Author Topic: Planes in LW vs. Respect  (Read 5624 times)

Offline Ardy123

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #75 on: October 06, 2012, 08:51:53 PM »
Did you know the limit of that equation is potentially 1? I mean it all depends on how you look at the concept of 0/0.

It makes sense that you seperate a quantity of 0 into no groups (0 groups). That and by definition, any number divided by itself is 1.

So if you create an account, but don't play, you're starting out with a respect level of 1. 0 kills / (0 hrs played - 0 hrs played).

 :rofl :rofl I'm honored and I find it funny that someone would give my joke that much thought.

now to put in context with the OP... who would ever expect 'video game respect' for never receiving any kills, ever... not even a proxy.... I guess in a way, it would be a +1 respect in RL... as in that you would never talk about it!

(ps... I spent have spent many-many hours playing this game in the past, so in a way, I'm making fun of myself)
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Offline JUGgler

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #76 on: October 06, 2012, 09:34:05 PM »
*sigh*    :rolleyes:

You know the routine.  I understand you're a fan/student/promoter of the P47 and I think ultimately we all are, but it does have its limitations but they seem to be more absolute than most other planes.  Go ahead and tell me how wrong I am and that the jug can hang with a Spit or Zeke in a turn fight, or climb with the 109's in a tight spiral, or roll with the 190's in a scissors.... go ahead.  Defeating a jug is easy: slow it down, get it to lower alts, and slit it's throat.    

You clearly underestimate the "FAT ONE"

The JUG is not uber by any stretch of the imagination, but it can be very suprising for those who take it for granted.

If slowing it down is your answer than you have not tangled with one of the very fine JUGglers in this game!
MAK, LEPAPE, YUCCA, NOVA, BLUEKITTY, ETC ETC ETC. Besides JUGs are always slowing down, even when they are speeding up  :aok


« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 09:36:43 PM by JUGgler »
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Offline Slade

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #77 on: October 07, 2012, 07:50:07 AM »
Respect is generally earned by how you fight rather than what you fight with.

This brings up an interesting point of perception.  If one fights as US pilots did in WWII (boom-n-zoom against zeros etc) or even using many of Boeleck's rules of engagement, then the given pilot is seen as un-sportsmen like or worse! Very interesting I think.

Fighting to this audience, if one chooses not to engage in a formal knock-down-dragged-out-duel, is seen as an inferior pilot.

This is kinda messed up if expecting this in LW it seems.  Perhaps if one is that attached to the expectation of formal dueling...then go to dueling arena.  :old:
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 09:01:34 AM by Slade »
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Offline ink

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #78 on: October 07, 2012, 09:17:44 AM »
This brings up an interesting point of perception.  If one fights as US pilots did in WWII (boom-n-zoom against zeros etc) or even using many of Boeleck's rules of engagement, then the given pilot is seen as un-sportsmen like or worse! Very interesting I think.

Fighting to this audience, if one chooses not to engage in a formal knock-down-dragged-out-duel, is seen as an inferior pilot.

This is kinda messed up if expecting this in LW it seems.  Perhaps if one is that attached to the expectation of formal dueling...then go to dueling arena.  :old:

you can still fight while dont need to go 6K away and come back while they are engaged with friends....a good BnZ player will put the pressure on and work it...... never going more then 2-2.5 K away.....that is totally OK in my long as they put an effort in and actually fight....never do I expect someone in a 190 to TnB my Ki nor do I get upset   if they dont....

its the one pass haul arse out of icon range come back and pick the guy type that are aggravating.....

besides flying in AH like it is real life is silly.

Offline Melvin

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #79 on: October 07, 2012, 09:34:01 AM »
you can still fight while dont need to go 6K away and come back while they are engaged with friends....a good BnZ player will put the pressure on and work it...... never going more then 2-2.5 K away.....that is totally OK in my long as they put an effort in and actually fight....never do I expect someone in a 190 to TnB my Ki nor do I get upset   if they dont....

its the one pass haul arse out of icon range come back and pick the guy type that are aggravating.....

besides flying in AH like it is real life is silly.

I actually agree with this entire post.

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Offline ink

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #80 on: October 07, 2012, 09:35:37 AM »
I actually agree with this entire post.



are you juggalo?

Offline Melvin

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #81 on: October 07, 2012, 09:41:01 AM »

are you juggalo?

No, but I keep the avatar rocking because I know how much most people hate the poor Juggaloes.

I guess you could call me a Juggalo Sympathizer.  :lol
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Offline Slade

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #82 on: October 07, 2012, 09:44:22 AM »
besides flying in AH like it is real life is silly.

This is a silly little video game we all play.  ;)  It is all a conspiracy mind in a sense.  BTW, I certainly appreciate a good duel.  They are a blast!

You know to be fixed on any point of view is guarantees you will be let down.  Oh boy.  Maybe I need to bring Wofat in at this point.  :lol

I mean all this in a cool way.  Nothing heavy.  Perhaps it is the drama that motivates us - I certainly don't know.  I just sit back and observe phenomena and say "check that out".

I love to be silly but don't tend to extend for a sector.
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Offline ink

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #83 on: October 07, 2012, 10:03:07 AM »

No, but I keep the avatar rocking because I know how much most people hate the poor Juggaloes.

