Author Topic: Are you a "timid" flyer?  (Read 8038 times)

Offline B4Buster

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2011, 01:04:05 PM »
Aka Medieval
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2011, 01:04:25 PM »
he was probably vox cussing them at the time also.    :D

OMG you can't kill a P38  you guys suck!! 


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Offline Getback

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2011, 01:06:52 PM »
Only when I have a 262 even then I'm not that timid, I already lost 7 this tour I think. :airplane:

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :rofl :rofl No that is not timidness............... at all!

I've seen Joach1m and Kappa reverse people while they aren't even breaking the Macon County speed limit.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 01:18:02 PM by Getback »

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Offline Chalenge

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2011, 01:12:31 PM »
Maybe Mr Y is the same guy that complains about high cons knocking him out of the air but when the tables are reversed he cant put his target down?

I think so.
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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2011, 01:14:14 PM »

Nuff said.

I developed, like many other people in this game, a personal dislike for the player known as akak.  Dont know what he is like in real life, dont care, but in the game he is a very disruptive player.  Im good enough at this game to not let the guy kill me, which he finds very upsetting.  This is a good thing because he no longer plays in MW and its a far better place because of it.

As far as the SPs, I was simply struck by how much the quoted posters comments reflected what I saw in MW during the first week.  I haven't seen them in there much past few days.......its all good though, they are a great bunch of folks.  Chalenge especially is a lot of fun to banter with.  Good guy.

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2011, 01:15:42 PM »
Seems to be the latest lingo for not flying the way some wants you to.

some people are, and don't realize it.

i used to think that i wasn't, even with people telling me i was. then i flew the ava. quickly discovered, that indeed i was. that cured me. i was a lot more aggressive. now i'm messing with the trackir. i'm back to timid again, but i do realize it this time. i choose my fights a little more carefully, so as to survive long enough to get some learning done. and no, the ta doesn't duplicate the arena...although it helps.
 as i get more accustomed to the trackir, i will get back to the "in your face" flying i love in there.
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Offline Yeager

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2011, 01:22:29 PM »
Maybe Mr Y is the same guy that complains about high cons knocking him out of the air but when the tables are reversed he cant put his target down?

I think so.
No no...not me chalenge.  I dont piss and moan like a lot of people.  If I have a gripe and its important enough I just bring it to the boards and lets things settle out here.  I dislike vehemently all whiners and complainers in the game (akak is a golden example of in-game whiner, look at how much he fights with the general population of players both in game and here on the boards, always disparaging and disrespectful of any and all players), but with me its all very respectable in the game. <S> 
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2011, 01:24:26 PM »
 Im good enough at this game to not let the guy kill me, which he finds very upsetting.


If running from a 1v1 fight with an altitude and energy advantage because you know the lower P-38J would reverse and get you on the overshoot is being "good enough" then you're an experten above all experten.  How many times did your unskilled timid arse auger trying to pick me while I was fighting others?  Too many to count in my estimation.  

You cry about how others bring down the game play in the MW arena when in fact you're just as much as the problem as the ones you cry about.  Change your handle to Kettle because all you're good at is calling the pot black.

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Offline JOACH1M

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2011, 01:30:45 PM »

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :rofl :rofl No that is not timidness............... at all!

I've seen Joach1m and Kappa reverse people while they aren't even breaking the Macon County speed limit.
:lol I do some F'ed things when I fly hahaha :joystick:
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Offline L0nGb0w

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2011, 01:31:21 PM »
Timid to me is BnZing in your Tempest, and the second you see a P-51B co-alt you turn tail and run 6 sectors dipping into all the base ack you can find until you get to your large base and circle in the ack to make a sh**y gear up landing...

Happened to me this weekend, very frustrating.  So frustrating in fact that I actually followed him for those 6 sectors... :bhead

Worst part is, I've seen him get "best fighter" fairly often.  So in one stroke that designation is now totally worthless to me.

I know who this refers to, and you're not alone. many have followed this person across the map only to meet a few of his friends lifting off  to save him
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Offline Yeager

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #40 on: February 15, 2011, 01:37:34 PM »
How many times did your unskilled timid arse auger trying to pick me while I was fighting others?  Too many to count in my estimation.
Is it time to create another "Whats Your Favorite akak Kill" thread?  :lol
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Offline JOACH1M

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2011, 01:39:18 PM »
Fail post
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Offline dirtdart

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2011, 01:40:19 PM »
I missed the IN on the other thread of ack ack vs. (insert BBs ID) ... thought I might as well get it while I can.  

For the record I got IN on a six response lock, so was doing pretty good.  I guess I have lost it.  

As for the OP:

Bottom line:  Timid=you are not fighting the fight someone else expects you to fight.  For example, a couple of months ago Dadsguns was up around 18K in a F4U-1a.  I was co alt in a P-51D.  He was upset because I just kept my distance from him so I could pick the inbound bombers, keeping my E up.  they were out for the base capture, so I figured this contributed to us keeping the base.  He came up on 200 and began the "your timid" etc... Well, yes.  If timid is me thinking fighting a 1a in a pony will probably get me killed, then yes, I guess I was timid for not fighting him.  I figured the 9 kills or so I landed on my couple of trips to the field contributed a bit more to preserving the base than me dying.  

Accusations of timid are quite arrogant.  I suck in a pony, and just won't co E fight a corsair in one.  If I was in a 1a I think I would crush the pony.  (I think so at any rate).  So I fought my fight and what I felt was appropriate for the circumstances.  Call me timid.... ouch my ego is forever bruised.  So, next time you are inclined to think someone is timid, understand that maybe they are:

1.  Not very good and just trying to stay alive.
2.  Enjoy the challenge of trying to land every mission instead of suicide. (the I like the sim aspect guys)
3.  Hell bent on score and will not do anything but fight from a position of advantage.
4.  Have other agendas for their mission ie: have bombs and don't turn to engage you because they are off to pork ords.

Regardless of the circumstances, it is poor form in my estimation to call someone "timid".  
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 01:43:36 PM by dirtdart »
If you are not are wee!
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Offline Yeager

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2011, 01:40:33 PM »
Question after checking stats it says you have not even flown mid war this month?
check the stats on SLIMpkns.  Think Ive only got about 8 hours this tour.  Been bz leveling up another Jedi in SWG :)
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline dirtdart

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Re: Are you a "timid" flyer?
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2011, 01:42:00 PM »
I know who this refers to, and you're not alone. many have followed this person across the map only to meet a few of his friends lifting off  to save him

Wow.  I would say timid is not using a name.  I would say timid is then, meeting said alleged person in the DA.  Then if successful, thump chest.
If you are not are wee!
Put on your boots boots boots...and parachutes..chutes...chutes.. .
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