Author Topic: how long till someone is chat banned?  (Read 5169 times)

Offline bravoa8

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2009, 10:58:23 PM »
Four letter words ah?

Meat  Copr  Wimp  Pile  Spit   
Soda  Bear  Wine  Gang  Wing
Fire    Boat  Guns  Pick   Tail
Ouch  Shaw Shoe  Dumb Noob
Bush  Poop  Prop   Cows  Dead
Tree  Road  Tire    Opps  Base
Tank  Jink   Pork   Love   Home
Pony  Fish   Buzz  Hate   Darn

Ok..I'm done...
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
My house, I prefer a place where manners matter. I.E.  profane language is against the rules of the house.

I'm with you HiTech I hate when people think they have to bad-mouth me or anyone else. Everyone gets mad but, they should just keep it to themselves.

Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2009, 11:13:19 PM »
Everyone gets mad but, they should just keep it to themselves.
thats the issue bud. Some are born ignorant, others need that helping hand to become that way.
The language ive heard on this game is the very reason i WILL NOT allow my 12 y/o daughter play this game.
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2009, 11:33:02 PM »
i remember this one better not say who but, he was mean to me on private vox <tuned to me>  :cry :cry my feelings hurt still :cry :cry :cry
in loving memory of OZ <Eagles21>
 miss you bro!

Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2009, 02:58:04 AM »
Ghosth = How to burn somebody, with class!
Put a +1 on your geekness atribute  :aok

Offline Chalenge

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2009, 04:21:00 AM »
preach it sister  :rolleyes:

seriously, your nose is brown. get over yourself. what i said is the truth. Whether you want to accept it or not is on you.

No... what you said is nonsense and trash. Here you are trying to save face and make yourself look all grown up... but your a child when it comes to self-control and you know it.
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2009, 05:14:21 AM »
So if one person reports another for a sickening, racially charged string of insults probably nobody will do anything? Or probably even see it? But if one of our generals get his entire squad of followers to report somebody for saying "crap" then it will get noticed?

Maybe we'd all be better off if the bottom of the pile was read first.

Somebody has to say something totally ignorant for me to report them now anyways. From what I can see the system basically protects these loud mouthed fools. It must cause they survive in various incarnations for so long. And if your not in a squad, or cant get 30 others to report with you, then why even bother?

Im not even talking channel 200 here. Im talking about the fools who will say their ignorance on the vox.
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2009, 10:02:08 AM »
You are assuming things you have no knowledge of and I submit it imparts upon all of us certain knowledge of your true character (in other words no sympathy concerning your position). The entire arena does not cuss so implying that is just wrong of you and a misrepresentation to support your argument. Until this is handled (and handled consistently by the entire community) it will be unsafe and unwise to allow even young teenagers to watch let alone to play this game. Just because some people have been led astray by 'reality' as you say does not mean its acceptible. I assert such individuals are not 'men' at all.

Unfortunately I have to agree with Bipolar.
While it may not be desirable. And while it doesnt bother me in most instances. I certainly dont condone it.Its going to at least occasionally happen no matter what you do. And thats just the harsh,ugly reality of it.

The entire arena doesnt cuss...consistently. But it is a very safe bet to say that a great deal and even most of it does...occasionally. Particularly on Vox.
 Right or wrong I know of very very few of even the normally best behaved people who havent let one slip now and again in the heat of the moment.
I know of very very few perfect angels in the game. Including some of the nay sayers I see posting on the subject on the boards.

Curious how you figure it would be unsafe/unwise for young teen to play the game? Exactly what is it you think your protecting them from that in all but very few cases they arent doing themselves when out of their parents earshot?
Little kids say for example 11 and under. I could buy into. But after 12-13, odds are they are using it themselves. Its just that their parents dont hear them using it.
Now Im not condoning kids using that language either. but if anyone has a kid/s 12-13 and up and thinks their "kid doesnt talk like that ever"
Unless they keep their kids within earshot 24/7 or keeps them locked in their room. That parent is probably being pretty delusional.
But then again. Most parents dont like to believe their kids are anything but near perfect angels anyway.

As an example. A couple of years ago I got into this very discussion with a lady I know. while walking to pick my kid up from her friends house and she was headed to the park to pick her kids up. She claimed her 13& 14 year olds "never used curse words" I laughed and said basically what I've said here. But she was insistant that "we dont talk like that" As we neared the park we hear kids yelling. Low and behold its her kid yelling at another kid "Thats such B%## S!#^*! Your a real @ hole Kyle!"
I smiled. looked at her now deeply reddened face and said "You were saying?"
"Well..they would never talk like that in front of me."
"exactly my point"

Not condoning it. And we can even condemn it. But young teens cuss. Thats just the reality of it.

