Author Topic: AH Combat Report with Questions  (Read 9764 times)

Offline GasTeddy

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #75 on: December 14, 2023, 05:15:15 PM »
Glad you caught the gay reference.  A bit late to the party but...

You felt lonely?

Offline Tumor

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #76 on: December 18, 2023, 10:10:51 PM »
Glad you caught the gay reference.  A bit late to the party but...

Oh, that makes sense.  I thought it was a reference to Shiny people...
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Offline trogdor

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #77 on: December 21, 2023, 01:48:48 AM »
Seems like this thread keeps confusing whether we like someone with whether they have a point.

I don't give half a crap about who Gunzo is. I don't need to like or dislike him. I don't care if he actually is a hypocrite in light of past behavior; that doesn't excuse the same current behavior by others.
Imagine if you could defend yourself in court by saying "but other people have committed the same crime!".

I and others have recently and repeatedly noticed the same behavior that Gunzo is describing by the same characters and similar remarkable ensuing coincidences after a multi-sector flight by the guy in question. Color me unsurprised.

What did you expect, AH? If it bothers you that they are side-splitting and coordinating on alternative comms, by all means, say so. But I would expect zero action from admin unless there is a credible threat to the game's income. You can't keep people from using 3rd party comms if they want to. Discord is a hell of a lot nicer to use for squads than native comms in the game. And people tend to be the people they've always been.

Expect more of this petty nonsense from the usual suspects, but ask yourself how seriously you need to take such people..... I mean...going to those lengths to flex on old men in a niche video game......ffs, it's so pathetic that the overriding self-ownage of engaging in it is the most notable feature of the whole exercise    :rofl
« Last Edit: December 21, 2023, 01:50:48 AM by trogdor »
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Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #78 on: December 21, 2023, 10:50:16 AM »
I mean...going to those lengths to flex on old men in a niche video game......ffs, it's so pathetic that the overriding self-ownage of engaging in it is the most notable feature of the whole exercise    :rofl

Yep, the self ownage was classic!

Even better was that Skyyr and his little helper flippz went to all that trouble, the coordination, the long range sortie, the live video streaming.

But it all ended with Skyyr getting owned like a noob in front of his fan boys and then cried like a baby afterwards, now that's priceless!!

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #79 on: December 21, 2023, 12:42:45 PM »
Like I always end up saying... I usually beat myself.... and not in a good way either.
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Offline Palace Cobra

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #80 on: December 21, 2023, 03:41:12 PM »
Yep, the self ownage was classic!

Even better was that Skyyr and his little helper flippz went to all that trouble, the coordination, the long range sortie, the live video streaming.

But it all ended with Skyyr getting owned like a noob in front of his fan boys and then cried like a baby afterwards, now that's priceless!!



You are trying WAAAAAY too hard.   

The secret to good trolling is minimal effort.

But if you are so good then I'm sure you'll have no issues with a best-of-seven series duel against Skyyr. Put me down for the Skyyr 7, BadBoy 0 bracket.

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #81 on: December 21, 2023, 04:47:22 PM »
But if you are so good then I'm sure you'll have no issues with a best-of-seven series duel against Skyyr. Put me down for the Skyyr 7, BadBoy 0 bracket.

Tell him to find Gunzo in the MA, I'm on for at least 3 or 4 hours a day and he shouldn't have any trouble finding me if he uses his usual methods  :rofl

To make it easy for him, I'll wing up with one of his Squad mates again  :rolleyes:

But he has a long way to catch up. So far the score is Gunzo 237 - Skyyr 0.

That was just during the 9 years while he was banned yet still flying under various shades :rofl

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.

Offline Palace Cobra

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2023, 06:34:03 PM »
^^^^^^Trying soooooooo hard to gain the respect he craves, yet finding none.

See prior post.

