240 109F-4/R1 made at the factory..... not field mods, prototypes or test planes.
A heavy minority of Bf109F-4s and when CMs lacked the option to limit it when appropriate would result in inappropriate aircraft matchups.
Rare is 16 TA-152 that were in combat.
I would not have added the Ta152 if it were up to me. In addition I wouldn't count that as rare so much as almost nonexistent. Suspect it was added because it reused some Fw190D-9 art work.
Rare is the 163
See: Ta152. Suspect it was added for Wow! factor.
Rare is the P-47M <200>
Yes, but it was only added because it uses the exact same 3D model as the P-47D-40 making it resource cheap for HTC to add.
Rare is the Arado 234 <200> certainly not all in use
Yes, it was added because a perk bomber was needed and I suspect that of the two obvious ones the Ar234 was much less work compared to the B-29.
Rare is the B-239 with <44>
Kinda. It saw heavy use and had outsized impact for its low airframe count. It was also added, as I am sure you're aware, as a bone to the Finns that have long supported this game.
Rare is the F4U-1C <200>
This was probably the most problematic of all aircraft added given there were no controls on its use before being perked. It is another cheap addition though. At least it isn't an F4U-4C like was added to WarBirds based on a mislabeled photo.
Rare is the P-51 <150> not in game we need the allison mustang.... couple of em...
I have advocated to Allison Mustangs to be added.
All complete planes that were more rare than a simple ordinance package
This completely misses the point of removing the gondolas or 30mm at the time. Don't want a P-47M in your scenario? Don't enable it. Don't want Ta152s in your event? Don't add them. Don't want gondolas for the Bf109F-4 in your setting? Tough, it has them.
I am focused on the MA... thats where 98% of the folks fly.....DAILY!. The scenario managers are able to set the planes the way they want. The more options for the planes the more they are flown.
Got those numbers from HTC did you?
I really don't care about your spitfires, don't fly them, no desire to, but I certainly wouldn't be trying to take thing's from them or out of the game.... especially if they were used historically in the war!
If the MKIX did not have whatever... then I would be with you for whatever it was, but I don't know and don't care and am not going to look it up, even though I have plenty of resources to do so.
And this sort of thing is why your opinions don't really matter in the end.