Author Topic: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)  (Read 4649 times)

Offline hcrana

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #45 on: December 30, 2014, 01:53:34 PM »
Our squad pays for our own Ventrilo server, which confers several advantages, not the least of which is the freedom to curse like a bandit when the mood strikes us.  I'm a Maritimer and I cannot friggin help myself.  It's said that the F-word was invented in New Brunswick and I friggin believe it.  Our language is... colourful, to say the least.  Maybe an adults-only channel would work, but there is a fine line between what's "funny" and what's "racist homophobic misogynistic blasphemous" and so on.  I have noticed that the scatalogical, the vulgar, and the profane are censored, but the aforementioned speech, not so much.  I'll take mere vulgarity over that hateful stuff any day.
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Offline mbailey

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #46 on: December 30, 2014, 05:00:21 PM »
  There is a lot of ugliness out there.  I choose to not invite that ugliness into my home if I can avoid it. I would like this game to continue to be one of those places that discourages ugly language.  It's simply not necessary.

+1. I'm not saying that I'm an angel, but you will never hear me swear on vox..... squad or country.....I have to much respect for my fellow players, and their familys to have them hear that come across their speakers.  The fact that this thread was ever posted shows what utter lack of respect and decency some people have for other people .....beyond pathetic
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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #47 on: December 30, 2014, 05:25:39 PM »
I cuss when appropriate.  AH allows cussing when appropriate.  If anyone thinks AH doesn't, they have a different idea of when it's appropriate  ;)
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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #48 on: December 30, 2014, 09:10:11 PM »
And I just thought of a compromise that I don't feel is actually fair, but is fair enough to some extent.

Add radio channels in the 300 range and allow us to speak freely on those.

That was the original intention of 200. Remember. The default channel is 100 and the original idea was that you CHOSE to tune into 200. And by making that choice you were to more or less pretty much deal with whatever went on in 200. (at the time politics not language was the hotbed issue)

What happened was predictable. Everyone started tuning into 200 because thats where everyone else went. Its why you see most of the furballers in the MA instead of the DA. Everyone wants to be where the crowd is. Because the majority decided to make 200 their home people started complaining about what went on there forgetting or outright ignoring its original intention.

Kinda like how this country went. Originally conceived in the concept of individual liberty. Then the Dudley Do-Rights showed up and started demanding laws based on their likes and dislikes and the laws were passed and enforced and we've been going downhill ever since.

Same thing here.
The idea of choosing to tune to 200 so you could choose to engage in the type of conversation you wanted (the idea being that if you didnt want to take part or see such conversation you could just stay on 100) Problem is everyone seems to want liberty. So 200 is where the majority went. Leaving those who didnt like that type of conversation pretty much alone. Not wanting to be alone and the norm of wanting to be where the crow is. Those folks (the Dudley Do-Rights) tuned into 200 too. then the complaints came again just as they had on the default channel. Demanded laws be enforced.

And here we are.

What you are proposing is a rinse repeat. Sure you can make 300 for anything you want. And most people will end up going there because most people DO want that kind of liberty. Problem is. The Dudley Do-Rights will again show up rather then be left alone and again start demanding laws be enforced so they dont have to deal with it even though they chose to tune there to begin with just as what happened on 200.

The problem though isnt just the Dudley Do-Rights. Its what if I remember correctly HT said when he said "You dont want what you think you want"
In this case Its the problem of some people not knowing when to stop. Taking advantage and abusing their liberties when they do have them rather then being responsible with those liberties. Lets take politics for example. while I think most wouldnt be adverse to some political discussion. Some folks just dont know when to shut up or when enough is enough. They have to keep pushing and keep pushing buttons to get a reaction. Then rather then such discussion remaining civil. It devolves into a raging flame fest. Pretty soon even those who were open to political discussion do not want to see it because its no longer a mature discussion or civil intelligent debate. But a war of insults and name calling. And that, outside few the few participants gets old for everyone else real fast.
Classic case of you may get what you want. But not want what you get

Inasmuch as 200 is where the mass hangs HTC is more or less forced to enforce its rules for the betterment and enjoyment of the whole even if the majority doesn't agree.

Same thing holds true with language. Now language typically doesn't bother me. And Ive never protected my kids from it because I see it in this day and age a fruitless endeavor. And in the end you really protect them from nothing because your average kid probably hears more before the 6:00 news hour during the coarse of a day then they hear here. And I can certainly understand the flare of temper now and again. We are all after all human.

BUT even that has its limits. Again. Some people just don't know when to say when or how much is enough. Some. (and I do men a a VERY few) Just dont stop. So again HTC is forced to enforce its rules.

I understand your desire to be able to say what you want.That being the case take it private vox. Because setting a new free for all channel will only result in the same thing happening as happened with 200. Everyone will go there. then the same default rules will have to be enforced because...everyone will go there.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 09:12:06 PM by DREDIOCK »
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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #49 on: December 30, 2014, 09:37:17 PM »
It's interesting to watch the world evolve.
Here we are arguing for the right to be vulgar.
Yes, you do have the right to be vulgar. But don't you have a higher standard for yourself?  It matters to me not one bit whether you do or not, it's your life to live.
It's an intentional choice to be the man you want to be, and actions define who you are.