Likewise in the arenas. We can condemn it all we like. Using whatever argument we like. And be right in doing so. And in a perfect nice nice world with perfect nice nice people,we could expect that most if not all people are going to behave correctly 100% of the time. But in the real world in which we live and play. The harsh reality of it is that the majority of people are imperfect at best, and people are going to let one slip once in a while no matter what safeguards are in place short of no text and no vox for anyone.
Another reality is that the vast majority people simply dont care enough to report such activity with any regularity on anything but prolonged profane rants. which honestly while is much more rare, is the greater problem.
 But  even then its safe to say that when witnessing such activity in an area. only a handful will bother to report it. So expecting the entire community to start reporting even the occasional infraction just isnt realistic
However I do witness people in the arenas taking care of people who rant in a prolonged manner in other ways. I've seen people get chastised over vox so badly for ranting. That the person either apologized,shut up, Went to another part of the arena. Or logged off.
In the extreme cases from what I witness. The arena usually does a pretty good job of taking care of itself

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Offline betty

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2009, 10:11:55 AM »
Fury I dont think you read the buffer or you dont have young kids around at all. My nephew loves to drive the tanks but no way am I letting him anywhere near AH online. I myself have been cussed up oneside and down the other for making an excellent kill on certain guys that cant handle being handed their posterior. Most of the offenders will say the people that dont like it need to grow up but in fact its them that need to grow up and man up and start using their brains for more than filling out their skulls. Cussing demonstrates poor ability to think and very poor judgment and extremely poor communication skills.

All I want to hear from anyone is 'Nice shot' 'Check six' (which I find I most often do not need) and 'save the fat chick for me.' Occasionally its nice for someone to ask 'mind if I kill this guy?' or 'can you give me a hand here?' but otherwise chatty kathies need to cut the chatter.  :aok

*evil eyes chalenge*   :huh
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2009, 01:24:09 PM »

*evil eyes chalenge*   :huh

Its a quote from 'The Worlds Greatest Wingman' Betty.  :D
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2009, 01:34:05 PM »
Unfortunately I have to agree with Bipolar.
While it may not be desirable. And while it doesnt bother me in most instances. I certainly dont condone it.Its going to at least occasionally happen no matter what you do. And thats just the harsh,ugly reality of it....

No. Thats just wrong. Everyone here has the ability but some of them lack the self-control or any desire to work on self-control. All the smack-talking doesnt help either it just encourages more filth.

And if you really believe that every child in this world cusses and hangs out with kids that cuss then you hang out with and surround yourself with the wrong element. There are better people in this world that do not surround themselves with it. Rather than continue to fill your world with trash why dont you try to make a difference and start policing your neighborhood for the better?

Everyone deserves a little hope and the chance to rise above.

If you cant bring yourself to do that then you will never grow up.

I really would love to see all text gone... as an experiment just for one month... except for help channel and squad. Alerts and IB con information could be changed to host commands... but I realize that there are some people that get their thrills be assaulting little boys with the thrill of cussing and other trash talking and they would probably leave. All the better I say.
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2009, 06:53:43 PM »
No. Thats just wrong. Everyone here has the ability but some of them lack the self-control or any desire to work on self-control. All the smack-talking doesnt help either it just encourages more filth.

And if you really believe that every child in this world cusses and hangs out with kids that cuss then you hang out with and surround yourself with the wrong element. There are better people in this world that do not surround themselves with it. Rather than continue to fill your world with trash why dont you try to make a difference and start policing your neighborhood for the better?

Everyone deserves a little hope and the chance to rise above.

If you cant bring yourself to do that then you will never grow up.

I really would love to see all text gone... as an experiment just for one month... except for help channel and squad. Alerts and IB con information could be changed to host commands... but I realize that there are some people that get their thrills be assaulting little boys with the thrill of cussing and other trash talking and they would probably leave. All the better I say.

All kids. no. MOST kids. yep. You can have your little fantasy that it is otherwise. But I can say with 100% certainty that unless your living and locked away in some sort of commune. At some point in time, your in for a really really rude awakening.
There may indeed be "There are better people in this world that do not surround themselves with it" but they are by FAR the exception and not the norm.
Now Im not saying its right. What I am saying is what it is

Never said it was right. And im not dissagreeing with your position on this subject in regards to the game.
 Only that your putting forth an unrealistic expectation.
For it to happen. More people have to care then people who dont.
Look at this thread. I just did a quick tally and giving people one post each, breaking it down into posts that would be considered anti language. and those who obviously just dont care.
The ones that dont really care all that much. if at all. Outnumber your position 2-1. I'd say that in the arena's those odds get even worse unless its a prolonged rant.

