Author Topic: ENY  (Read 3373 times)

Offline Popeye44

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« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2014, 07:30:38 AM »
IMHO I think you're right. After an hour you should booted.

I guess to be more specific, I live in Australia so end up online in your am hours when I am lucky if there are 50 players total.  Whats common practice is to have a fair number of those players connected but AFK.  One guy I know of in my old squad was connected for nearly 3 months but was never there.  Another player last weekend was on our vox channel for 3 days AFK.

If these numbers mount for any side it can easily push a 23 ENY when numbers are so low at that time of the night.

Maybe the answer is if a player is not active for more than an hour they get disconnected.


Offline Randy1

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« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2014, 07:34:39 AM »
I stick with the idea that ENY should be partially controlled by the number of each model in the air.

That being said, it seems to me that P51D's flyers are effected by ENY more than any other plane due to the numbers in use.

ENY doesn't bother me much.  I just take out a P38J.

Offline Vinkman

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« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2014, 10:04:33 AM »
Must be a bish or rook thing. Flew a whole tour in 262s and only remember a couple of sorties where I was locked out do to ENY.

but I have to say that's effect on side balancing is dubious. If someone is hording and rolling bases the ENY really stop them?  IF not, then why bother? It see,s to add more confusion and frustration than it solves problems. Yes, yes, someone will no doubt come on and exalt the merits of the system, but it's only theory. Is there any data or proof that it effects war outcome? IF not, just retire it.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 12:01:07 PM by Vinkman »
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Offline Lusche

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« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2014, 10:19:25 AM »
but I have to say that's effect on side balancing is dubious. If someone is hording and rolling bases the ENY really stop them?  IF not, then why bother? It see,s to add more confusion and frustration than it solves problems. Yes, yes, someone will no doubt come on and exalt the merits of the system, but it's only theory. Is there any data or proof that it effects war outcome? IF not, just retire it.

There seems to be a common perception that ENY limiter is aiming at balancing the arenas by balancing player numbers between countries.
It is not, and it could never be like that considering most players are very much country loyal. At worst, most of them would either simply log off or sit in tower hoping for eny to drop (the latter is often a source of confusion: many think AFK players are driving ENY up while it's often the opposite - high ENY makes 'em stay in tower).

ENY limiter is just handicapping the high number side. We could argue if that handicap is severe enough (IMHO it's not), but then it's again a matter of overall balance - Let ENY kick in too soon and too harsh and players on that side will leave in disgust. But remove it totally and put no limits on the country that amounts to, say, 50% of the population, and see how all the other players are logging of angrily.
Both ain't good for AH...
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Offline Scca

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« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2014, 12:04:57 PM »
Of late, I haven't found ENY to be a problem, not like it use to be though.  I have become a 47M dweeb and I think it's ENY is 5.  It doesn't really anger me as long as it's under 20.  There are plenty of capable rides under 25, and the more targets the funner it is.

The system seems to work ok like it is.
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Offline Vinkman

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« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2014, 12:13:34 PM »

There seems to be a common perception that ENY limiter is aiming at balancing the arenas by balancing player numbers between countries.
It is not, and it could never be like that considering most players are very much country loyal. At worst, most of them would either simply log off or sit in tower hoping for eny to drop (the latter is often a source of confusion: many think AFK players are driving ENY up while it's often the opposite - high ENY makes 'em stay in tower).

ENY limiter is just handicapping the high number side. We could argue if that handicap is severe enough (IMHO it's not), but then it's again a matter of overall balance - Let ENY kick in too soon and too harsh and players on that side will leave in disgust. But remove it totally and put no limits on the country that amounts to, say, 50% of the population, and see how all the other players are logging of angrily.
Both ain't good for AH...

I'm dubious that ENY stops the second proposition here. When a horde hits and your out numbered and want to log off in disgust, does it matter what planes they are flying? Does anyone even notice? So instead of Ponies and lalas, they show up in Lightnings, and 109s, and Corsairs. Those that hate being horded are still going to leave. Yes, I think it is to handicap the side with more people, but half the arena isn't playing the WAR game anyway, they are having their own little battle in some corner of the map and could care less what the side balance is. They just know they can't take the tank or plane they want, and they're mad.

