Author Topic: Nothing to see here, move along  (Read 5265 times)

Offline Mace2004

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #45 on: February 07, 2008, 06:14:38 AM »
I love you guys that complain about "the bad shape our country is in."  Ahhhh, what shape would that be?  Leftist's around the world hate us?  Nothing new there.  Some politicians are corrupt?  Again, nothing new.  We're racist (or sexist, or homophobic, or destroyers of mother earth)?  As long as there are entire "industries" to profit from these insults, there will always be people who claim it's our national sport and there will always be a few numbnuts around that they can point to as proof.

There have always been issues, there always will be issues.  The Civil War was probably a little more significant than $3 a gallon gas.  I hear the Depression was mighty depressing.  In more recent history, things are arguably better now than say....when Carter was know, right after a certain political party decided that "losing" Vietnam was in our best national interest.  

Right now, I'm pretty damn happy with my life and my country.  I'll be voting for McCain to make sure that certain political party that is wholy invested in defeat is itself defeated so we don't have a repeat of the true disaster of Vietnam.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 06:16:56 AM by Mace2004 »
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Offline Thruster

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2008, 06:16:09 AM »
Here's what keeps me up at night......

What if, after the primaries have established a "pecking order", the two candidates decide to join efforts, concede the less successful race and join as Pres. and V.P. candidates for the national?

The numbers would be compelling and I can see them getting a little cozy on the campaign trail. Very little vitriol flying between them at the moment and it would make for an eye catching convention.

I fear that were that ticket elected, I would be compelled to renounce my citizenship and move back to Dallas.

Offline Jackal1

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Re: Re: Re: OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2008, 07:47:46 AM »
Originally posted by JB73
if you are stupid enough to believe in "global warming" or "climate change" or whatever new name the liberal democrats give to it and are arrogant enough to TRULY believe something lowly people do can possibly be a thermostat for the freaking planet I apologize, this topic is no meant for you. I should have posted it in the "actual intelligent non-simian human" forum.

Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline lazs2

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #48 on: February 07, 2008, 08:11:40 AM »
Well..  I hope he gets the nomination..  he is not as evil as the klinton machine so not as smart.  not as experienced in what it takes.. I will be surprised if the billary machine doesn't end up making him cry tho.

I want him to win because..  no commercial is gonna cover up the republican machine pointing out that he is the most liberal socialist politician ever.

Once people start putting his feet to the fire on how he is going to pay for saving the people and the planet...  It matters not if you believe the global warming hoax or if you believe you deserve "free" healthcare..

Once the numbers start getting put out there.. people will not even hear his soundbites...  or..  more accurately.. hear em for the crap they are.

billary is much sharper.. more savy.. but.. she went down in flames with her first socialized medicine plan.. this one will be just as hard to sell and for the same reasons.   The numbers don't add up.. and..  the government has a REAL BAD reputation on every single one of it's socialist programs so far.. we always get less out of it than we put in unless we are in the lowest 10% income bracket..  if you put nothing into a government program.. you will be the one to get the most out of it.

If someone says there may be man made global warming you say "interesting"   If they say it will cost you $2 a gallon more at the pump or for heating oil (cause you are freezing every winter)...  or it will cost you another couple grand a year in taxes and or increase in price of products..   You will say..."uh... maybe we better look at your numbers again.. how did you say we were changing the weather again?"

If someone says free health care you say... "cool... I could use some..I haven't been paying $200 a month now cause I wanted cable anyway"

If they say.. We will make you get it (like car insurance) and it will be cheap... like maybe $250 a month..  You will say...  "I think I will pass on the osamabama billary thing."

Mccain killed billarys first socialized medicine plan if you recall.


Offline Charon

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2008, 01:34:35 PM »

Offline Mojava

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2008, 01:38:09 PM »
I heard a great Romney speech today.

Offline mg1942

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2008, 02:04:50 PM »
By the way, isn't Obama like John F Kennedy?  

- Obama and JFK were both 1 term senators ~ both inexperienced.

- Both have the youth,  charisma,  and the desire to make US great again.

-They're both controversial.  JFK went through a lot of crap for being a Catholic and W.A.S.Ps detractors thought that a Catholic in the white house equals a vote for the Pope.  Obama did not receive much criticism as JFK, but people still see Obama as the Antichrist because of his middle name and they accuse him of going to a Madrasa school in his early days.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 02:15:22 PM by mg1942 »

Offline lazs2

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2008, 02:12:56 PM »
there is a difference...  you would hate kennedy if you had him running today... He would be the most conservative candidate of either party running.

Most of you lefties here would call kennedy a neocon who was worse than darth chenny vador if he were running today.

I would vote for JFK over mccain..  I would not even consider the stalin like osamabama.


Offline Arlo

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2008, 03:02:58 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
there is a difference...  you would hate kennedy if you had him running today... He would be the most conservative candidate of either party running.

Most of you lefties here would call kennedy a neocon who was worse than darth chenny vador if he were running today.

I would vote for JFK over mccain..  I would not even consider the stalin like osamabama.


JFK= an uberconservative US liberals would hate today and Obama=Stalin?

