Author Topic: Pot heads support terrorism.  (Read 5262 times)

Offline trax1

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Pot heads support terrorism.
« Reply #255 on: July 25, 2007, 07:50:24 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
trax... so you got nothing?  You just feel that the threat of going back to jail helps you so the hell with everyone else?

I have never advocated allowing drugs to be given to underage people.. they really have no rights as such.  the article you quoted (because you have nothing) is bogus.  

I am telling you to do some research on what it was like when drugs were legal.. and... what it was like when booze was banned.  

When booze was banned it was the same as it is now for drugs... same everything..  no fewer drunks... lots of crime... lots of people in jail and lots of illegal activity. your friggin eyes and quit being so narrow minded and selfish.

If you were to do drugs to the point that you could not function... an addict that could not function... you would still be able to be commited where you would be taken off drugs by force and given time to think and "help"..  you would then be released and allowed to buy whatever you wanted at the grocery store.

no one truly recovers from addiction because of the fear of jail.   If that is what your recovery is based on then you will go back to using.   Recovery is based on a morality..  On realizing what you have done to yourself and others... that you were wrong.   Not that if you get caught again you will go to jail... anyone who does not believe this has never been through it.   It is not I with 17 years of recovery that don't know what I am talking about.. but you with your selfish idea of "recovery".   Fear of jail is not recovery.

Jail is not a bottom.

Same as now but.. you needed to be in my prison which is allready overcrowded.   When you got out.. are you telling me that you couldn't buy drugs?  that you were stopped because the "war" was being won and they were not available?

And trax... there is not one fact in that "article" you quoted nothing but the speculation of the writer who is un named.   It is not me who is insane for not believing what this guy thinks  MIGHT happen but you for believing him... for even listening when you have history to look at REAL history.. not this guys fantasy world.

I've been gone the last few days so thats why it took awhile for me to respond.

For one, whats wrong with using the fear of going to jail for keeping me from using again?  I know that if I start using drugs again that thats where I'm gonna end up, and thats not what I want for my life.  So again I say whats so wrong if I use that to keep myself clean?  If knowing that if I use again that my life will go right down the **** hole and I'll end up back in jail is what I use to stay clean and it works whats wrong with it?  Why do think that I will use again if this is whats keeps me clean?  Trust me jail is not a nice place, and I will do anything to never return there, and that thought is enough to make me never want to touch another drug in my life.  The fear of returning to jail isn't the only thing that helps me stay clean, but's it is one of the things that helps me, so whats wrong with it being one of the things that helps me?

As for your statement about there being no more drug users now then there were when it was legal I highly doubt this to be true, especially since you wont post any proof to back this up.
Also as the article I posted says, the black market would still exist for drugs as if it were legal it would most likely be taxed the hell out of and wouldn't be so affordable that users wouldn't commit crimes to get the money to buy it.  So the legalization of it isn't going to drop the crime rate.  So what's the benefit of legalizing it then?

Isn't the fact that not one country on earth(except for maybe some backwards bellybutton 3rd world country) has hardcore drugs legal a clue that making them legal is a bad idea.  It's because just about everybody(except for a few nut jobs like yourself)know it's a really bad idea and that nothing good could come of it.  Nothing good comes from using drugs so why would anyone want them to be legal.  If it was a good idea don't you think some country out there would have tried it by now?
Making them legal wont reduce the crime rate from people committing crimes to get money to purchase drugs, because even if they are legal there not gonna be free, so users will still rob & steal to get the money for the drugs.

Also saying that there's not one fact in that article and its just speculation, I can say the same for what you claim, there's not one fact in what you've said that legalizing the drug would be a good thing for society.  Why should we take the risk of doing that when there's a good chance that it would just make the drug problem worst, not better.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 08:31:04 PM by trax1 »
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson

Offline lazs2

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Pot heads support terrorism.
« Reply #256 on: July 26, 2007, 08:46:23 AM »
trax... there is nothing "wrong" with using the fear of jail to keep you off drugs except.... if that is all you got then you won't stay off.   Unless you are really not that hooked or really really mousy.

You use whatever you can and you don't use.. no matter what.. even if your butt falls off.   You use any excuse you can but in the end... If you are not doing it for moral reasons... for yourself and for the harm you do others... you won't succeed.   I truly believe that is why so few junkies succeed.  Most care only about themselves.. the selfishness of only caring about incarceration is an obvious (to most people) path to failure.

Contrast that with say... the realization of what you have done to your kids or wife or whatever...

Oh well... we are a selfish people these days... maybe jail is all that will resonate but....

If that is the case... Then... lets do it right... lets start executing drug addicts and dealers... that would keep you and other selfish people clean... and if it didn't....

So what?   the problem would go away anyhow.. dead people don't rob your house... In countries with the death penalty for drugs they have pretty much solved the problem... without the death penalty for drugs we seem to just be making it worse.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #257 on: July 26, 2007, 08:55:20 AM »
skyrock... I read what you said and what I could find.  It changes nothing.

I could not see where the hand eye co-ordination from computer games translated in any real way to sports or physical activity other than...well... computer skills.

Like things train for like things...  If you race go have a leg up in racing most other forms of auto racing for instance.  Motorcycle racing translates well often to auto racing... not always tho.

what is certain... is that playing ping pong makes you better at the type of hand eye co-ordination needed to play ping pong and...

Playing AH a lot makes you more skilled at playing AH... and not much else.

Let me ask you... what AH hand eye skills do you think have directly affected your hand eye co-ordination in some real life activity?   What has it improved?

I could see the opposite..  those who are not clumsy will do better at AH.. to a point... at some point (as the studies you talk about even say) there is no substitute for doing the real thing.

I may be argueing for the sake of it but... I don't think so... I think that it is important to say that if any real hand eye co-ordination is achieved by playing games it is slight as it translates to real world and any other physical activity out in the sun or at a real game table would do more unless your world is the computer.


Offline Yeager

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Pot heads support terrorism.
« Reply #258 on: July 26, 2007, 09:14:44 AM »
who needs teh college when tehy can come here adn get teh smart.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns