I was thinking of posting an opinion on this topic anyways. . . I been at this game a little while and I noticed right away that big groups of people were willing to attack one guy already engaged by 3 or 4. There is no logic or strategy that can explain this strategy, it seems sheer laziness. That said, I have gotten in the habit of flying low avoiding many and dragging the gang back to their base, while this is occurring my country men are lifting and climbing and looking for incoming cons. By the time I die with 15 enemies low and slow behind me, we are at the base they started at, and my guys are at 8-10k enroute (hopefully, most have a tendency to loiter with the crowd attacking the one guy who didnt engage me). I do hate the ganging that occurs, especially when I am already attending to the 3 spit 16s and 2 nikis or Lalas show up ready for a head on collision. Someone mentioned ENY. . . does that effect anything? I've been hugely outnumbered by 20 planes with enys less than 8.0 (basically 51s nikis, spit16s, temps) whats up with that?