Honestly, the fixation on winning every fight is unhealthy. The frustration of losing every fight is manageable. Winning and losing fights is normal. And, there's always bombing (just don't make a habit of bailing rather than gunning).
I like to win and enter every fight to win but im also understanding of situational awareness, pilot ability ect.. ect.. ect..
I am also very much a sponge to my environment and take every opportunity to learn that I can.. I do pay attention to every bit of advice and do my best to implement in the field...
I know you all understand my frustrations to some extent. But can't fully appreciate what im ezperiencing.. i know this now. You see, I can remember when Ace Combat 6 had turned 5 years old. The community had shrunk to about 300 die hard players. We were all professional elite level players by then, every plane, every weapon system, every map, every square cm committed to memory and every person in the community had played since day one and everyplayer was elite level. I remember noobs coming in and getting thrashed.. I too would offer training, hints, tricks ect.. ect.. but nothing replaces years of playing at the highest levels. I also remember trying to encourage the new players to stick it out, I understood them.. but not fully. Not until I experienced the side of being the noob fully..
You are all the best in the game.. every one of you and better still, you are all excellent human beings, genuinely good people.. I am a hard charger, but also very calculating and I love this game already... but... getting pummeled by every player in every plane, vehicle, field gun, ect.. ect.. in every sortie would demoralize Patton himself!!
I will still jump in AH and try my skills, join the graveyard guns for some rapid base acquisition at 3am but I am going to take the opportunity to help Mr. Hitech take WOP to the next level, help it grow and develop into the sickest Shark Tank in VR.. Hell, maybe Ill even organize the AcesLeagues World Cup Dogfighting Championship 2020, Partner with the US Air Force, Nvidia and kickstart a $100,000 prize pool or something..
at worst, I will begin immediately building my Legacy and Raise the BlackSheepAries flag atop Mt Emilimen and create my Legend!!
Come shoot me down.... if ya can when the field is equalized and pure pilot skill is the only advantage...
you guys all kick ass... and thank you from the heart for all the encouraging words!!
God Bless,