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #83 on: December 23, 2023, 04:04:42 PM »
Imagine if you could defend yourself in court by saying "but other people have committed the same crime!".
I and others have recently and repeatedly noticed the same behavior that Gunzo is describing by the same characters and similar remarkable ensuing coincidences after a multi-sector flight by the guy in question. Color me unsurprised.

Two very good points.

You mention defending in court, and the number of remarkable coincidences.

A real problem is that many people just don’t know how to evaluate coincidences, they tend to give them far less value than they deserve. They also don’t know how proof works or the important part played by those remarkable coincidences. Coincidence and uncertainty needs to be accounted for in any kind of proof.

That begs the question, what constitutes proof, how sure do you need to be?

The USA has one of the best legal systems in the world and that system has a number of standards for the burden of proof, most people have heard of some of these phrases: “reasonable articulable suspicion”, “preponderance of the evidence” and “beyond a reasonable doubt” but those terms may seem a bit vague to some people.

Can we be any more precise?

Yes, 124 judges, with an average of 11 years on the bench, were able quantify it. It turns out that 40% of those judges caseloads were criminal, the remainder civil, family or mixed cases. The study quantified the burden of proof, here they are in ascending order.
  • Reasonable articulable suspicion 42% sure.
  • Probable Cause 50% sure.
  • Preponderance of the evidence 54% sure.
  • Substantial probability 55% sure.
  • Clear and convincing evidence 73% sure.
  • Beyond a reasonable doubt 90% sure.
When are they used:
  • Beyond a reasonable doubt: Used in criminal law.
  • Clear and convincing evidence: Used in fraud and in will disputes.
  • Preponderance of the evidence: Used in most civil cases.

What happens when there is a lot of evidence, but none of it appears to be very strong?
Drawing conclusions from multiple pieces of evidence is very unintuitive particularly when no single piece of evidence seems conclusive by itself. Many people would look at each piece of evidence and conclude that there was no single piece of conclusive proof, and that the accused was therefore innocent. The feeling is that the evidence is just a whole lot of nothing and that adds up to nothing. But evidence always has some weight, no matter how small and you can't overlook how unlikely it would be for a large body of evidence to accumulate just by coincidence.
Here is a brief example of how this works in a criminal trial for example:

In a burglary trial there were three main pieces of evidence, an eye witness, a shoe print and an item recovered from the suspect. The eye witness identified the suspect from a line up. The police asked him how certain he was that it was the same person and the eye witness said he was 80% sure.
The police found a partial shoe print at the scene that matched the shoes the suspect was wearing when arrested and later the stolen item was recovered from the suspect’s residence.
Now let’s consider each piece of evidence in isolation. For each piece of evidence we can ask how likely it is that the suspect is guilty.

Firstly, the eye witness was only 80% sure. That would not meet the “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” burden of proof by itself, so if this had been the only piece of evidence at the criminal trial it would have been insufficient to prove guilt.

Secondly, the shoe print had no unique features, but was the same type and size as that of the suspect. A forensics expert also testified that the depth of the print matched the depth that would be produced by someone of the suspect’s weight. The shoe was handmade in another state and not at all common so the expert was able testify that this evidence was clear and convincing with 73% certainty. This would not meet the burden of proof, so by itself would also have been insufficient.

Thirdly, the suspect claimed he purchased the recovered item from someone he met in a bar sometime after the crime had been committed. This was considered suspicious with only a 42% probability of guilt. Again, entirely insufficient by itself.

You can see, that in isolation, each of these pieces of evidence suggest innocence.

However, when you combine the probabilities, using the kind of simple math most teenagers learn in the 11th grade, the combined probabilities come to 97% and well above the threshold to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Many people would look at each piece of evidence and conclude that there was no single piece of conclusive proof, and that the accused was therefore innocent. But that overlooks how unlikely it would be for an innocent person to have been identified at the scene, have a matching footprint and body weight and be found in possession of the stolen item. The unlikely coincidence can’t be ignored, the evidence must be viewed as a whole.

