Author Topic: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr  (Read 22445 times)

Offline Dragon Tamer

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #285 on: June 05, 2014, 06:58:32 PM »
Personally i find the context argument a bit weird i got into every fight training or not and fly to the best of my abilities why would you fly softer because its training  :headscratch:


You wouldn't, it's just an excuse.

Offline LCADolby

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #286 on: June 05, 2014, 07:07:01 PM »
I recently went toe to toe with Bruv, and even though I wanted to train and expose holes in my fight, if he said the of the 40+ rounds he won 35+, I wouldn't argue or make excuses, (my shooting aside). Even though I was trying to find weaknesses and trying other things including sitting in a spit9 for a number of fights, fact of the matter is that at every opportunity I tried to kill him.

With Bruv I did mention training when I got him to duel, whereas with Skyyr there was smack talking leading up to it and I didn't mention anything about my offering training until fight 4.
Not to mention I fought Skyyr after nearly 24 hours or so of being awake, with Bruv it was in my timezones peak, he spanked me at my maximum alertness.

Slapshot said something in HiTechs' sig.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 07:08:59 PM by LCADolby »
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #287 on: June 05, 2014, 07:09:36 PM »
Alright I'm home, and just in time it seems! First off let me express my final thoughts on this matter:

First: You won the duels, fair and square. You won them all, convincingly so.

Second: In the second duel, you already started mentioning how you train people out of Skyyr's Flight style.

Third: Your tone of speaking is not one in which he would've felt threatened or felt like he would have to defend himself against his mistakes (of course 2 months later). Yet during the course of the duel you are typing to your squad mates and laughing it up, all the while talking to Skyyr in a cordial manner. That is two faced, and cowardly. If and when you are defeated by anyone of us in a duel, we will be sure to let you know to your face instead of behind your back. After all, if this was prompted by DA smack talk, shouldn't have this been a little bit more...blunt? Now that the animosity is at its peak level, no need to be cordial anymore. The Read Me file attached to the .rar you uploaded is a testament to your two faced hypocrisy calling it the Demolition of Skyyr (dated 6/3/2014) while on (04/25/2014 -  the date such demolition took place.) you said he was a good fight and could be molded into a lethal pilot.

Fourth: As I originally stated, at the time of these recordings, the animosity that exists towards Skyyr was not nearly at the level that it is now. You saved these films for nearly 2 months to make yourself look better, or to make Skyyr look bad, or both. Had you posted these films on April 26th, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on in this argument. You painted yourself as a friendly/competitive/mentoring person then burned him for it later when you felt the need to do it.

Fifth: What was said in between duels was not recorded and we can only speculate what was said, but by the sounds/looks of it in the films you probably discussed tactics a bit more in a cordial manner. Further buttering Skyyr up and leading him to experiment more to get your critique (cutting engine to attempt to cause overshoot or drop speed).

Finally: You honestly seem like a good/knowledgeable guy in the film, its sad that you took these films as a cheap-shot instead of doing it in the present day. All of this to "stop" our cheerleading? or Feel better about yourself, meh, only you can answer that.

Side note: Why are you firing off 75% of your ammo at the start? Is this actually modeled? Bullet weight? How much does it really help? Was Skyyr, whom you considered a noob that needed training, made aware of this?

Below is the transcription from all the films as best my DragonNS would pick it up and I could correct it, when someone 'says' something its over voice chat, 'types' is obviously in chat, if any other party is in the film I X'ed their names out.:

Duel 1:
Dolby says "Right on I'm on the runway, I'm just spooling up, let me know when you are ready to roll, roger that rolling"
Skyyr types: "Rolling"
Dolby says "This should actually be quiet interesting you seem like an E fighting type of fellow, so I can pretty much guess that your first merge is going to be exactly what I expect it to be"
Dolby says "Ah unlucky Sky, that was good effort"

Duel 2:
Dolby says: "Rolling"
Dolby says: "I have to admit, I kind of train people out of doing how you fight cause it kind of, it kind of gets you killed, you are automatically forcing yourself to fly on the defensive."
Dolby says: "Do you not find that in MA quite often though when you come up 1 on 1 with nobody else around, they kind of get angles on you and you are suddenly of flying around defensively looking for the rope, which you know, people can get around."
Dolby says: "Ah unlucky Sky, I saw you go a bit more.." // Audio cuts off as recording ends.

Duel 3:
Dolby says: "You're a good fight though. Rolling"
Dolby says: "Ah unlucky Sky, not a bad fight at all Mr. Sky in the D9"
Skyyr types: "gf - your plane?"

Duel 4:
Dolby says: "Alright ready on the runway, ready to roll, roger that rolling".
Skyyr types: "Rolling".
Dolby says: "Oh just so you know, um, I well in the, uh, general forum I've got a thing in the training section,services. Stuff, training stuff, so if you want to tighten those mergers and whatever a little bit and start getting a bit more on the attack, I'm quite happy to uh help, hints things, its up to you..its open."
Dolby says: "You'd have to answer this question in text after this fight, do you use a keyboard or something because you keep switching your engine off, that trick only works in Fighter Ace if memory serves me correct.
Dolby: "Ahh not at this altitude Skyyr! Ahh no, ahh unlucky, its a trick you want to try in.."  // Audio cuts off as recording ends.

