Author Topic: Ultimate Lameness  (Read 4402 times)

Offline RealDeal

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #105 on: October 25, 2010, 08:38:08 PM »
If you hide a CV in any situation other than when the port it is attached to has been recaptured by the enemy, you are hurting your war effort.  I'm not a win the war experten, but if you have any questions on basic strategy, feel free to ask.

Someone needs to clue in the CV hiders that even if the CV dies it respawns to the port it is connected to.  Hiding the cv actually hurts the war effort, as you aren't utilizing a resource that continuously respawns.

Unless you don't own the port anymore in which case you are denying the enemy a resource that continuously respawns.

So you're saying this is the only circumstance in which it gets hidden?
Either way, i mean geesh who cares, get a horde together and take the port back.

Is that what I said? I don't think so. And in my opinion there is something far more distasteful then hiding a CV. That is an enemy holding onto your shore battery with a secondary account. That in my opinion is outragous.

If you hide a CV in any situation other than when the port it is attached to has been recaptured by the enemy, you are hurting your war effort.  I'm not a win the war experten, but if you have any questions on basic strategy, feel free to ask.

Now did I say anywhere that there is only one reason why people hide CVs? No, I simply stated one possible example of why people might hide a CV. I suggest you stick with baseball as reading is obviously not your strong point.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 08:48:40 PM by RealDeal »

Offline grizz441

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #106 on: October 25, 2010, 08:42:42 PM »
Someone needs to clue in the CV hiders that even if the CV dies it respawns to the port it is connected to.  Hiding the cv actually hurts the war effort, as you aren't utilizing a resource that continuously respawns.

Unless you don't own the port anymore in which case you are denying the enemy a resource that continuously respawns.

So you're saying this is the only circumstance in which it gets hidden?
Either way, i mean geesh who cares, get a horde together and take the port back.

Is that what I said? I don't think so. And in my opinion there is something far more distasteful then hiding a CV. That is an enemy holding onto your shore battery with a secondary account. That in my opinion is outragous.

If you hide a CV in any situation other than when the port it is attached to has been recaptured by the enemy, you are hurting your war effort.  I'm not a win the war experten, but if you have any questions on basic strategy, feel free to ask.

Now did say anywhere that there is only one reason why people hide CVs? No, I simply stated one possible example of why people hide CVs. I suggest you stick with baseball as reading is obviously not your strong point.


Haha, wow nice post.  My offer stands,  if you ever need help learning the basics of the game, let me know.

Offline RealDeal

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #107 on: October 25, 2010, 08:49:51 PM »
Haha, wow nice post.  My offer stands,  if you ever need help learning the basics of the game, let me know.

LOL You think you can tell me something about this game I don't already know? Tell me, what can you teach me? Do tell.

Offline grizz441

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #108 on: October 25, 2010, 08:53:07 PM »
LOL You think you can tell me something about this game I don't already know? Tell me, what can you teach me? Do tell.


Offline RealDeal

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #109 on: October 25, 2010, 08:57:20 PM »

Offline AKP

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #110 on: October 25, 2010, 09:10:01 PM »
Just think where the US would be today, if we had not hidden the CVs at Pearl Harbor.  

The US didn't HIDE them prior to pearl harbor.  They were all deployed... and since the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise, there was no motive to HIDE them.  Had anyone been able to predict the time and place of the Japanese attack, I doubt the Battleships would have been lined up at anchor either.  

As for the locations of the carriers, they were as follows: (source )

Enterprise: On 28 November 1941, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel sent TF-8, consisting of Enterprise, the heavy cruisers Northampton (CA-26), Chester (CA-27), and Salt Lake City (CA-24) and nine destroyers under Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., to ferry 12 Grumman F4F-3 Wildcats of Marine Fighting Squadron (VMF) 211 to Wake Island. Upon completion of the mission on 4 December, TF-8 set course to return to Pearl Harbor. Dawn on 7 December 1941 found TF-8 about 215 miles west of Oahu.

Lexington: On 5 December 1941, TF-12, formed around Lexington, under the command of Rear Admiral John H. Newton, sailed from Pearl to ferry 18 Vought SB2U-3 Vindicators of Marine Scout Bombing Squadron 231 to Midway Island. Dawn on 7 December 1941 found Lexington, heavy cruisers Chicago (CA-29), Portland (CA-33), and Astoria (CA-34), and five destroyers about 500 miles southeast of Midway. The outbreak of hostilities resulted in cancellation of the mission and VMSB-231 was retained on board [they would ultimately fly to Midway from Hickam Field on 21 December].

