Author Topic: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High  (Read 3810 times)

Offline gpwurzel

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #75 on: March 15, 2008, 02:05:47 PM »
But, but, but.....I might want panties in my avatar - it kinda depends whats in them (I so know this is gonna go south, but there ya go..... :D)

I'm the worst pilot ingame ya know!!!

It's all unrealistic crap requested by people who want pie in the sky actions performed without an understanding of how things work and who can't grasp reality.

Offline morfiend

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #76 on: March 15, 2008, 02:22:35 PM »

 In away I understand your position,I'll never forget my first day in Aceshigh.
A buddy was trying to get me into the game and told me try it"FREE".

So I gave it a try,holy$..T it was hard,and then I was called a "stickstirrer". Had no idea what that meant and had to ask. Really I was called that because I dragged a tempest and my buddy killed it. So the comment wasn't really meant for me,it was an excuse because the "other" player messed up and got killed!!!!

 If you reread the post by Ghosth and use his advice,you'll be on your way to making friends and improving your game play. :aok


Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #77 on: March 15, 2008, 03:32:45 PM »
We get alot of newbies in the midwar and they are sometimes annoying not because of there game play but the endless questions or telling the enemy where we are on all channel or some stupid thing like that!
we love newb's but they need to go to the training arena and learn the basics like how to use the radio or the basic flight keys and simple things like that! i like to help as much as possible but can get annoyed quickly if i tell someone they need to to go back to the T.A. because i know they are not ready to fight in the arena's,
and it happened to me as well, i thought i was ready to fly the day i loaded the game, three years later i almost have the hang of it!

it sounds like you are probably not one of those type of newb's, but because of them you will be picked on as well!
try to find someone in the training arena that also flies in the arenas and ask him who to seek out  for help after you start and good luck! :salute
Flying since tour 71.

Offline ROX

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #78 on: March 15, 2008, 04:00:01 PM »
"The hatred for newbies in this game is unbelievable and it has more to do with the game design itself then anything else. The game designers need to add game content for new members where they can be respected and not be dished on from the day they join game. It is really rediculous in a way."


I DO understand-in a way- that statement.  It SHOULD be a smack in the face to game veterans who's answer to anything is "ALT-F4".

The main problem we have is that so many new folks coming and going that ask a lot of questions (lest we forget, our game has a HUGE learning curve) that' it's difficult to get a personal connection to every new player.

I don't know what chess piece you flew, but if you fly knight, look me up.  Our squad helps new guys.


Offline Stang

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #79 on: March 15, 2008, 04:19:52 PM »

I once was one of top ranked counterstrike players in the world


Now everything makes even more sense.

Offline Bronk

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2008, 04:23:53 PM »


Now everything makes even more sense.

stang, were you thinking  ?
See Rule #4

Offline kilz

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #81 on: March 15, 2008, 04:34:10 PM »
hubs you scared the noob off with your avatar  :devil
Former LTARkilz

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Offline Stang

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #82 on: March 15, 2008, 04:34:55 PM »
stang, were you thinking  ?
LOL, I had forgotten about that.


A little too vulgar and violent to post here probably though, heh.

Offline Bronk

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #83 on: March 15, 2008, 04:44:14 PM »
LOL, I had forgotten about that.


A little too vulgar and violent to post here probably though, heh.
Why I didn't post link. They all can figure it out. :noid
See Rule #4

Offline PK1Mw

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #84 on: March 15, 2008, 04:48:23 PM »
As a game programmer I like to check out and play other games every now and again. Aces High is an excellent MMO game that I could easily get additted to if I had the time. The realism is awesome and it seems like the Aces High team is adding more content to the game all the time to make the game better.

 Here is the one rub I have with the game playing it, and it is a very important aspect I don't think the Aces High team has planned into the game. I have played and help write some MMO games and never have I seen a MMO game with more distain for new members then this one. Even though I enjoyed the overall gameplay from the beginning, as a new member I found myself with nothing to do but practice some and then when I felt like joining in the fun all I ever got was grief.

 I would practice flying planes, then join in only to be rediculed. I would play 5" gunner on a CV and shoot down many attacking planes, never once to be congratulated by anyone. Actually, it almost felt like people were pissed that there was a newbie on the CV gun. Whether or not that is true, that is how it felt to me as a new member.

 The hatred for newbies in this game is unbelievable and it has more to do with the game design itself then anything else. The game designers need to add game content for new members where they can be respected and not be dished on from the day they join game. It is really rediculous in a way.

