Lazs, we can argue, but I am certain that education in all its shapes and forms will determine all but a negligible portion of someone's psychology. There will be hardwired patterns of course, but they are negligible as relates to something as upper-minded, as conscious as relationships and their ethics, in the personal and general sense (a sticking point here is that some people do not do these consciously, which makes up-bringing more of a factor, in most people). I am pretty sure of this from the litterature I've come across in my school and personal studies, as well as in my personal experience.
You could very well breed a female baby to grow up into a total (negligible hardwired tendencies as I said) tommy boy of schwarzeneggerish barbarian proportions and qualities...
I know what you mean, and I know that what I've seen was genuine. And to tell the whole story, I was very disappointed when one of them just fell right back into the "womanly" habits... it was like she de-evolved. Much less ambitious, resilient.. less self-sufficient, less irreverent and much more traditional.
It is just a matter of will and discipline, of not going for the less reasoned path of least resistence of instincs.
Women who write to and marry death-row inmates are either stupid or more or less consciously choose to ignore the obvious red flags because their ethics system is flawed. Or they've thrown ethics out the window (too many rules and regulations, not enough self-indulgence and pleasurable payback) and short-circuited their satisfaction with the illusion that smiling and laughing is a good sign no matter (for example) how much blood is on the guy's hands.
I know what I saw and I will admit it is a very small proportion of all I've known. Surely negligible enough for you justifiably describe the overall behavioral trends as you do. I could say that men probably are just as condemnable on an absolute scale, but in my opinion, the true form of human accomplishment is favored by a lifestyle more like the primal man (hunting, taking the risks in the wild etc) than like the primal woman (staying home, protecting from rather than preparing for the worst, etc).
So it is more by circumstance than by nature that women, in my opinion, get the short end of the deal. Not short enough that lucidity and honest work can't overcome it though. A proper education should be enough (how's your grand-daughter coming along under your tutoring?). It is still a gamble though, unless you've got the odds on your side (psychiatric know-how, no excessive influence from outside, etc).
I'd go on but I'm really tired.
Sorry if this post isn't clear but I'm just too beat up.