Not sure I follow some of the OP's thinking. He complains that early War planes aren't restricted from the MA, because hardly anybody flies them there. But if no one is flying them, why would they need to be restricted from the arena? And the F4U-1 began operating with the Marines in early 1943, so its mid-War plane, not early-War.
At first pass I thought maybe this aircraft could help with what he wants:

After a second reading though, I'm thinking this might fit his bill:

But no one is "forced" to fly anything. If you
feel forced, its probably a result of the incorrect conclusions you've drawn by observing what everybody else is flying, and your own definition of what fun or success looks like in the game.
Fly a C.205, a P-39Q, a 109G-2, a Yak-7B or the F4U-1. You can be competitive in it if you're smart and fly it to its strengths. Be a part of weakening the Big 12's dominance. In short, be the change you want to see.