Author Topic: Gameplay.  (Read 584 times)

Offline DmdNexus

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« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2001, 11:47:00 AM »

tisk tisk,

Now you've taken a congenial debate on realism and gameplay and made it into a personal flame.

Hopefully, the adults can continue to keep the disscussion at a mature level.


[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: DmdNexus ]

Offline 10Bears

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« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2001, 12:53:00 PM »
LOL Nexus thats the funniest list I've seen in a long time..

Don't forget all players are required to wear oxygen masks with 10% rubbing alcohol to simulate the canned air.

During winter months, all pilots are required to set up their computers outside in the snow to simulate high alt cockpit conditions.
I had to add a couple  :))))

Offline DmdNexus

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« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2001, 02:03:00 PM »

Heh! Wouldn't oxymasks rubbed with SPAM jelly make for a more "Realistic" smell?

Nexus   :D

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2001, 04:09:00 PM »
what say we all chip in a few dollars to help nexus truelly experience the thrills of war and send him to afghanistan in a US military uniform?   :D

hehe we can pack some of that spam jelly for help with the afghan 'welcoming commitee'.I hear they like boys out there


Offline Yoda

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« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2001, 04:11:00 PM »

1. Turn off auto-take off
2. Turn off Combat Trim
3. Turn off auto-fuel management
4. Turn off tracers (if you're really in for a challenge)
5. Turn off field movement animations, so you have to walk to planes, tower, etc.

There you go.  Have fun.
OR, you can even take it a step further by...
i)  Talking an enemy into blowing up your HQ so you don't have radar.
ii) When I shoot you down, and you bail out, make sure you WALK all the way back to a friendly airbase.  :rolleyes:    :p

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Yoda ]
Jedi Master

Offline DmdNexus

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« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2001, 05:08:00 PM »

Been there, done that, got that ribbon. 8 years in the military - nearly all of it overseas.


Offline Voss

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« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2001, 06:06:00 PM »

They ain't gonna listen.  :(

Offline streakeagle

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« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2001, 06:07:00 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick:

You and I are not that far apart here. Your idea about the strat additions and AI convoys sound like a neat feature. I don't have any objection to that kind of stuff.

My objection with the "realism" crowd is their selectivity of realism. They call for the minutia of flying without adding anything of real substance to the game.

If you want a truly realistic sim you have to give up many items that make the game viable in a mass market arena...

Even your version of "realism" falls short. What about growing up first before starting flying training? i.e. coming out of the womb, learning to crawl, going to school, etc.

I play AH because overall it is presently the most realistic combat flight sim around. IMHO, "realism" has a very simple defintion in a flight sim, or even a "fighter sim" (which is a subset of flight sims, not a separate category).

Every control and indicator critical to flight should be implemented as realistically as possible given the monitors, keyboards, and joysticks available to the target market. Use of these controls should get as close a response as possible to the real controls they are modeling. AH does a better job of this than any other sim I have, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.

I personally want as much realism as possible for air combat in terms of graphics, controls, and sensory burdens from engine start to stop. If a real pilot couldn't fly a P-51 safely and effectively without knowing its flight manual inside and out, I expect to experience the same level of difficulty in anything that claims to be a sim (not more or less difficult because it would be more fun). I want to be as close as possible to being able to fly a real mission in a real fighter given the limitations of pc's, but I have no interest in modeling what pilots do when they are not flying a combat mission (since this is a computer, I can afford to lose planes learning to fly the hard way, instead of spending years being schooled on military flying skills). Though hearing the air raid siren, jumping out of your bunk, and running for your F4U while being strafed by Zeros would be fun once in awhile  ;)

Any good sim can always be dumbed down for those that don't have the time to fool with all the details: i.e. things like "combat trim" which don't give anyone a real advantage, but ease the burden on those not interested in realism.

Correct controls, indications, start up, inflight management, and shutdown for engines would be great. It might not "add substance to the game" (I didn't know anything that was meant to be fun was supposed of have substance) but it would add a ton of immersion and substance to the sim. As with combat trim and auto-takeoff, I would have my "ez mode throttle" turned off. I personally would help buy the flight manuals and do research if HTC could and would incorporate all of the information in them to make their great game into a great sim.

"Realism" doesn't have to mean a reduction in fun for others. It can and should mean extra fun for those who crave it.

On a weeknight, I would do something like what we have now, but with as many "realism" options as possible given my time constraints, including random maintenance failures. On weekends, I would be more than willing to fly full escort missions from England to Berlin in real time. If no fighters showed up, I would strafe the hell out of anything I could find on the way home. That is realism: a long, uneventful flight. I would never say a "boring" flight, because I don't ever find any kind of flying boring. I once flew a Piper from 5am to 5pm on a simple cargo run hopping all the way around and back Tampa Bay. By the end of the day, I was tired, but never bored.