Well .... guess I can say I've read more extreme alternate-history/alternate-reality fiction. But not by much. :D

Offline WWhiskey

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #54 on: February 07, 2008, 03:10:23 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
JFK= an uberconservative US liberals would hate today and Obama=Stalin?

Well .... guess I can say I've read more extreme alternate-history/alternate-reality fiction. But not by much. :D

 JFK's veiws were very much along the lines of todays republican base I.E. lower taxes to boost the economy,less gov. in our daily lives. pretty much the oposite of the lib's today
Flying since tour 71.

Offline Mace2004

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #55 on: February 07, 2008, 03:27:42 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
JFK= an uberconservative US liberals would hate today and Obama=Stalin?

Well .... guess I can say I've read more extreme alternate-history/alternate-reality fiction. But not by much. :D

You're correct regarding the Obama=Stalin part but Lazs is absolutely right about JFK.  

JFK= Major tax cuts, Bay of Pigs, Cuba Blockaid and first US "advisors" to Vietnam.  He was a McCarthy backer and started our Moon program.  He commutted no Federal death sentences.  He proposed the Civil Rights act which was passed over the objections of the Democrat majority because it had Republican backing.  82 percent of Republicans in Congress voted for the act.  Only 66 percent of Democrates voted for it (kinda makes you wonder why the Dems always get the black vote doesn't it?)

Here's a "Fun Fact"...he backed the overthrow of the Iraqi regime by the Baath party.  Now that's a hoot.

Ahhhh...not seeing anything even remotely similar to current Democrats.  Not one withdrawal, not one surrender, and no naval gazing.  Yep, he'd have made a fine Republican and the Dems truely would have dispised him.
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Offline Arlo

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2008, 03:28:07 PM »
Originally posted by WWhiskey
JFK's veiws were very much along the lines of todays republican base I.E. lower taxes to boost the economy,less gov. in our daily lives. pretty much the oposite of the lib's today

Well, that's an opinion, I'm sure. I might suggest:

Domestic policy

Kennedy called his domestic program the "New Frontier". It ambitiously promised federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, and government intervention to halt the recession. Kennedy also promised an end to racial discrimination. In 1963, he proposed a tax reform which included income tax cuts, but this was not passed by Congress until 1964, after his death. Few of Kennedy's major programs passed Congress during his lifetime, although, under his successor Johnson, Congress did vote them through in 1964–65.


John F. Kennedy initially proposed an overhaul of American immigration policy that later was to become the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, sponsored by Kennedy's brother Senator Edward Kennedy. It dramatically shifted the source of immigration from Northern and Western European countries towards immigration from Latin America and Asia and shifted the emphasis of selection of immigrants towards facilitating family reunification. Kennedy wanted to dismantle the selection of immigrants based on country of origin and saw this as an extension of his civil rights policies.


Reinventing Kennedy as an uber-conservative is akin to reinventing McCartney as an heroic crusader, imo.

Opinion. Educated helps, though. Agenda-fed generally doesn't. :)

Offline WWhiskey

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2008, 03:51:10 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Well, that's an opinion, I'm sure. I might suggest:

Domestic policy

Kennedy called his domestic program the "New Frontier". It ambitiously promised federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, and government intervention to halt the recession. Kennedy also promised an end to racial discrimination. In 1963, he proposed a tax reform which included income tax cuts, but this was not passed by Congress until 1964, after his death. Few of Kennedy's major programs passed Congress during his lifetime, although, under his successor Johnson, Congress did vote them through in 1964–65.


John F. Kennedy initially proposed an overhaul of American immigration policy that later was to become the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, sponsored by Kennedy's brother Senator Edward Kennedy. It dramatically shifted the source of immigration from Northern and Western European countries towards immigration from Latin America and Asia and shifted the emphasis of selection of immigrants towards facilitating family reunification. Kennedy wanted to dismantle the selection of immigrants based on country of origin and saw this as an extension of his civil rights policies.


Reinventing Kennedy as an uber-conservative is akin to reinventing McCartney as an heroic crusader, imo.

Opinion. Educated helps, though. Agenda-fed generally doesn't. :)

 Well, if you say so cause, wikipedia is the only real source of info on a man that has been dead now for over forty years, and it was wrote when? by whom?
a rewrite of history usually happens after the fact in this case i guess the last 8 years or so.
You should try to get your info from an encyclopedia instead , maybe one that was printed anywhere from say 1964 to 1985. by the way he was going to help the economy  and fund his programs with tax cuts, to raise revenue! try to find a dem today that can run on that platform and see what you come up with!
Flying since tour 71.

Offline john9001

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2008, 04:03:06 PM »
JFK's high points, messed up the bay of pigs which led to the cuban missile crisis which almost started WW3, hired McNamara who totally screwed up the Vietnam war. Who knows how much more damage he could have done if he had finished his term. Of course his booze smuggling daddy buying him the election and his connections with the Mafia are only rumors.

Offline Kaw1000

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OMG I just saw an obama commercial...
« Reply #59 on: February 07, 2008, 04:28:24 PM »
John Kerry" I have a plan for this....I have a plan for that"...I never did here his "Plan"....Just like Obama..."We need change...we need change!" What is the changes you have in mind....I never here what the changes are going to be!!:O
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