Author Topic: What is Vehicle quadrant??  (Read 21327 times)

Offline TyFoo

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #180 on: November 21, 2017, 03:55:28 AM »
Your deer analogy doesn't work here tho. In the case of the deer and the hunter the deer is hiding to SAVE ITS LIFE!. We on the other hand are playing a game which by the way DEPENDS on players interacting WITH EACH OTHER.

Your game in a GV is to get to where your going and kill buildings or other players. My game, being an opponent is to find you and stop you from doing that. By sitting under a tree for hours and AVOIDING all interaction I believe your going against the principles of the game.

After all if that is your game, save your self some money and play off line. Nobody will ever kill you and you can roll base after base all by yourself.

First somebody (Fugitive) points out Gving is entry level game play, only requiring knowledge of a few key strokes and the use of a mouse. Yet you get hammered time and time again? Then comes the argument that players get tired of being shot, and leave the game because of it . . blah blah blah. Now you say GV's don't really participate in the principles of the game? Which is it? As with ACM, there is an art and a significant learning curve to be an effective GV'er. Why call out the ground game only? If you don't like the fact that you cant bomb a GV at will - without putting forth some effort to find them, then your suggestion of finding something to do in the offline arena sounds like a plan.

Fly in a real airplane and try to find any vehicle sitting under a group of trees from a horizontal distance of 3-4 miles at an altitude of 5,000-10,000ft doing 230 kts. Possible? Maybe, but more likely not. IMHO the icon range is just about right. Those that know how to find GVs do, and those that don't know how should learn.

To all those GVs Sitting and Hiding. . . .
Where can I find them? How many GVs are there? How many "hours" do they sit?. . . lol There are so many comments about GVs sitting for "hours". . . . lol This sounds like a lot of bloated jibber jabber - I would love to see the stats…….Cuz I do not see the same thing.

CYBRO is the only player I know that spends 43 hours a day sitting in a hangar or just off base, making it flash after it has been captured. And because he does this he is ignored by everybody. There is no harm, no foul, and I have never heard anybody quit the game because of it or him.

Kilroy sat for 8hrs? Kilroy is also one guy that will keep upping and attack again & again. There are days that you need to bring a strong constitution just to fend him off. On the flip side there is 715B, a player that strategically places himself in a position to thwart attacks. He is often well hidden, exercises the patience of a saint, and is very lethal. Fighting either player is extremely challenging combat yet they use different approaches, (and certainly not the same one all the time). Any tactic that makes you take action directly contributes to combat. On the ground (barring a camp) if you don't understand the difference of when to move, and when to wait, one will often find themselves on the wrong side of a tank shell.

Nobody can tell a flyer how high to fly, what direction to head, which base to bomb, what con to attack. The reality is they get to choose whether to participate its the individuals choice. It’s funny that so many feel the need to tell GVers how to play the ground game the way they think it should be played.

GV's sitting for hours & hours or are we waiting out a bombt**d?
Expecting a GV to continue moving while a bombt**d is overhead is equivalent to me telling you to fly directly into the blazing gunfire of a HO, Whirble, or a tail gunner and expecting you not to take any defensive action. Logic, and common sense necessitates that I shut down and hide. If you choose to bomb GV's, then one shouldn't complain about how long it takes to find us. You are disrupting our base attack, not vice versa. I don't complain about your bomb attack, why should you complain about my defense?

Sitting while waiting for the bombt**d to go away doesn't promote combat??    Ok. . . . Then try not bombing GVs if the issue of promoting combat is so important. I like getting bombed about as much as you like getting camped, HOed, ganged, or 88ed. Its absurd to ask anybody to not act in a manner of self preservation when under attack. If you don't think so, start using the C47 in your next dogfight and let us know how it works out. Then maybe I'll consider keeping my tank moving when being targeted by your bombs.

W/ regards to GV radar. . . .
Two issues I have experienced over the last few days with GV radar is;
One it provides an unfair advantage to those already familiar with the ground game and helps those players to find and shoot others faster, exacerbating the "hammering and driving players away" argument. (And no I dont want to drive players away. . .)

Second I notice aircraft and GVs alike fly & move around me (I am speculating here) and act like they are paying more attention to the radar than looking outside. This isnt a very far fetched idea considering the argument of technology inside aircraft today and pilots disregarding the number rule of flying -Which is to Fly the airplane first! I have been observing both air & ground vehicles maneuvering as if they are trying to hone in on the enemy. The problem is they are watching the map and not the terrain. Boom.... !
Of course you could also chalk this one up to the learning curve.

