4.184 x 1024 | 1 petaton | = 1000 teratons |
5.5 x 1024 | 1 Pt | total energy from the Sun that strikes the face of the Earth each year |
3.2 x 1026 | 77 Pt | Energy required blow off Terra's atmosphere into space |
3.9 x 1026 | 92 Pt | total energy output of the Sun each second (bolometric luminosity) |
4.0 x 1026 | 96 Pt | total energy output of a Type-II civilization (Kardashev scale) each second |
6.6 x 1026 | 158 Pt | Energy required to heat all the oceans of Terra to boiling |
4.184 x 1027 | 1 exaton | = 1000 petatons |
4.5 x 1027 | 1 Et | Energy required to vaporize all the oceans of Terra into the atmosphere |
7.0 x 1027 | 2 Et | Energy required to vaporize all the oceans of Terra and dehydrate the crust |
2.9 x 1028 | 7 Et | Energy required to melt the (dry) crust of Terra |
1.0 x 1029 | 24 Et | Energy required blow off Terra's oceans into space |
2.1 x 1029 | 50 Et | Earth's rotational energy |
1.5 x 1030 | 359 Et | Energy required blow off Terra's crust into space |
4.184 x 1030 | 1 zettaton | = 1000 exatons |
2.9 x 1031 | 7 Zt | Energy required to blow up Terra (reduce to gravel orbiting the sun) |
3.3 x 1031 | 8 Zt | total energy output of the Sun each day |
3.3 x 1031 | 8 Zt | total energy output of Beta Centauri each second (bolometric luminosity) |
5.9 x 1031 | 14 Zt | Energy required to blow up Terra (reduce to gravel flying out of former orbit) |
1.2 x 1032 | 29 Zt | total energy output of Deneb each second (bolometric luminosity) |
2.9 x 1032 | 69 Zt | Energy required to blow up Terra (reduce to gravel and move pieces to infinity) |
4.184 x 1033 | 1 yottaton | = 1000 zettatons |
1.2 x 1034 | 3 Yt | total energy output of the Sun each year |
4.184 x 1036 | 1 x 1027 tons | = 1,000 yottatons |
5.0 x 1036 | 1.2 x 1027 tons | total energy output of the Milky Way galaxy each second (bolometric luminosity) |
4.0 x 1037 | 9.6 x 1027 tons | total energy output of a Type-III civilization (Kardashev scale) each second |
6.0 x 1037 | 1.4 x 1028 tons | Nova Persei |
1.2 x 1038 | 2.9 x 1028 tons | total energy output of the Sun in ten thousand years |
4.184 x 1039 | 1 x 1030 tons | = 1,000,000 yottatons |
1.0 x 1040 | 2.0 x 1030 tons | one second's worth of output from a quasar |
1.0 x 1042 | 2.7 x 1032 tons | Energy in photons from a type I supernova = 0.01 foe |
1.0 x 1042 | 2.7 x 1032 tons | total energy output of the Local Supercluster each second (bolometric luminosity) |
4.184 x 1042 | 1 x 1033 tons | = 1,000,000,000 yottatons |
3.0 x 1043 | 7.0 x 1033 tons | Energy needed to make the local superbubble (Supernova Geminga) = 0.3 foe |
1.0 x 1044 | | 1 Foe (ten to the Fifty-One Ergs, unit of supernova strength) |
1.0 x 1044 | 2.4 x 1034 tons | Energy in neutrinos from a type I supernova = 1 foe = 2.4 x 1034 tons |
1.3 x 1044 | 3.1 x 1034 tons | Total radiant energy from the Sun (approximately ten billion years worth) |
3.0 x 1044 | 7.2 x 1034 tons | Energy in photons from a type II supernova = 1.3 foes |
1.0 x 1045 | 2.4 x 1035 tons | Gamma-ray burster = 10 foes |
1.0 x 1046 | 2.0 x 1036 tons | Energy in photons from a hypernova = 100 foes |
3.0 x 1046 | 7.0 x 1036 tons | Energy in neutrinos from a type II supernova = 300 foes |
1.0 x 1048 | 2.4 x 1038 tons | Energy in neutrinos from a hypernova = 10,000 foes |
2.0 x 1049 | 4.8 x 1039 tons | total energy output of all the stars in the observable universe each second (bolometric luminosity) |
3.0 x 1069 | | Big Bang (interpretation two) |