 Other than that, the gameplay is awesome.

 Please gamedev team lessen the hate on the newbies. I really don't see how you can increase your membership much with what they have to go through.



are you serious?

Offline CAP1

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #85 on: March 15, 2008, 04:55:52 PM »

And new players usualy do take some flak if they spam the radio with endless questions, but in most cases someone steps up to show them the ropes.  Channel 6 is not used enough for this.. I tune to it when I have nothing to do during a climbout or something, and usualy there's more off-topic chatter than help discussion.

I started this game about a year and a half ago.....or somewhere near that........and was chock full of questions when i first came into the MA's........never caught any flack from anyone for asking a lot of questions. as a matter of fact, murdr, ackack, jolly, ren, and a host of others were nothing short of incredible with their help in the MA's......never once telling me i should go bakc to TA. then a couple of guys from the squad i'm in now, took me under hteir wings and taught me some of the finer points(wasted their time as i still suckkkkkk), but i've joined that squad because of how much they helped me.
 because of this, when i see someone asking for help, i offer whatever help i can, and NEVER tell them they're asking in the wrong place. i come in here for hte fights..and if none of us teach anyone new how to fight properly, then all we're gonna get is hotards, and altmonkeys demonstrating how to blend in with the ground.

just my 2 cents....

ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline CAP1

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #86 on: March 15, 2008, 04:56:52 PM »
I don't hate newbies. In fact I try to help them the best I can. The only time I "hate" them is whe they do something wrong (such as drive a cv into a PT spawn, or a base with all ord up), and you tell them that that's not such a good idea but they don't reply at all and continue on with it.

in this case.......if they're new, you probably outrank them....just take it over and turn it,,,,,it's what i do when i caan......
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline SD67

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #87 on: March 15, 2008, 05:03:38 PM »
stang, were you thinking  ?
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Offline bergy

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #88 on: March 15, 2008, 05:14:30 PM »
  I have only been playing for 11 monthes or so, and as a noobie, I have never been treated with dis-respect.
  Am I some wounder kid who mastered the game in one afternoon? NO. Did I already know all these people before I started playing? NO. Have I been told that " you suck" or "F-you" or "noob tard" or the like, YES.

  Generally because it was true or I did something that was not appropriate. Now that comment has become somewhat of a badge of honor, depending on the situation. Sometimes I deserve the comment though.

  Here is how I started.

  First, I spent a lot of time in the Training arena before entering a Main Arena. Know the basics befor going to the M/A.

  Second, while training, I was also reading on Aces High, Sodas etc. Sometimes dry reading, but it gets more interesting as you understand more of how it effects your game play.

  Third, Once in the Main Arenas, I flew in missions, I winged up with people, and I only asked questions I could not find answers to, or just basicly, got to know the people.

  Now the issue Loco is refering to: The person that comes in and goes straight to the Main Arena and is asking "How do I take off?" or a simmilar type of beguiner question.
  The community answers with, "please go to the training arena".
 After 30 more minuites of, "come on, somebody tell me how to take off!" and a million join requests sent, the player gets squelched, or is openly ridiculed on country channel.
  What kind of response would you expect? Every player in this game has spent many hours reading, practicing  and helping others, this player is showing no ambishion to learn on there own.

   The "hatred" you speek of is more like frustration. I do not think we could put a number on how many of these people we tollerate on a weekly basis. Most of use will help those that are trying to help themselves learn, and show an honest ambision to play the game, heck, I spent almost all my play time last sunday helping some kid out.

  The player that comes in and thinks this is an X-box game is saddly mistaken, and the people playing here generally do not feel obligated to baby sit somebodies twelve year old with A.D.D.

  Does this game have a steep learning curve, yes.

  Are we "hatefull" of new players, no.

  Will we repect your Q/A sesion while we are Paying to play our game...Maybe.

One possable solution; The two week free trial should limit the player to the Training, Dualing, and Early War Arenas, once a subscriber, they can explore the rest of the game.

P.S. Pardon the spelling.
Game name ToeTag

Offline blkmgc

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #89 on: March 15, 2008, 05:49:21 PM »
Some easy steps to follow Loco.

Ignore the kids, this game has its share of them. Dont tune 200...its a total waste of bandwidth . You'll learn on the forums after a while who's posts you need to pass over without reading.Get with a group that does what your interested in. I think just about all of them are always looking for members.
<S> and welcome