Easy fix for a long map download would be to open up a custom arena and get the map downloaded.
I have my arena set up every Thurseday night and at least 2 hours before every FSO event. My squad know this
and usually most of my squad are ready to go when FSO starts.
As for the beating the axis got, 1st I would like to say that the 162nd got wiped out early but as always we had
a blast getting ready for the event, we worked on a couple of scenerios Thurseday night and thought we were ready.
With no definite orders on our attack we came up with our own and practiced it for a couple of hours. I think that
one issue could of been no communication until the very last minute, I was not able to be there because of work
but got a debrief from my XO. We were told at the last min and had to scramble to get the squad all on the same page,because like I said we had worked on something totally different, we got caught with our pants down. I try to
get some communication together within our group but because of my work schedule this week was unable to get
anything started so all we can do is plan better and hope we can redeem ourselves in the next 2 frames.