Me. Most of the time it really doesnt bother me and my kids hear worse stuff just turning on Network TV or going outside. Its not a huge issue with me unless its prolonged at which point I have reported a couple of people.

But in what. 7-8 years now I think I've maybe reported 3-4 people (Wow. time does fly)

But I think you and I may have had this debate before at least once. I know I've had it several times.
 Are you any closer now to silencing the potty mouthers or getting the masses to regularly report them then you were when you first started? As is evidenced by this subject that keeps cropping up. I'd say "no".

c'mon man. cops have a hard tie getting people to turn in criminals unless they personally were robbed. You really think your going to get the masses here to regularly report people for saying a few bad words?

Now you may very well be the perfect manly man man. And if it makes you feel better to report everyone you see violating the language rules. By all means ,have at it.
But if you really think the masses are going to somehow start reporting everyone. Or that we wont be having this debate again.
heh, Good luck with that. Hasnt happened yet.

I agree with you and HTC in principle. And as a matter of principle your probobly right to strive to acheive your wishes. Anything less would be to simply throw up their arms and give up. Which they obviously also cant do.

  As a practical point though I just dont realistically ever see it happening
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 07:36:55 PM by DREDIOCK »
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2009, 06:56:12 PM »
deleted. double post thingy
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 07:37:41 PM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2009, 08:58:39 PM »
It is possible to set forth rules with your children and to see them adhered to. That you have not done so and failed as a parent is where you are today. That is why you have fallen into the 'I dont care' department. Now you are pulling the rest of the people here with you (whether you say you agree with the principle or not) into this mindset and its just to mkae yourself more comfortable with your choices. You are part of the problem because you lowered your expectations.
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2009, 02:27:45 AM »
It is possible to set forth rules with your children and to see them adhered to. That you have not done so and failed as a parent is where you are today. That is why you have fallen into the 'I dont care' department. Now you are pulling the rest of the people here with you (whether you say you agree with the principle or not) into this mindset and its just to mkae yourself more comfortable with your choices. You are part of the problem because you lowered your expectations.

Sure its possible. With a normal amount of children. If I had 600 children. Then I'd say that the possibility of all of my children following my rules is somewhere between slim and none. Its simply not a realistic expectation.

But even without so many children I very well know that occasionally my rules are gonna get broken.
Do your kids never ever break any of your rules?

I've not "Fallen" into anything. I've always not cared. It simply isnt that high on my list of priorities. I'd much rather concentrate on protecting my kids from real danger then the faux danger of hearing bad words. Which is an effort in futility.

Failed as a parent? lmao I dont think so. No not even close. My son now 21 is about to graduate Rutgers. And my daughter 12 is a straight "A" student in all but one Class. By all accounts people tell me how impressed they are with them typically saying they are "well disciplined" and "respectful". I've never known my son to cuss in inappropriate company. And I've never heard or known of my daughter cuss at all. Does she when she's with her friends? I have no idea. I havent heard her. And nobody has reported it to me. But I dont implant electronic bugs on my daughter to eves drop to their every word either.

But low and behold. My kids have and are turning out just fine despite being exposed to bad words. They havent started running around like a bunch of animals abusing anyone and dropping F bombs all over the place.
Failed? Not hardly. My kids are just fine.

Im not part of the problem because I have no problem.I recognize that I can only control what I say or do. not what everyone else says and does.
And that people are imperfect. I also recognise that I cant realisticaly expect that people are going to live up to my standards.and certainly not 100% of the time. Its just not going to happen.
So for me I have no problem because for me there is no real problem because there is no real danger. Never known a word to physically hurt anyone
 YOUR the one with the problem.
My expectations arent lowered. Their realistic. You see I prefer to deal with the real world rather then some fantasy on how the world should be.
 Now you can sit on your high horse all you want playing Mr. Self Rightous. But if you actually believe the rest of the world is going to bow to your wishes/likes/ dislikes. Or if you think people are going to try to live up to what your opinion of being a "man" is or isnt.
Then your completely and utterly delusional because  no matter how much you whine about it the world isnt going to change.
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2009, 02:36:12 AM »
Let me ask you something.

Do you honestly think that anything you, or me. Or even HTC has to say about it is going to change anything?
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