I agree. This is what I was getting at with my post. Greens needs to know how bad he warps at times and either try to fix it or log out of common courtesy. Joeblack should do the same.
Greens, there are three types of cheating allegations that happen in this game. One is from being an uber stick, the other is from having a bad connection, and the third is being an average to above-average-but-not-uber-stick with an inconsistent connection. I'm afraid that you fall into category three. Don't confuse what akak is talking about with what happens with you. If you get your connection sorted and you still get accused of cheating, then congrats. Until then, swallow the tough pill called Reality - ppl will not respect you until you respect them by logging when you have a terrible connection and only fight and pwn them when your connection is steady.
Thank you. I'm glad someone else understands this.
Greens, you need to get your connection sorted out or stop playing. Continuing like you do is selfish and abusive to everyone else who plays. This isn't a matter of sour grapes or "OMGWTF how did u kill me u cheater?!?!?", it's a matter of not being able to play the game the way it's intended to be played, i.e., with some remote resemblance to the laws of physics as they are approximated in the flight model. It's extremely annoying even if it doesn't help you at all.
The last time I ran into your hyperspace act you didn't kill me, I just got tired of trying to fight Nightcrawler from the X-Men and exited the fight after being on your six (more or less) for several minutes but unable to get a shot in because your "flight path" was outside the bounds of Einsteinian space-time - and it was ten times more annoying than getting killed by a better pilot who pulled a trick I don't know how to do. I filmed it (which is how I knew it was you), but I deleted the film shortly after as it became plain to me that (1) you warp like that often and are not, in fact, cheating, and (2) you don't have the slightest concern for the trouble you cause everyone else.