Duel 5
Dolby: "I've gone back into the tower, I have no idea who that is, not going to say anything on the all channel."
Dolby: "Hang on I'm in the tower, Ohh he's gone. Right OK Do you want to start up again, Sorry about that, I don't know  who it was it might be XXXXX"
Dolby: "Roger that right uh, ready to roll aaand"
Dolby: "Ahh Skyyr, you're a good fighter I wont doubt you that, a little bit of work on your aggressi..."  // Audio cuts off as recording ends.

Duel 6:
Dolby: "On the runway in the dreaded plane"
Dolby: "Roger that! Rolling!"
Dolby types in squad chat:"Yeah 6-0"
XXXXX types in squad chat:"Hahaha nice"
Dolby types in squad chat:]
Skyyr types in chat: "been flying sims for years - the energy modeling here is weird - no other sim do you burn energy like her"
Skyyr types in chat: "*here"
Dolby says: "Yeah I know what you mean, I came from IL2 1946 and you have to fly that with nice smooth movements and all that and you come to Aces High,
"and uh and i think they've done it for game play reasons more than anything, because you can shoot really easily in Aces High, its like flying in soup, the air in this place, you've got to be really really you know.... on it"
Skyyr types in chat: I'm still trying to find that balance. I can turn fight, but im trying to find how to maintain E. Coming close, buts its still off
Dolby says:" Yeah its a balancing act, specially in Aces High its almost critical in a duel you have to chose one thing early on whether its angles fight or e fight, you can counter act both // Audio is not understandable as recording muffled by engine noise.
Dolby says: "Ahh unlucky Sky"
Skyyr types: gf

Duel 7:
Dolby: "Trying to think,On the runway, annnd rolling, There's a guy called BatFink and that guy is insane, I mean he plays with me like I am a toy, he can fly the K4 at like 20-30 miles an hour, at least it seems that way when you fly against him, you should try and hook up with him for some kind of little tips with,uh, balancing act with the merge, he'd turn you into a lethal pilot because you've got the energy ability already."
Skyyr types: will do
Dolby types in squad(red) chat: 7-0
Dolby: "Ahh Skyyr if you had just done that over the loop"

Duel 8:
Dolby types: let me and skyyr have out fight then you can have it
xxxxx types: heading west
Dolby Says: "I'm going to come out anyway, if he just gets into the fight, just brings more tough luck i suppose, I'm sure he wont"
Dolby types: rgr cheers chap :)
Dolby says: "Dangit typing to him I forgot to bring my gear up almost smacked the bloody thing off"
xxxxx Types: cheeers :) enjoy
Dolby says: "Unlucky Sky, I kind of, I kind of..well...." // Audio cuts off as recording ends.

Duel 9:
Skyyr types: ok
Skyyr types: rolling
Skyyr types: xxxxxx is in front
Dolby says: "Oh god not XXXXX"
Dolby types: I see you XXXXX
Dolby types: cheeky
XXXXX types: o.o
Dolby says: "Ohh almost didn't expect to make that"
Skyyr types: gf
Doulby says: "Ahh Unlucky Sky, in the.."  // Audio cuts off as recording ends.

As I said, you seem like a good guy but by hiding your true intentions about how you felt in the duel makes you look like a coward. Waiting 2 months to post the duels makes you an opportunist. We might be new to the game but we aren't new to competitive gaming, we have seen these things before, and we will see these things again, I'm sure.


« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 07:14:07 PM by Kruel »

Offline TonyJoey

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #288 on: June 05, 2014, 07:24:50 PM »
The shooting of ammo before a duel is enough to make me  :headscratch:

Offline LCADolby

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #289 on: June 05, 2014, 07:32:04 PM »
Kruel, my tone is like that at all times. When I got 2cmex in the DA after the same sort of smack talking between us, I greeted him with joy and happiness like a friend.

This animosity you keep talking about, you are aware of all the swords I've crossed with people over the years that fly like that right? And prior to these Duels crossed swords with Skyyr on 200 about it. I mean I feel the same way about that silly fighting style as I did with cmex, with Pand, Rocky, the list goes on. It's not worse now than then, it's no worse than when Skyyr was trying to claim 3 kills on me when it was 1 and gangband assists.

I know you are playing propaganda minister for Skyyr, and making excuses for him, but have you gone completely mad going that far of the edge?
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #290 on: June 05, 2014, 08:08:29 PM »
Did you post videos of all those people you fought?

I'm not talking about your tone alone, I am talking about the whole encounter. Surely, I beat such a smack talker like Skyyr and decided to post a video of it (albeit nearly 2 months later, :bhead) you'd think you would have smack talked him during the duel(and right after) to give him some humble pie. I think you are in denial about your course of action, maybe I am ignorant about how smack talk is perceived in this community? Is it the community maybe? Sorry, like I said we are new does Smack talk = friendly banter? Judging by the smack talk in this thread who needs enemies when we have friends like each other  :cheers:?