The Green/ Red End Sortie light already provides the most pertinent information that a GV is in the area without pointing out its direction. Vehicle sound provides the rest of that information. The Green light tells me nobody is around and to move elsewhere for a battle. The Red light tells me there is a visitor and its time to sweep the welcome mat off.

Offline Randy1

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #181 on: November 21, 2017, 05:55:11 AM »
So far a big -1.

HTC posted it is a work in progress so it is worth waiting to try the final version . . . . . if any.

Offline waystin2

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #182 on: November 21, 2017, 07:11:28 AM »
GV'rs Posting Ignorantly
Pilot's posting on a GV thread:

I have over 10,000 career kills in a Wirbelwind and several thousand kills in various tanks.  Be careful making assumptions KillDoi.  :aok

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Offline 8thJinx

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #183 on: November 21, 2017, 09:48:27 AM »
I have over 10,000 career kills in a Wirbelwind and several thousand kills in various tanks.  Be careful making assumptions KillDoi.  :aok

If we're going to qualify the merit of our two cents with numbers,  then I have something to say, and it had better be taken to the bank.

My qualifying statement:
I had 7,207 kills in just a single vehicle type in the 12-month calendar year leading up to AH3's debut.  In the last 12 months, that same vehicle produced 3,219 kills, and I had similar GV sortie numbers.

My two cents:
GV'ing is not entry level game play.  That's just silly.  Maybe folks don't appreciate it, but to say GV'ing is entry level is just facile.

With that said, the ground game changed enormously with the new tree densities and terrain features.  Nobody's fault, no evil plans are afoot.  But the answer to the GV game's woes lie squarely in that realm.  Trees and terrain.  We need to be patient.  The terrain makers will adapt.

My thoughts on the quad dar:
It seems most folks see a strange red pie shape on their clip board map.  What I see is an honest effort to concentrate activity in the ground game.

Will the quad dar produce more fights?  It's certainly easier to point your vehicle in the direction of red tanks.  And it's way easier to find GVs around the towns.  But will it re-create the ground game we once had? 

My answer:  Only the terrain makers can create the conditions for a great ground game.  The quad dar definitely helps, but it's a stop gap.  It's a crutch for something that's missing.  The only thing that can bring life back to the GV game is attention to detail when making a terrain.  And that is not rocket science.

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B-24H Liberator SN 294837-T, "The Jinx", 848th BS, 490th BG, 8th AF, RAF Station Eye, delivered 1943.  Piloted by Lt. Thomas Keyes, named by by his crew, and adorned with bad luck symbols, the aircraft survived the entire war.

Offline waystin2

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #184 on: November 21, 2017, 09:59:27 AM »

If we're going to qualify the merit of our two cents with numbers,  then I have something to say, and it had better be taken to the bank.

My qualifying statement:
I had 7,207 kills in just a single vehicle type in the 12-month calendar year leading up to AH3's debut.  In the last 12 months, that same vehicle produced 3,219 kills, and I had similar GV sortie numbers.

My two cents:
GV'ing is not entry level game play.  That's just silly.  Maybe folks don't appreciate it, but to say GV'ing is entry level is just facile.

With that said, the ground game changed enormously with the new tree densities and terrain features.  Nobody's fault, no evil plans are afoot.  But the answer to the GV game's woes lie squarely in that realm.  Trees and terrain.  We need to be patient.  The terrain makers will adapt.

My thoughts on the quad dar:
It seems most folks see a strange red pie shape on their clip board map.  What I see is an honest effort to concentrate activity in the ground game.

Will the quad dar produce more fights?  It's certainly easier to point your vehicle in the direction of red tanks.  And it's way easier to find GVs around the towns.  But will it re-create the ground game we once had? 

