I personally think that you have earned a great deal of respect during your years of play here at AH.

I sincerely hope that you decide to take a break, even shelve your gear for a bit. Breathe some fresh air (forget where

you live). Enjoy youth, and come back frequently on the forums to let some of your

old friends know how life is developing.
I take particular interest in this announcement, because it is a complaint from a very "low maintenance" type of player. Another point of interest, is that Latrobe and I fly during off peak hours at times.
Perhaps the ground war has crept into our AIR combat game. I just hope that more folks do not give up, but rather, step back and give it another go on another day.
Some days, weeks, and months are filled with dreary mind numbing routines, and then one day, something bright and shiny catches your attention, and the world is a marvelous place to ponder about again.
Wishing you well in all your endeavors Latrobe, but if you leave and don't come fly with me first, I will post your "baby" pictures.....