Come to think of it, why didn't you post the videos right away? Maybe that's the question I should have led off with.

I don't know you or your duel history, I do know cheapshots when I see them, I simply called you out on it.

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #291 on: June 05, 2014, 08:14:15 PM »
The shooting of ammo before a duel is enough to make me  :headscratch:

Seeking advantage through weight reduction.   Only thing I can see it used for.  In WBs I saw it used by guys pursued while RTB--they would fire off ammo in order to fly faster and outrun their pursuit. The E6B shows weight reduced when ammo fired so it must be modeled in here, why track it otherwise?

My guess is it lightens the plane.  So, in an engagement (duel) where all variables are expected to be near equal at the merge, firing off ammo is dirty pool if not briefed prior to the encounter.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 08:29:28 PM by Vraciu »
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Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #292 on: June 05, 2014, 09:21:04 PM »
Are you a fricken turd still? How is your candy van, cindy?

Deb,... I've got to say, your commentary always causes me to break into a s***-eating grin, but, geez, Cindy? I've got to hear the backstory on that name.

A diplomat you're not, but I'm still chuckling.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline Debrody

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #293 on: June 06, 2014, 12:17:36 AM »
(see what I did there?)
Why, what you did there? Getting curious.
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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #294 on: June 06, 2014, 12:21:15 AM »
Deb,... I've got to say, your commentary always causes me to break into a s***-eating grin, but, geez, Cindy? I've got to hear the backstory on that name.

A diplomat you're not, but I'm still chuckling.
Well, exuse me, after an amount of crap, i cannot resist to send the individual to some better climate. Since im not english, nor an expert in the lingual niceties, had to do this straight.
Ask fulcrum about that name. It was actually him telling me some story in PM, crying like a beyotch about someone else and threatening me with bannage. rofl.

(check PMs)  :rofl
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 12:26:04 AM by Debrody »
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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #295 on: June 06, 2014, 12:25:01 AM »
Did you post videos of all those people you fought?

I'm not talking about your tone alone, I am talking about the whole encounter. Surely, I beat such a smack talker like Skyyr and decided to post a video of it (albeit nearly 2 months later, :bhead) you'd think you would have smack talked him during the duel(and right after) to give him some humble pie. I think you are in denial about your course of action, maybe I am ignorant about how smack talk is perceived in this community? Is it the community maybe? Sorry, like I said we are new does Smack talk = friendly banter? Judging by the smack talk in this thread who needs enemies when we have friends like each other  :cheers:?

Come to think of it, why didn't you post the videos right away? Maybe that's the question I should have led off with.

I don't know you or your duel history, I do know cheapshots when I see them, I simply called you out on it.

Check my youtube and see if there are duels with any of those people.

I've never smack talked during a duel, I need controlled aggression not a pre-occupied mind. Not only that, it's just not me.
No, I'm fine with my course of action, posting right away wouldn't allow enough digging for the pay off.

For instance;

Duel 8, watch the film, listen to what I say and watch the gear snap off.
Here is what you have typed Kruel;
Dolby Says: "I'm going to come out anyway, if he just gets into the fight, just brings more tough luck i suppose, I'm sure he wont"
Dolby says: "Dangit typing to him I forgot to bring my gear up almost smacked the bloody thing off"

Here is reality;
"if he just gets into the fight, just sods law and tough luck I suppose"
"damn it typing to him I forgot to bring my gear up I snapped the bloody thing off".

Obvious editing is obvious.
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #296 on: June 06, 2014, 12:31:17 AM »
Well, I guess this is one way to start a day...

1. I haven't defended anyone other than getting in the mix when I saw your post on the forum about a guy you've never fought, met or even talked  far as we can tell.


So let me make this as clear as I possibly can, and please feel free to share this with your squadmates: This ends NOW. If you, or any of your equally eloquent squad members, sends me one more message I will take whatever measures are required, up to and including calling HTC personally, to make certain it will be the last time. I'm done with this. It's a game... No one has died, no one has been assaulted. Leave me alone. Got it?

Dude, it turns out that its actually you PM abusing my squadmates then instantly blocking them?

So what are we talking about?
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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #297 on: June 06, 2014, 12:53:29 AM »
That is all I have to say on the topic.
Still trying to explain the results? Well, keep going  :aok

About this thread, it were YOUR puppets who started to agressively "counter-attack" Dolby. So what are you talking about? Hypocricy again, nothing else.
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #298 on: June 06, 2014, 12:55:38 AM »
Still trying to explain the results? Well, keep going  :aok

About this thread, it were YOUR puppets who started to agressively "counter-attack" Dolby. So what are you talking about? Hypocricy again, nothing else.

Shut your pie hole, armchair fighter pilot wannabe (retired). Lol

Dolby has questionable ethics, at BEST.   WELL KNOWN, to boot.  Documented in small part here by Kruel.  
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 12:57:39 AM by Vraciu »
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Re: Cargnico/Dolby Vs Skyyr
« Reply #299 on: June 06, 2014, 12:58:37 AM »
Dolby has questionable ethics, at BEST.
Mirror mirror on the wall, whos the sickest one of all,
mirror mirror split in two, look at me - who are you?
City of ice