My post was to ask "just how easy does it need to be?"
That is a fair question.
It was discussed earlier that there is obviously some "Fun Curve" here. If it’s too easy, its no fun. If it’s too hard, it’s no fun. The trick is indeed to find that "how easy?" balance point.
I believe it also probably has an effect on promoting hordes. If you increase the difficultly and ordinance needed, they will simply bring along a bigger horde to get the job done. If that’s what you want to promote, fine.
I personally feel the sweet spot is somewhere around where a team of 5 decent squad members with some skill and a little luck can have a 50/50 chance of capturing a field themselves. That requires allowing a little stealth to be able to get within striking distance before all heck breaks loose, and requires they can reasonably carry enough ord in fighter/bombers to get the job done considering somebody has to fly a goon.
I assert that because that is a common size a squad might be fielding on a given night. If you balance things so they can have a reasonable chance at success, they will be more motivated to go off and do some squad ops themselves, spreading out the fights and thinning the hordes. In the end, I believe creates a bunch more varied encounters at the bases they are trying to capture and along their ingress route if they are discovered.
If a squad feels they aren’t wasting their time, they will go off on their own and raise little clouds of heck around the map.
If you make it a waste of their time to try, they will simply come in 30 plane armadas to make sure of the job.
Which do you want?