Who here is on the instant gratification quest?
The folks asking that the challenge of capturing a base be lowered to make it easier for them to get it. Without regard to making a fight of it.
It seems the fight is not so important to them as it is to get a base. Their gratification is in getting that base... not the fight for it.
The WAR as so many like to call it will ebb and flow no matter what terrain is up. You win some, you lose some.
Now one might suggest HT setup a base room for those that just want to capture to fullfill their desires. There would be no flack guns, no defences, nothing but a big fat bases fit for the taking. No need for different sides.... everyone can be on the same side. To keep from folks not being able to fly there because of their chess piece they could simply call the single side "The Winners".
The gratification would come firly quick and the war could be won while on their lunch hour.
That is a bit overboard but just how easy do they want it?