Saratoga: The Saratoga, having recently completed an overhaul at the Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, reached NAS San Diego [North Island] late in the forenoon watch on 7 December. She was to embark her air group, as well as Marine Fighting Squadron (VMF) 221 and a cargo of miscellaneous airplanes to ferry to Pearl Harbor.

And in the Atlantic...

Yorktown (CV-5), Ranger (CV-4) and Wasp (CV-7), along with the aircraft escort vessel Long Island (AVG-1), were in the Atlantic Fleet; Hornet (CV-8), commissioned in late October 1941, had yet to carry out her shakedown. Yorktown would be the first Atlantic Fleet carrier to be transferred to the Pacific, sailing on 16 December 1941.

Just sayin...


Offline wil3ur

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #111 on: October 25, 2010, 09:30:11 PM »
What a Lame thread.  Sometimes Wil3er, it's not all about you and what you want.  Grow Up.

 :aok I love you buddy.  I'll see you on the HO.
"look at me I am making a derogatory remark to the OP"

Offline wil3ur

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #112 on: October 25, 2010, 09:47:11 PM »
 OK -- Since I started the thread, I will offer what I believe to be a way this could be fixed to make things "More realistic", cause that seems to be the basic arguement for/against anything...

Idea 1 -- CV Supplies (any port w/ LVTs or Liberty craft or something)

CV's have a finite amount of range, ord, fuel and aircraft.  This can function quite a while on its own, however its resources are being depleated.  In order to maintain your CV, you must re-supply it at a port to bring it back up to 100%.  If it falls to 0% supplies, the CV is effectively derelict in the middle of the ocean and 'sink'.  It then reverts back to the port in 15 minutes, regardles off who controls the port.

Idea 2 -- CV Supplies (Via convoy from home port)

Same idea as above, except it is resupplied by barge fleets that leave the home port of the CV to keep it resupplied.  These continue on a regular basis, and would be slightly faster than the CV to help it keep up.  As with the above idea, the supplies fall to 0%, the CV fleet is no longer viable and returns to the home port.

This has the added benefit of making supply raids on convoys a valid (and historical) tactic for fighting CV's, and would also make people more apt to keep the CV in a specific theatre of operation so their supplies arrive in a timely fashion, and they're more able to protect their supply lines.

Both of these I feel would be a valid and semi-historical work around for keeping CV's in the action while ADDING to the game.  This is the point of my post from the begining... hiding CV's add's nothing to the game.

Flame on!
"look at me I am making a derogatory remark to the OP"

Offline AKP

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #113 on: October 25, 2010, 10:03:06 PM »
If it falls to 0% supplies, the CV is effectively derelict in the middle of the ocean and 'sink'.  It then reverts back to the port in 15 minutes, regardles off who controls the port.


Even now there are players who will switch sides to send a carrier group INTO harms way so it can be sunk, and taken by their "team".  This would make it even easier for someone to send a carrier off to the middle of nowhere, or get bounced back and forth until it just sinks, and gets taken by the team that now controls the port... without ever firing a shot.


Leave things as they are.  From what I have seen, MOST of the time, carriers are used effectively and properly.  Are there issues?  Sure.   But for the most part everything works out just fine.  There will always be those who hide them, use them ignorantly, switch sides to spy on them, and other cheesiness.  But all in all... we currently have the best working solution as far as I can tell.


Offline CAP1

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #114 on: October 25, 2010, 10:09:57 PM »
OK -- Since I started the thread, I will offer what I believe to be a way this could be fixed to make things "More realistic", cause that seems to be the basic arguement for/against anything...

Idea 1 -- CV Supplies (any port w/ LVTs or Liberty craft or something)

CV's have a finite amount of range, ord, fuel and aircraft.  This can function quite a while on its own, however its resources are being depleated.  In order to maintain your CV, you must re-supply it at a port to bring it back up to 100%.  If it falls to 0% supplies, the CV is effectively derelict in the middle of the ocean and 'sink'.  It then reverts back to the port in 15 minutes, regardles off who controls the port.