I guess you could call me a Juggalo Sympathizer.  :lol

cc that.......I have met many a juggalo some were cool some not so anything in life.....wish I had 20$ for every hatchet man I tattooed..... :lol

This is a silly little video game we all play;)  It is all a conspiracy mind in a sense.  BTW, I certainly appreciate a good duel.  They are a blast!

You know to be fixed on any point of view is guarantees you will be let down.  Oh boy.  Maybe I need to bring Wofat in at this point.  :lol

I mean all this in a cool way.  Nothing heavy.  Perhaps it is the drama that motivates us - I certainly don't know.  I just sit back and observe phenomena and say "check that out".

I love to be silly but don't tend to extend for a sector.

thats why I think its silly to try to fly like its the real world....hell its a an FSO  or something like that I can see flying to stay alive...but the MA.....blaaaaa.........avoidi ng combat in a combat game.....seems asinine to me......

 I am sure chalenge would say some smart arse remark..... :rofl......I got about as much respect for him as I do for drdeath.

Offline Reaper90

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #84 on: October 07, 2012, 08:17:23 PM »
Ink, Ardy, Mak and JUGgler get it.

It's not what you fly, but how you fly it.

We're not talking about "what's easier to get kills in" as much as "what flying technique will produce kills with the least effort required."

That, to me, has a lot more to do with the notion of "respect" for cartoon fighting skills.....

It's certainly easier to get kills in a Spit16 or LA7 than it is a P-39D or I-16. No one disputes that, and to think aircraft choice doesn't play a huge part in your chances of making back to base alive under most MA circustances is silly.

However, I think how you fly means a lot more.... ie, I would tend to be more impressed with someone who upps an LA7 to fight an incoming horde and is outnumbered 4 to 1, and only lands 2 kills, than someone who flies a 25 or 30 eny plane but never leaves the horde, runs to friends at the loss of total advantage, or vulches and cherry-picks around a capped field, and lands 10 kills.

I happen to like the LA7 because I know most runners can't get away without having to fight. I do find little or no satisfaction in landing kills when I have all of the advantages, but I do get a good bit of satisfation from living through a fight and landing scalps in the LA when I've pushed the plane outside of its envelope, such as slow and low, stallfighting Spits and F4Us, often while outnumbered.

Do I really care if anyone here "respects" my landing kills in an LA? LOL. No. I don't play this game for anyone but me. But like LUGgler said, I don't understand how some people get enjoyment from avoiding the fight, running, and flying to get kills by not putting themselves at risk or pushing their aircraft and their own abilities beyond what they should be capable of. But hey, it's their $15, what do I care.
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Offline Reaper90

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #85 on: October 07, 2012, 08:39:04 PM »
You clearly underestimate the "FAT ONE"

The JUG is not uber by any stretch of the imagination, but it can be very suprising for those who take it for granted.

If slowing it down is your answer than you have not tangled with one of the very fine JUGglers in this game!
MAK, LEPAPE, YUCCA, NOVA, BLUEKITTY, ETC ETC ETC. Besides JUGs are always slowing down, even when they are speeding up  :aok



This is TRUTH.

I have felt the pain of these guys' Jugs on more than one occasion... and have decided to partake of the Big Girl's goodness... and my oh my she is one very capable girl!

The N is a monster, but I have found that I'm in love with the D11... what a fun bird.
'Murican dude in a Brit Squad flying Russian birds, drinking Canadian whiskey

Offline Wagger

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #86 on: October 08, 2012, 01:42:43 AM »
Basically it comes down to the pilot more than the plane.  Equal pilots in Equal planes comes down to who makes the first mistake.  It depends on your skill as opposed to your opponent.  If you are better you can succeed in a lesser plane.  I like the Bf-110G2.  Fire power unsurpassed.  Manoeuvrability better than most give it credit for.  I am not a great pilot and 2/3 of my kills are buffs.  But 1/3 are fighters.  I will take the 110 at 28 to 30K against almost any other fighter.  It performs better at altitude than most people give it credit for.  Again how you fight it and your skill level will determine your success.

Offline Kovel

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #87 on: October 16, 2012, 05:24:19 AM »
I hate when I die matter the plane I fly or the plane or player I fight matter the style I fly.... It is ALWAYS my fault

I love killing enemies....the more, the matter the style or the circumstances or the planes involved...It is ALWAYS their fault

I respect to the same level the TnB low fighter that kills me with initial disavantage than the one pass killer that I didn't ever see...

But overall, I respect guys who respect others no matter they die or they get a kill....I try to ignore what doesnt fix here.

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Offline Kovel

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #88 on: October 16, 2012, 05:33:16 AM »

Let's say I've never tried any 109 (maybe 1-2 sorties in one year).

So, talking about the LW planes I fly the most (A5, A8 and D9), I find the Dora the most difficult to get kills in.

You were talking just about getting kills, not surviving right ?....Then the Dora, less powershot in that plane.

" I personally led the attack to A1" - Pipz

Offline Debrody

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Re: Planes in LW vs. Respect
« Reply #89 on: October 16, 2012, 06:22:37 AM »
I hate when I die matter the plane I fly or the plane or player I fight matter the style I fly.... It is ALWAYS my fault
So you do everything not to die, ergo, run like the wind until you hold all the cards and even more?
Thats a respectable behaviour, doesnt matter what you fly...
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