I completely understand Gldbbs point about rooks and knights only hitting bish. A few times during the snow days I off I was able to sneak In a few hours during the day. It was mind boggling and hilarious watching both teams completely attacking Bish. I called it out a couple of times on knights. I couldn't switch to the low # side cuz they were dominating bish while avoiding the other team. It happened multiple days. Atleast 2 -3 days. Finally about 5-6pm, the knights attacked rooks.
People that play the game like me have a hard time flying to a un occupied base by themselves in a fighter just to see if maybe a plane will roll. I normally only have about an hour to play when I can. I can go jabo a base, but that leaves me dead or crippled after 2 passes on a base trying to kill ack guns or what ever. Fighting with the ack and 88s in this game is my worst enemy and pisses me off the most. So this style of AH ain't for me.
I might switch to bish to help out, but generally they have more #s for the same reason. If they are getting severely hoarded, it can be tough for a player to be successful in that either, most of the time back fields are too damn far and it doesn't seem worth it to roll. Thats another problem I have.
I blame the 4am bish squad that comes in and wrecks maps early in the AM for a quick win while no one is on. They push both knights and bish back for the win, while the other 2 teams ain't doing nothing. Then when 8 am hits, if they haven't won, more players start logging in and fighting back. Naturally, both sides will fight back their bases from the bish. This creates "the ganging of the bish" effect.
I'm not sure what can fix this. But it's hilarious to watch 2 teams decimate the other while completely ignoring the other because of what one squad does early in the AM.
We need more maps. We need to get rid of big maps. Its terrible for off hours and kills the fights earlier in the night.
It doesn't matter how fast a map gets rolled. More maps is fun. Keeping those bases at 15 miles max is a big help.
2 teams is not the answer. Maps are.