Idea 2 -- CV Supplies (Via convoy from home port)

Same idea as above, except it is resupplied by barge fleets that leave the home port of the CV to keep it resupplied.  These continue on a regular basis, and would be slightly faster than the CV to help it keep up.  As with the above idea, the supplies fall to 0%, the CV fleet is no longer viable and returns to the home port.

This has the added benefit of making supply raids on convoys a valid (and historical) tactic for fighting CV's, and would also make people more apt to keep the CV in a specific theatre of operation so their supplies arrive in a timely fashion, and they're more able to protect their supply lines.

Both of these I feel would be a valid and semi-historical work around for keeping CV's in the action while ADDING to the game.  This is the point of my post from the begining... hiding CV's add's nothing to the game.

Flame on!

ok...i hafta give ya credit here. now you're being constructive.

 i still think it's kinda silly, but you just made an excellent post sir.  :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline 1Boner

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #115 on: October 25, 2010, 10:19:53 PM »
I think that whoever has control of the Cv must stay within the Cvs radar range or else they will lose control. :D
"Life is just as deadly as it looks"  Richard Thompson

"So umm.... just to make sure I have this right.  What you are asking is for the bombers carrying bombs, to stop dropping bombs on the bombs, so the bombers can carry bombs to bomb things with?"  AKP

Offline RealDeal

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #116 on: October 25, 2010, 10:36:56 PM »
OK -- Since I started the thread, I will offer what I believe to be a way this could be fixed to make things "More realistic", cause that seems to be the basic arguement for/against anything...

Idea 1 -- CV Supplies (any port w/ LVTs or Liberty craft or something)

CV's have a finite amount of range, ord, fuel and aircraft.  This can function quite a while on its own, however its resources are being depleated.  In order to maintain your CV, you must re-supply it at a port to bring it back up to 100%.  If it falls to 0% supplies, the CV is effectively derelict in the middle of the ocean and 'sink'.  It then reverts back to the port in 15 minutes, regardles off who controls the port.

Idea 2 -- CV Supplies (Via convoy from home port)

Same idea as above, except it is resupplied by barge fleets that leave the home port of the CV to keep it resupplied.  These continue on a regular basis, and would be slightly faster than the CV to help it keep up.  As with the above idea, the supplies fall to 0%, the CV fleet is no longer viable and returns to the home port.

This has the added benefit of making supply raids on convoys a valid (and historical) tactic for fighting CV's, and would also make people more apt to keep the CV in a specific theatre of operation so their supplies arrive in a timely fashion, and they're more able to protect their supply lines.

Both of these I feel would be a valid and semi-historical work around for keeping CV's in the action while ADDING to the game.  This is the point of my post from the begining... hiding CV's add's nothing to the game.

Flame on!

The supply ships would also give away the direction of the CV as they would be traveling in the direction of the CV.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #117 on: October 25, 2010, 11:07:24 PM »
If we lose it, we lose it.  It was fun while it lasted. 

I like this way of thinking.

I like it a lot.

- oldman

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #118 on: October 26, 2010, 12:28:16 AM »
Oh u did? I must have missed it.

You aren't keeping up yourself Corky, which is surprising because you are a very bright guy.  As a player you should play the way you enjoy the game.  If you have decided that you want to become a win the war guy and a top tier jeep assassin (you have your work cut out for you), then have at it if it makes you happy.  If you want to be Corkyjr, the cartoon P38G furballer, then all the power to you.  The point is, do what you enjoy.  If that's winning the war and the correct strategy for your side is hiding a cv so the other side can't get it, then do it!  Personally, I would use that CV to mount an offensive attack on the port in question and try to recapture it, but that's just me.  If the ilk that is calling the shots doesn't feel they have the skill necessary to accomplish that, and the next best course of action is to prevent the enemy from obtaining the CV, then sail her out to sea matey.  

Grizz, you gotta know when to play along sometimes.  I hand ya an opening like that and you get preachy.  For shame! :)
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Offline grizz441

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Re: Ultimate Lameness
« Reply #119 on: October 26, 2010, 12:46:30 AM »
Grizz, you gotta know when to play along sometimes.  I hand ya an opening like that and you get preachy.  For shame! :)

What can I say, I have attended too many church services at Preacher CorkyJr's congregation.  :D