Glzz be tryin to threaten my intelligence.
.In all honesty I base my assumptions off experience rather than charts as charts only show a 2D perception of realism. Once the 25 gets going, it's better at going than the D11 is. Does that make since? Although I'd much rather fly the D11 over the 25 for the turny ability.
For real though, you don't want this plane to be below 10k with no wep. You are asking to get jumped like racist white dude at a Al Sharpton speech.
I love this plane to death, I wish the M could turn just a quite bit better at lower speeds. It just can't perform the same types of flying as I can in the 109s. It is the most beautiful warbird IMO.
Once you get low n slow with it you are doomed if other cons are on the way to engage. It is not a plane that fights E planes very well if you don't have the E to combat it. Being slow under 5k is like being in a death trap, especially if you don't know what you are doing.
My favorite is the M model.
I tend to get a little impatient and like to dogfight it at mid alts and see if I can out maneuver better turning planes in furballs. WHICH IS THE WRONG WAY TO FLY IT.
But if I was taking it seriously, I'd climb to 18K on entry to fights. Dive to 15k before I get there so I'm going about 420, and then I am set to engage any target around me. Fight the con's who are coalt. BnZ the low con's. Dive shoot and then extend. Since the P47 can go quite fast in a dive, you don't have to worry so much about spiral diving on top of planes. Although it is still useful to use in your fights. I'd stay high and outside of the furball, make quick passes through it, clean off a couple unsuspecters, and after my 6th kill dive away and make it home in time for lunch.
All of this is about dead on IMO. I always loved the D11 because it did the best in my hands when I'd have to fight from below or slow. Below 25% fuel and with WEP, it can stall fight better than a lot of people think it can. All of the jugs really benefit from light fuel and WEP at slow speeds, moreso than most other planes I think.
For some reason, I just couldn't do much in the D25. The D40 was my go-to plane for jaboing some stuff at a field and sticking around afterward to fight, but it wasn't as capable for me to fight with as the D11. The M accelerates and climbs the best out of the jugs, but I don't much care for stallfighting in it. The N is about the most stable gun platform in the game IMO. There's something slightly different about the guns on it, possibly the spacing mentioned earlier, but once you get the sight picture in your head, it's one of the best BnZ/bomber interceptors in the game.