My answer:  Only the terrain makers can create the conditions for a great ground game.  The quad dar definitely helps, but it's a stop gap.  It's a crutch for something that's missing.  The only thing that can bring life back to the GV game is attention to detail when making a terrain.  And that is not rocket science.
Yo Jinx.  Not qualifying with numbers, just clarifying Kildois incorrect statements when he thinks that all players commenting are strictly this type or that type.  GV, Fighter, Bomber.  Hell some of us are Hybrids.  Anywho nothing bad mad respect for the map dudes it's a hard job and Grampa Bustr is a map hero to me!
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Offline +Kilroy+

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #185 on: November 21, 2017, 11:08:04 AM »
I don't complain about your bomb attack, why should you complain about my defense?
Pure gold, yet another well reasoned gver response. Where do we get this stuff? Can't be from sniffin tank shells, maybe from not swillin avgas.

GV'rs Posting Ignorantly
I have over 10,000 career kills in a Wirbelwind and several thousand kills in various tanks.  Be careful making assumptions KillDoi.  :aok
And you, Gheaiestin, not sure who you are talking to and way to bring it down to kindergarten level, but let's see, when was the last time I saw YOU in a gv...oh ya, you remember don't you? No wonder you harbor such a grudge. Tried to gang up on me with some sort of disastrous M3 or jeep spotting scheme after I main gunned your silly little aeroplane. You demonstrated a real grasp of the finer tactics of gv flailing. I stand corrected. Now make meaningful posts as opposed to vitriolic ones and maybe we'll invite you to join the club.

Offline waystin2

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #186 on: November 21, 2017, 11:38:01 AM »
Pure gold, yet another well reasoned gver response. Where do we get this stuff? Can't be from sniffin tank shells, maybe from not swillin avgas.
 And you, Gheaiestin, not sure who you are talking to and way to bring it down to kindergarten level, but let's see, when was the last time I saw YOU in a gv...oh ya, you remember don't you? No wonder you harbor such a grudge. Tried to gang up on me with some sort of disastrous M3 or jeep spotting scheme after I main gunned your silly little aeroplane. You demonstrated a real grasp of the finer tactics of gv flailing. I stand corrected. Now make meaningful posts as opposed to vitriolic ones and maybe we'll invite you to join the club.
Harbor a grudge? No. Do I tolerate belligerent whiners?  No.  I knew the mouthy Kildoi that hides in bushes, spouts on 200, and PMs people would show up here eventually.  I knew you were in there somewhere.  Been trying to sound intelligent lately but I knew that played up veneer would wear off eventually. Jeep what? M3 what?  Just because you are paranoid does not mean that they are not out to get you.  Better adjust that tin foil hat.  :rolleyes:  I don't need schemes to find you, that is why I am here discussing the potential changes to make it easier to find bush hiders.  Hoping HTC adds some sort of Epilady product for the players like yourself that consider sitting in a bush for an hour to be stealth and skill.  You make me laugh Kildoi.   :rofl   :aok
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Offline TDeacon

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #187 on: November 21, 2017, 02:03:09 PM »
GV'rs Posting Ignorantly
I have over 10,000 career kills in a Wirbelwind and several thousand kills in various tanks.  Be careful making assumptions KillDoi.  :aok

This is interesting, as it runs counter to the impression I obtained from your recent GV posts.  Do you GV alone?  If not, that may be where the disconnect comes from. 

WRT my question, although I usually GV alone, I have occasionally spawned in the same area as a friendly horde, in cases where I thought I'd get decent game play out of it.  The dynamics of GVing alone are significantly different that doing so with a horde, or shooting from the concrete on a base. 

This is a serious question. 


Offline Mano

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #188 on: November 21, 2017, 05:05:36 PM »
First somebody (Fugitive) points out Gving is entry level game play, only requiring knowledge of a few key strokes and the use of a mouse. Yet you get hammered time and time again? Then comes the argument that players get tired of being shot, and leave the game because of it . . blah blah blah. Now you say GV's don't really participate in the principles of the game? Which is it? As with ACM, there is an art and a significant learning curve to be an effective GV'er. Why call out the ground game only? If you don't like the fact that you cant bomb a GV at will - without putting forth some effort to find them, then your suggestion of finding something to do in the offline arena sounds like a plan.

Fly in a real airplane and try to find any vehicle sitting under a group of trees from a horizontal distance of 3-4 miles at an altitude of 5,000-10,000ft doing 230 kts. Possible? Maybe, but more likely not. IMHO the icon range is just about right. Those that know how to find GVs do, and those that don't know how should learn.

To all those GVs Sitting and Hiding. . . .
Where can I find them? How many GVs are there? How many "hours" do they sit?. . . lol There are so many comments about GVs sitting for "hours". . . . lol This sounds like a lot of bloated jibber jabber - I would love to see the stats…….Cuz I do not see the same thing.