You can rag on people all you want for asking for more realism in areas you consider to have no substance, but what are you asking for? Are your wants and needs truly more important or more substantive than any other person who plays Aces High? I am quite sure HTC listens to everyone, but I am also sure they decide to do what they believe is in their best interest. Until the competition does a better job of fulfilling my needs, playing Aces High will continue to be in my interest.

Maybe someday I will finish school and be able to afford being a paying customer so my opinion will worth as much as all you rich guys  ;)
i5(4690K) MAXIMUS VII HERO(32 Gb RAM) GTX1080(8 Gb RAM) Win10 Home (64-bit)

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2001, 06:39:00 PM »
nexx honestly that was just a joke and not meant as an insult or 'no' to your previous answers/suggestions  :)

On the whole i could accept full realism down to every last sequence but I also appreciate this is a business and it has to attract all types of customer.Remember one of the main reasons i cancelled my account was that i was getting bored of the lack of things to do in terms of strategies and tactics.The air to air fighting is fantastic,no problem there but it seems i needed a bit more than just furballing.When more stuff is added I'll come back to test it all out.

streak eagle
I dont mean to 'RAG' on you but 5 am to 5pm on a CARGO FLIGHT??? Jeeeeeeeeeesus thats crazy!
one other many times have you done that same flight?  :D
after all this game is 24/7 12 months a year.
the flight you described, whilst im sure good to do once in a blue moon or to just say 'ive done it',would you want to do it  everyday in a full realism arena.Hours of flying for short fights, it just wouldnt attract enough people would it?

'therein lies the problem'

Offline RebootSequence

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« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2001, 05:41:00 PM »
I'm all for accuracy but lack of realism is a concession that has to be made in order to have a workable computer game.

The point is: if I can't go grab a beer while I autoclimb off the runway then I'm not playing.

Oh, and if I wanted to do something that required constant undivded attention and suffer dire consequences for the smallest mistake, I'd shut down the computer and  spend that time with the wife  :D


Offline hazed-

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« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2001, 08:13:00 PM »
gotta say it hes right.Most just wont put up with it would they?
i like having a smoke and drinking coffee etc while climbing too lol  :)

Offline Don

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« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2001, 06:48:00 PM »
The realism I'm after is a true understanding of 3D geometry, velocity vectors coupled with the energy egg, and FM's accurate enough to take advantage of the prior factors. If _that's_ right, the rest is eye candy, and if it's wrong, then you're playing Fighter Ace anyway......


Uh Seeker, what da f_g did you say? <scratches head>   :confused:
For me, I just wanna jump (virtually) in a plane (a virtual one) and seek (no pun intended) out the nme and kill or be killed.
Realism? Now thats a tough nut. I mean, how real can one get flying and fighting a virtual plane? Sure, make it tough and call it something that distinguishes it from something else but... realism? One of the folks said it best..."go fly a real plane then" or, wouldn't it be cool to have a Star Trek like Hologram room where one can get their ya ya's off flying against the Red Baron?  :)

Offline Hamish

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« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2001, 12:43:00 PM »
What whels said. I think most people here would get bored just doing the required pre-flight inspection before each flight. At that point, without enough people to play the game and pay HTC's bills, bye bye sim  :(

gotta be a balance.


Offline B52Charlie

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« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2001, 09:37:00 PM »
Gotta agree with Deez about 70%. This 'adjusted for playability' stuff is just bs , I dont mean we need to have fuel trucks running around and 9 ground crew to maintain each aircraft or a 48 pt. check just to take off. Set all the guns to what they are supposed to be and at least get rid of the stupid icons under 1.5K so these asinine 1.499k kills arent so easy. Way I figure it after playing for just a month is that anyone that attacks a flak or m16 or buff from 6/12 is just stupid in this game, because unless its a total suprise on your prey you will get shot down. I know for one, if this continues for 'playablilty' reasons i'll just spend less money and get more options in ww2online even with its arcade style play, since 60% of AH is arcade anyways at this time. I know some are gonna read this and get upset becuase i'm knocking AH a bit but AH should do the relaxed realism arena and the realisitic arena if they want to maintain 'pilots' after they have played for 6months otherwise it just gets too frustrating dealing with the 'playabilty' aspects.

Offline Tac

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« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2001, 08:35:00 AM »
Maybe HT would be nice enough to include modifiers for the CM team so some balance can be achieved.

Say.. the ability to turn off enemy icons for everyone... or to reduce the effectiveness of combat trim (or the speed at which it adjusts itself).... to disable AI ack.

I would love to see AH have engine overheat (planes running at 100% power all the time ... no no no!), buffs tougher to shoot down but a SERIOUS toning down of their turbolaser (or at least remove the 21st century fire control on those guns..all of them shooting at exact same spot at any range.. ridiculous!), no enemy icons (makes AH REALLY shine, try it on H2H), less airfields but more strat targets that can be captured are amongst my wish list.