that's not even a troll, you really believe that crap? Bet dollars to doughnuts that story is omitting half the facts or just sensationalizing whatever facts are available
Lost count of the amount of BS stories like this I've seen and heard over the years, if anything those articles are the troll, not me
An effective troll that never fails to get people real riled up = veteran being discriminated against
Edit: I just read the wistv article, there is a brilliant piece of journalism in there, implying that the stated reason for dismissal was because he is a disabled vet WITHOUT specifically saying it. Because that would be libel.
It's too much effort to copy and paste on my phone but take a look and see if you can spot it
That's the media in a nutshell these days, and it really makes me sad that people fall for it everytime,hook , line and sinker