CYBRO is the only player I know that spends 43 hours a day sitting in a hangar or just off base, making it flash after it has been captured. And because he does this he is ignored by everybody. There is no harm, no foul, and I have never heard anybody quit the game because of it or him.

Kilroy sat for 8hrs? Kilroy is also one guy that will keep upping and attack again & again. There are days that you need to bring a strong constitution just to fend him off. On the flip side there is 715B, a player that strategically places himself in a position to thwart attacks. He is often well hidden, exercises the patience of a saint, and is very lethal. Fighting either player is extremely challenging combat yet they use different approaches, (and certainly not the same one all the time). Any tactic that makes you take action directly contributes to combat. On the ground (barring a camp) if you don't understand the difference of when to move, and when to wait, one will often find themselves on the wrong side of a tank shell.

Nobody can tell a flyer how high to fly, what direction to head, which base to bomb, what con to attack. The reality is they get to choose whether to participate its the individuals choice. It’s funny that so many feel the need to tell GVers how to play the ground game the way they think it should be played.

GV's sitting for hours & hours or are we waiting out a bombt**d?
Expecting a GV to continue moving while a bombt**d is overhead is equivalent to me telling you to fly directly into the blazing gunfire of a HO, Whirble, or a tail gunner and expecting you not to take any defensive action. Logic, and common sense necessitates that I shut down and hide. If you choose to bomb GV's, then one shouldn't complain about how long it takes to find us. You are disrupting our base attack, not vice versa. I don't complain about your bomb attack, why should you complain about my defense?

Sitting while waiting for the bombt**d to go away doesn't promote combat??    Ok. . . . Then try not bombing GVs if the issue of promoting combat is so important. I like getting bombed about as much as you like getting camped, HOed, ganged, or 88ed. Its absurd to ask anybody to not act in a manner of self preservation when under attack. If you don't think so, start using the C47 in your next dogfight and let us know how it works out. Then maybe I'll consider keeping my tank moving when being targeted by your bombs.

W/ regards to GV radar. . . .
Two issues I have experienced over the last few days with GV radar is;
One it provides an unfair advantage to those already familiar with the ground game and helps those players to find and shoot others faster, exacerbating the "hammering and driving players away" argument. (And no I dont want to drive players away. . .)

Second I notice aircraft and GVs alike fly & move around me (I am speculating here) and act like they are paying more attention to the radar than looking outside. This isnt a very far fetched idea considering the argument of technology inside aircraft today and pilots disregarding the number rule of flying -Which is to Fly the airplane first! I have been observing both air & ground vehicles maneuvering as if they are trying to hone in on the enemy. The problem is they are watching the map and not the terrain. Boom.... !
Of course you could also chalk this one up to the learning curve.

The Green/ Red End Sortie light already provides the most pertinent information that a GV is in the area without pointing out its direction. Vehicle sound provides the rest of that information. The Green light tells me nobody is around and to move elsewhere for a battle. The Red light tells me there is a visitor and its time to sweep the welcome mat off.

As pointed out in this post, we have the Green or Red End Sortie to alert us if an enemy gv is present, a base flashing when relevant, F1 Storches,  and Vehicle Sounds. We do not need the vehicle quadrants. The trees in AH3 provide cover for GV's that AH2 lacked. Camouflage was used in RL to hide GV's during battle and since the game does not have that modeled the vehicle quadrants takes away the benefit of the thick tree cover.

No more stealth for GV's period. Vehicle quadrants is a bad idea. My two cents.

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Offline Kingpin

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #189 on: November 21, 2017, 07:12:14 PM »
Camouflage was used in RL to hide GV's during battle and since the game does not have that modeled the vehicle quadrants takes away the benefit of the thick tree cover.

I keep seeing the camouflage argument coming up, but this is another case of selective realism. 

GV's did not roll deep into forests to "hide during battle".  They dispersed when NOT in battle to the edge of wood-lines, near their primary means of travel, usually open fields or roads.  Or they set up ambushes there. 