I just think its effect on the affected side is a marketing negative in a very large way. Its positive effect on the non-affected sides is minuscule and practically immeasurable. Except in a mild psychological way.."we're way outnumbered but at least they are getting screwed by ENY"  That hardly seems like a positive thing.

I think its a net win to eliminate the handicapping. just my opinion.  :salute
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 12:16:01 PM by Vinkman »
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Offline Tank-Ace

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« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2014, 12:24:16 PM »
Vinkman, if it were as harsh as I'd like, they'll only have the G lightning, and the bomber with the most ord will be the HE-111.

No ENY won't stop joker raids with a quick P-38 raid to take out hangers. But then, I've found that the people who engage in such missions suck, and are easily dealt with if anything more than token defense is put up.

But it will stop the hordes that try to overwhelm ready defenders with weight of numbers.
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Offline Vinkman

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« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2014, 12:29:43 PM »
But it will stop the hordes that try to overwhelm ready defenders with weight of numbers.

How? it doesn't stop the numbers, only what planes they will overwhelm you with. correct?  :salute
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Offline Tank-Ace

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« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2014, 01:49:25 PM »
How? it doesn't stop the numbers, only what planes they will overwhelm you with. correct?  :salute

Even the MINNoWAR could survive in a horde of ENY 35 aircraft.

Alone, I doubt very much if anyone could stop even a horde of B5N's. But in a horde vs group of defenders, ENY would be a very effective method of control.

Also remember that the horde would shrink as the undesirables sit in the tower of log off.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline Karnak

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« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2014, 01:49:44 PM »
How? it doesn't stop the numbers, only what planes they will overwhelm you with. correct?  :salute
A horde of P-40s is substantially easier to stop than a horde of P-51Ds, so while there is still a horde it is much easier to stop when your side is flying Spitfire Mk XVIs and La-7s and the enemy outnumbers you in their P-40Ns.
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Offline Vinkman

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« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2014, 01:56:47 PM »
A horde of P-40s is substantially easier to stop than a horde of P-51Ds, so while there is still a horde it is much easier to stop when your side is flying Spitfire Mk XVIs and La-7s and the enemy outnumbers you in their P-40Ns.

yes. But...whether it's theoretically easier misses the point.

The point is whether it makes more people happy than it pisses off.  :salute
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Offline Wiley

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« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2014, 02:10:17 PM »
A horde of P-40s is substantially easier to stop than a horde of P-51Ds, so while there is still a horde it is much easier to stop when your side is flying Spitfire Mk XVIs and La-7s and the enemy outnumbers you in their P-40Ns.

But that's based on the assumption that both sides will be flying the best possible aircraft they're able to.  Plenty of people, particularly who like to defend in my experience tend to have the planes they like, and they're not all that terribly often 5 ENY birds.  More in the 10-15 range.

Still better than P40's, but if the numbers are that disparate, it truly doesn't matter much what they're flying.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline caldera

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« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2014, 02:34:42 PM »
I am a little confused as to why there's a mechanic to encourage side switching, ENY, and then one that strongly discourages it, a 12 hour country lock.

That makes two of us, but ENY's penalty is mostly an illusion:

ENY is effectively neutered unless the advantage is monumentally large.   If the 12 hour rule was "86ed" and ENY kicked in much sooner, the paranoid horde mongering country loyalists would probably just log off.  They want their late war monsters - and their hordes too.  People who spend significant time in subpar rides are a minority and side switchers even less so.

Forcing people to either switch sides to fly their ride, or stay and fight in something sub-leet would just piss most people off.

HTC probably has to do it this way to keep the most people happy.  Or at least somewhat less whiny.

The ENY scale should be expanded to 60 or even 100.  Make the least capable rides more attractive by offering larger perk bonuses.
Basing kill/score points off what the participants were flying could also encourage more people to get out of their crutch rides for a bit.
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Offline Golden Dragon

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« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2014, 02:47:00 PM »
Eny is no big deal.  If I'm locked out of a pony I'll find out where the base takes are happening and up a bomber and help out.  Variety is fun.  It's nice to spend a few hours rolling up this Bish rather than being rolled. :cheers:
Fight's on!

Offline Randy1

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« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2014, 04:16:12 PM »
I would imagine the current ENY system has a large number of expensive coding hours invested in its creation.  With HTC work load to update AH with new graphics, , changing the ENY system is probably very low priority.  I will take updated graphics engine over a new ENY system without question.