Average players NOT like Lazerr and YUCCA have a game session play cycle I've observed for a decade now. Call it mental fatigue and it's stages. Players start out in planes or tanks raring to go at it. To various degrees based on their current skill abilities and expectations cultivated from those. On the very best nights they get lucky to be in a group initiative that's moving and doing things helping them win by their standards. Other nights, they have a tolerance for getting thowered too many times and things go down hill from there. The average player is not self motivated and needs external input to help keep an up feeling about playing. Without it, mental fatigue sets in starting an enthusiasm downward spiral.
In the end they often spend their last bit of time during their session in a field gun or in a gun on a task group plinking at red guys. It requires very little effort and the reward from it is immense to their ego. I've sat in a gun and listened to them chat away about it while popping some well known name and congratulations go all around. I remember some colorful ch200 responses by the kinds of players who start these posts to get rid of or castrate manned ack. Manned ack is a tiny community getting it's $14.95 worth while getting even for a bad night in the arena. And then they log out but, they keep coming back.
If you start from yourself as the premise of what's good and right for AH game play, you will drive the average customer away. There are more of them than Lazerr and YUCCA personality types, and they need these things to have at least that for an occasional reward. You should listen to players crow when they pop you and YUCCA and a small list of your high end ACM brethren. It's like they just shot down some ace of aces or talented greifer in the game everyone just loves to get even with.
Most of the action in this game happens at bases, so all of the toys to shoot someone are combined at those locations. And everyone knows they are. This wish can't accomplish making people stop popping you with a manned gun without punishing them in some public manner. That is not what the majority is paying Hitech to happen to them for taking pot shots with manned guns. And removing them completely, or piling social justice restrictions on them, he will loose customers because he will be removing their last possible ability to get even with the game monsters who can kill them in seconds.
Most players do not strive to become game monsters in the games they play. I've observed the game monsters take umbrage at anything that gives the normals an equalizer to their monsterness no matter how infrequent they get nailed by it. You always give the normals something so they don't spend all their time as food for the monsters who don't care about the problems of being a normal. Or keeping the normals paying the server bills by throwing them an equalizer.
And like Waystin tells all the green guys whining about ack getting in the way of their fun. Kill all the ack and stop whining. Then he kills all the ack.