They did not roll deep into a wooded area and instantly become invisible.  In Aces High III, we now have so many trees that GVs get an "instant camouflage" cloaking device button just by hitting the E key.  There is no time factor involved to set up camo-netting, no time pack it up before moving and no penalty (reduction in speed or possible disabling tracks) for moving through terrain that would be impassible in real life.  In AH there are no signs of recent tank movement, as there would be in real life.  We don't have tank tracks on the terrain, knocked down foliage, exhaust or smoke from gunfire either, all of which make it much easier to spot ground vehicle positions from the air, in reality.

Before you ask for realism, be careful what you ask for or maybe GVing will get even harder. 

Note in the first photo below how easy it is to spot where the tanks are and their lines of movement.   In the second photo, note how easy it is to spot where tanks moved on the terrain long AFTER a battle (in this case the Battle of St. Lo, France).

Quote from: bozon
For those of us playing this game for well over a decade, Aces High is more of a social club. The game just provides the framework. I keep logging in for the people and Pipz was the kind that you keep coming to meet again.

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #190 on: November 21, 2017, 07:21:41 PM »
Then make it when the guy/gal in the tank ends their sortie, the tracks disappear as well.

From Wiley: If you're hitting them after they drop, that's not defense, that is revenge.
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Offline +Kilroy+

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #191 on: November 22, 2017, 12:47:08 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 02:43:09 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline Crash Orange

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #192 on: November 22, 2017, 05:23:08 AM »
Where do we get this stuff? Can't be from sniffin tank shells, maybe from not swillin avgas.

Bore evacuators. WW2 tanks didn't have 'em, AH tanks don't have 'em, and those fumes get you higher than rubber cement or Robitussin.

But seriously, I wish people would stop talking about RL tactics, especially WRT GVs. Aces High is not a combat simulator, it's a game based on a flight and GV simulator. There's a big difference. RL tanks didn't drive around alone stalking a single enemy tank with no other vehicles or infantry within 50 miles, nor did planes fly around their own airfield at 3,000 feet looking for a lone tank that was shelling the field. That's pure game. It's a fun game, but it bears almost no resemblance to actual WW2 armored warfare. RL also had no GV spawns. Tanks had to drive tens or even hundreds of miles to get to the battlefield and that's when they were most vulnerable to air attack. Our GVs just magically teleport onto the battlefield. I'm happier being able to teleport and not have to spend hours driving through empty terrain, but if you're going to bend that aspect of reality that much it's only reasonable to bend others as well to make up for it.

My $0.02 is that the new game has WAY too many trees and it's really hurting the GV game. I miss the old CraterMA spawn battle. Now on most maps you're lucky to find any open stretches with a 1k line of sight, and on most maps and near most bases you can easily drive from the spawn point to the town or field without leaving dense cover for more than a few seconds. The vehicle quadrant compensates for that a little. I'd rather have the old (lack of) trees and no vehicle quadrant, but if we're stuck with the ubiquitous jungle, I'd just as soon have the quadrant.

Also, it seems like the Storch was nerfed a lot at some point and I don't understand why. These days I can fly right past a tank at 1k and never see an icon if his engine is shut down. What's the point of having the Storch if it isn't any better than other planes for spotting GVs?

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #193 on: November 22, 2017, 05:34:48 AM »
”It's a shame that he's gone, but the shame is entirely his”
HiTech 2 - Skyyr 0

Offline +Kilroy+

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #194 on: November 22, 2017, 06:52:08 AM »
Tanks had to drive tens or even hundreds of miles to get to the battlefield and that's when they were most vulnerable to air attack. Our GVs just magically teleport onto the battlefield.

Um wrong. Tanks had a very limited range, the max range for a T-34 was 250 miles or less. Couple that to maneuvers, marshalling and pursuit and a general had to be very careful where he dropped his tanks, usually by rail. Extended supply lines drained resources just defending flanks and in my opinion the spawns mimic that massing effect very well. A very well known style of warfare depends upon massing for a localized surprise attack, can you guess it's name?

Blitzkrieg (German, "lightning war") is a method of warfare whereby an attacking force, spearheaded by a dense concentration of armoured and motorised or mechanised infantry formations with close air support, breaks through the opponent's line of defence by short, fast, powerful attacks and then dislocates the defenders, using speed and surprise to encircle them.

(Image removed from quote.)

 Man that's very special, I see it's got the name of my avatar on it, sweet. It looks like you put a lot of time into it, really thought it out, I probably completed two sorties while you made that nice picture. Way to contribute to the forum, hats off sir.