's not what you're trying to say, but that's how it's coming off.

Continually insulting people, putting people down, and boasting about how good you are constantly gets old very quick, and people start to just either ignore it, take it personally, or worse.
Myself, I don't take it personally because I believe you're just trying to keep people on their toes and you figure you're trying to harden their skin against verbal taunts.
But seriously...there's a line and I think you've crossed it. Just letting you know from an adult point of view. It's up to you, but I would suggest toning down the ego a bit and try using non detrimental could be surprised at how it turns out. :)

Offline Sloehand

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« Reply #84 on: June 27, 2007, 03:34:05 AM »
Originally posted by halcyon
Okay I'm going to attempt to be civil, adult, and serious here, and I hope SkyRock that you can return the favor.

Smiley face or not, your original comment of me being a moron and a HO twit is immature, childish, and just rude. It's not funny, even with the smiley face at the end.
The context in which it's taken is negative, and maybe if you had only said that it might have been passed off as a "hehe okay good one." But from observing what you say in game and in the forums here, your general attitude and demeanor is all about "I'm the best and you suck." Maybe that's not what you're trying to say, but that's how it's coming off.

Continually insulting people, putting people down, and boasting about how good you are constantly gets old very quick, and people start to just either ignore it, take it personally, or worse.
Myself, I don't take it personally because I believe you're just trying to keep people on their toes and you figure you're trying to harden their skin against verbal taunts.
But seriously...there's a line and I think you've crossed it. Just letting you know from an adult point of view. It's up to you, but I would suggest toning down the ego a bit and try using non detrimental could be surprised at how it turns out. :)

I would add that some people who behave as you describe here, appear to enjoy pissing others off just for the fun of it.  This is half the game to them, sometimes even more.  These are 'griefers' who are really just closet sadists by nature.  In the real world, most would get their teeth kicked in if they behaved with people as they do in here.  Anonimity of the Internet is such a wonderful gift to them.  This is their 'escape', 'entertainment' and 'relaxation' from reality -- where  they can try to inflict whatever verbal pain they can in an effort to boost their fragile egos.  They are pretty easy to spot and generally ignore.
Jagdgeschwader 77

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Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #85 on: June 27, 2007, 03:57:47 AM »
Originally posted by halcyon
Okay I'm going to attempt to be civil, adult, and serious here, and I hope SkyRock that you can return the favor.

Smiley face or not, your original comment of me being a moron and a HO twit is immature, childish, and just rude. It's not funny, even with the smiley face at the end.
The context in which it's taken is negative, and maybe if you had only said that it might have been passed off as a "hehe okay good one." But from observing what you say in game and in the forums here, your general attitude and demeanor is all about "I'm the best and you suck." Maybe that's not what you're trying to say, but that's how it's coming off.

Continually insulting people, putting people down, and boasting about how good you are constantly gets old very quick, and people start to just either ignore it, take it personally, or worse.
Myself, I don't take it personally because I believe you're just trying to keep people on their toes and you figure you're trying to harden their skin against verbal taunts.
But seriously...there's a line and I think you've crossed it. Just letting you know from an adult point of view. It's up to you, but I would suggest toning down the ego a bit and try using non detrimental could be surprised at how it turns out. :)

I'm sorry!   I guess you turned out to be a non-moron after all. :aok

SkyRock<---owns Halcyon!:t

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline Angry Samoan

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« Reply #86 on: June 27, 2007, 07:07:03 AM »
Originally posted by halcyon

And SkyRock, you personally can't make me angry

In time,  chin up!!

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #87 on: June 27, 2007, 08:46:24 AM »
Originally posted by Knegel
Several times it did happen that a wounded Bomber dont got shot down. Mainly they got forced to land, one time for sure a german 109g pilot did lead the badly damaged B17, which lost orientation, over the coast, so it could rtb.
The german pilot later did live in canada, where someone found him 60 years later to thank him.
Also while BoB such things did happen.  
I did read several storys where pilots of the damaged plane wrote about oponents who stopped the attack after the plane wasnt combat worthy anymore.
To shoot to pilots under the chute or to obvious not combat worthy planes imho is like killing POW´s which obvious will get freed within the next day´s.
Thats the morale of the dark age, "its war" is only a cheap excuse for the murders among the soldiers.

If we agree that killing soldiers under the chute or in a not combat worthy plane is ok to prevent that this solder will fight me again, then its also ok to kill the complete enemy population, to prevent that i need to fight them again(if Napoleon would have killed all Prussians in 1803, he wouldnt have lost Waterloo etc).

Such things are against our main religion and against the general condex of honour as well.      

Who agree to such tactics shouldnt complain about terrorism, massacres and torture. Stalin, Hitler and some terrorists from today was/are like this, do we want to be in the same class, with the excuse "its war"??

Actually i cant understand that people come up with such a crappy argument in a "War Game", where the word game alone implement sportmanschip and fair play.

Many Soldiers in WWII was willing and able to follow the codex of honour, despite the HO particular gave other commands, why we should take the others as "good example" to follow??

Only my opinion.


Lets forget that our country has done the above at one time or another and answer this question for me, please.

In real war, you bail to save your life.  In a game, you bail, well, why?
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #88 on: June 27, 2007, 08:57:25 AM »
Originally posted by dedalos
Lets forget that our country has done the above at one time or another and answer this question for me, please.

In real war, you bail to save your life.  In a game, you bail, well, why?

I know this wasn't directed at me but in the game I bail because my plane isn't flyable and I get more points for a bail (either successful or captured) than a crash.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

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« Reply #89 on: June 27, 2007, 09:41:11 AM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
I know this wasn't directed at me but in the game I bail because my plane isn't flyable and I get more points for a bail (either successful or captured) than a crash.

It was kind of directed at everyone.  Excelent answer.  Nothing to do with honor and the rest of the BS some these guys are talking about.  It is about points.  Nothing wrong with that, I just did not like the BS about honor these guys came up with.  They get pissed off because they think they deserver points for hitting enter 3 times :rofl

Thank you
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.