If you had a choice to be the individual you are, which might include being vulgar because this is a grown ups game, or being a role model for those around you, which do you choose?  Now, read that last line again and remove the very first word, "if".
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Arlo

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #50 on: December 30, 2014, 11:17:31 PM »
Vulgarity lost it's novelty before it had a chance to set hold in me. Boot camp uses it to shock your attention into place. After-all, screaming niceties only confuses. Any environment outside that pales in comparison. I came home on leave and there was some kid (college aged) at a party that dropped the f-bomb at least twice in every sentence he managed to drivel at everyone. I don't think he was even buzzed. I nudged him with a 'Hi, effing Joey! How effing are effing you, you effer. How's your effing mom? Tell her I effing said hi!' and his eyes went wide as his jaw dropped. 'Guess that word can be over-used, eh?' Joey left the party within minutes. Vulgarity doesn't impress .... everyone.

Offline Lab Rat 3947

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #51 on: December 31, 2014, 03:01:53 AM »
People who play MMO's have certain expectations, like being able to swear without something equivalent to a nun immediately hitting our hands with a yard stick.

And to use that sheeple generation "battle cry". "WHATEVER . . . I WANT IT MY WAY; WAH WAH WAH" :rolleyes:

Way back when I was in High School, Class of 66, I was on my high school's Speech & Debate Team.
The first thing we were taught was:
Rule #1. - If someone uses vulgarity, it's because they really have nothing to say.

It is obvious to me, that you and I live in two vastly different universes.  :old:
So, enjoy your world & I will enjoy mine . . . I will enjoy mine without the vulgarity.

just my $0.02 worth

« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 03:21:13 AM by Lab Rat 3947 »
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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #52 on: December 31, 2014, 10:35:27 AM »
Dudley Do-Right, Rob? 

I've never acquired a taste for channel 200.  I didn't like the tone there. 

An overarching issue for this age is the perceived anonymity of the internet.  It has created environments where there seems to be no immediate consequence for bad behavior or poor taste.  There are potential long-term consequences, but that is another discussion.

Some of us grew up on a steady diet of Civics.  There is a notion in it (among many others) that law-enforcement begins with each citizen - not with the police.  If a law is unfair, outmoded, or wrong then the majority of citizens will work together to change it.  In all aspects of Civics there is an underlying requirement to demonstrate respect for the other citizens.  In short form - "Your freedom extends as far as the nose of your neighbor".  Dudley Do-Right?

Some of us grew up in military families and/or served in the military.  It is a highly evolved community based on respect for the rules.  A healthy thing for the group that fights wars to preserve the freedom of all citizens.  Dudley Do-Right?

Some of us live in Texas and know that this state reflects the norms of the rest of the country in general terms.  Dudley Do-Right? - Not any more or less than in any other state, but it is still a norm in most places I've lived to not swear in front of women and children (a demonstration of lack of self control).

Channel 200 seems to be missing the important factor of respect.  Lacking that, it's not worth considering for some of us.  If that lack of respect spills into Range or Country, then it needs to be policed (vigorously).  There are limits to our liberty.  That is a fact.  We all have to operate within that framework.


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Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #53 on: December 31, 2014, 11:37:17 AM »
I never blew an eye out with CH200. But then again I'm scandinavian. We even go to public sauna naked. I actually went to the womens side with my grandmother until I was 8 years old. Ooooh yeah I saw some bootie  :rofl

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Offline Arlo

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #54 on: December 31, 2014, 12:08:30 PM »
Ratsy. I like your post and appreciate it.  :cheers:

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #55 on: December 31, 2014, 12:41:39 PM »
What the OP has failed to consider is that not everyone is using a headset.  That's why it is family frindly.
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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #56 on: December 31, 2014, 01:44:51 PM »
I didn't say uncensor channel 200.  I suggested that channels in the 300-399 range not be censored.

I'm not suggesting that anyone swear constantly or even frequently.  I am saying that occasional swearing should not result in an automatic mute.

Currently the game only allows us to use coarse words like heck and darn.

Currently we have rules that the creator is too lazy to enforce, so we have filters with no common sense that enforce his rules for him, often punishing those who do not deserve it.
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Offline Coalcat1

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #57 on: December 31, 2014, 02:10:01 PM »
I never blew an eye out with CH200. But then again I'm scandinavian. We even go to public sauna naked. I actually went to the womens side with my grandmother until I was 8 years old. Ooooh yeah I saw some bootie  :rofl

You now have the envy of 99% of the AH community  :D

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #58 on: December 31, 2014, 02:13:00 PM »
This whole post was another self serving opportunity to insult HiTech for some perceived insult to the OP's expectations because of the recent rash of post's getting away with insulting HiTech. The OP is spitting in all of your faces due to the anonymity of the internet. In real life you see this in places where kids with masks over their faces throw trash cans through Mom and Pop store windows or set their cars on fire in front of news cameras. The only interest for the OP is in  throwing his version of a trash can through HiTech's store window while his mask hides his identify from his parents watching the 6 O'clock News. His parents said exactly what all of you have wasted your time posting in response. By his response below, none of it had any effect.

Currently we have rules that the creator is too lazy to enforce
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Re: AH is Family Friendly (Circa 1981)
« Reply #59 on: December 31, 2014, 02:40:23 PM »