One of the things Hitech will not know, is how far from the factory out of the box state have his customers adjusted their monitor and or desktop color, gamma, contrast and brightness visa their graphics card. I seem to always up my desktop gamma to 1.2, and in AH2 I've upped it to about 1.2-1.3. The alpha I've left the gamma at the default to keep a base line between patches. I tested gamma once, and very tiny increases in the alpha gamma achieve a bleaching effect quickly.
Some players reference old man's eyes and a spectrum of problems. What have they set their systems to so they can enjoy their time testing the alpha? What have you set yours to? How many are not admitting they are running SweetFX while testing the alpha?
So what is being adjusted if no two people will see the same thing, versus this recent tweek Waffle posted those screen shots for? That was quite an improvement in the light quality especially with the post processing retina dimming response effect to bright light. For me at least in real life, that only happens if I walk out of a dark house into bright sunlight or in from bright sunlight to a dark room and try to read anything. That effect has been a bit draconian on the general brightness of the arena versus walking out of a hanger into 12:00 noon light.
How many testing the alpha have increased their gamma and changed the rest of the graphics settings from the default? And now these sliders, what is anyone adjusting for then against what base line?
Some of what you want Hitech to do for you can be accomplished in your video card's control panel.
You make a good point here & IMHO we all should consider what you've stated...................
As for myself, I leave my vid card's drivers color & hue & all those settings (including gamma) at the driver's default settings, regardless of whether I'm using a Nvidia or AMD vid card & have been doing this for years..........IMHO these settings are set well enough from the get go for the way I use the cards........which is gaming (I don't watch any video on my computer). So for my offerings they are strictly related to changes in the game coding alone, whether referring to AHII or the Alpha................
Since the Alpha's use of the Shader 3.0 Model rendering coding in which Hitech & crew are using (& tweaking themselves I might add), the post lighting effects do add to a much more dynamic graphics lighting scene as now the lighting will change the look depending on the position of the lighting source to you're center of view & so from my viewpoint the Alpha looks to be all around a little too bright, not so much from a gamma perspective but from lighting effects that are, IMHO, set too intensive & this shows up on the objects, especially the trees & the terrain, using what I can see in RL from looking outside the window of my house as a baseline to what I see from looking thru the tower window in-game. This is why Skuzzy also asked us to post....when we posted the numbers of the slider positions that we chose....whether we had the post lighting effects enabled or this would make a noticeable difference in what we noted or perceived as too bright or dark.
As others who have posted as well, I forgot to mention that in my 1st posting..............thus why I posted a second post to let Hitech & Co know that I indeed had the post lighting effects enabled when I made those slider setting changes that I made...............
IMHO the sliders that Hitech made available for us to adjust weren't adjusting anything else but the lighting effects levels in the Alpha coding on the trees, terrain & the lighting reflections off objects (such as the window panes in the tower) to help them to get a perspective of what they saw as good lighting effect levels to what we see as a collective of what is good lighting effects levels to make a better decision on what the final Alpha coded settings concerning the lighting effects--with or without post lighting effects enabled--should be.............& these have absolutely nothing to do w/ the vid card's driver settings in this regard.....this is all generated from within the Alpha's coding on the graphical rendering calls being sent to the vid card's drivers concerning lighting effects............. What the vid card's drivers are applying to the Alpha's coding is secondary in nature, not primary so as long as your vid card's drivers are set to use the application's graphics settings & not the vid card's driver settings then there shouldn't be any "deviations" from what the Alpha coding calls for in the vid card's graphical rendering.....unless the particular vid card drivers & hardware don't support the Shader 3.0 rendering model code which covers lighting effects..........
If I'm wrong here I'm sure that Hitech & Co will correct me...........................
Just posted all this to let you know where Pudgie's perspectives are coming from in the posts that I have made concerning this aspect of the Alpha testing.....................