At the trial the judge instructed the jury to consider the “Totality of Evidence” and explained that they should consider all the evidence presented in the case and to evaluate it collectively. He explained that this includes both direct and circumstantial evidence and that even if individual pieces of evidence are not strong on their own, adding that the cumulative effect of multiple pieces could be significant.

After deliberation the jury found that the evidence amounted to proof beyond a reasonable doubt and returned a guilty verdict.

I’m guessing they understood the Judge’s instructions. 

So what about the video evidence in the original post, can we do something similar?

Well of course there are no laws involved here, but we can apply similar principles. In a trial, there are always charges (formal accusations). We can reformulate observations from the video into hypothetical charges for the purpose of estimating the likelihood of innocence for each one in an imaginary legal system where these things were considered unlawful, just for the sake of argument. Here is what the observations might look like if written as hypothetical charges:
  • That Skyyr & Flippz split countries so as to observe and hunt the intended target.
  • That Skyyr flew five sectors, ignoring many closer contacts to find the intended target.
  • That Flippz misdirected the intended target to assist Skyyr in achieving a favourable intercept.
  • That Skyyr performed two intercepts on the same target within minutes.
  • That Skyyr and flippz were using 3rd party comm’s to share information more effectively.
  • That they were using that information specifically to hunt the intended target.
In each case considered individually, what is the likelihood of innocence stated in the form of the percentages determined by the 124 judges cited earlier?
  • The timing of this country change was suspicious, supported by the apparent attempts to tease the alleged target to lower altitude. Even so, not particularly strong by itself so a reasonable person might claim innocence beyond any reasonable doubt, so a 90% probability of innocence.
  • This was also suspicious but the benefit of the doubt is again warranted. Because so many fights had to be passed up to get there, not as much doubt as before. A reasonable person might claim clear and convincing likelihood of innocence. So a 73% probability of innocence for this one.
  • Giving advice that seemed more favourable to his squad mate than to his wingman is more difficult to dismiss, but a reasonable person would still give the benefit of doubt so a substantial likelihood of innocence at 55% for this one.
  • This first intercept was as good as it gets, almost perfect. Hard to imagine how it could have been achieved by pure luck. The second intercept was achieved at lower than ideal altitude, but that is outweighed by how unlikely it is to intercept the same target twice among eleven other potential targets only minutes apart. However taken in isolation, the benefit of the doubt would still fall on the side of innocence at a 55% probability of innocence.
  • There is still a need to allow the benefit of the doubt here, but it is common knowledge that they do this so a substantial probability of innocence at 55%.
  • No doubt that this has happened in the past, but in this case the benefit of the doubt is again appropriate at a substantial probability of innocence at 55%.
So again, if any one of those things occurred in isolation, an overall conclusion of innocence would be inescapable. As already pointed out, most people's gut reaction would be to feel that if you can discount each item as innocent, then overall innocence is assured. That isn’t how it works. More evidence increases the likelihood of guilt. That is why judges often instruct juries to consider the totality of the evidence as in the previous example.

When we combine the chances of all of these things occurring together we should also combine them with the occurrence of almost identical events experienced by other players, such as those we have seen cited in this thread by Simon and Trogdor.

If we do that and allow conservatively for a total of only four such occurrences, the probability of guilt comes out at a staggering 99.999%

That’s well above the threshold required by the burden of proof for “Beyond a reasonable doubt” and would lead to a very safe verdict of guilty in our imaginary legal system.

Remember, this is simple 11th grade math here. It means that the odds of Skyyr being innocent are one hundred thousand to one against.

Just saying  :rofl

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #84 on: December 23, 2023, 04:26:38 PM »
Remember, this is simple 11th grade math here. It means that the odds of Skyyr being innocent are one hundred thousand to one against.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Palace Cobra

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2023, 04:27:33 PM »


Offline Simon

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #86 on: December 23, 2023, 05:19:58 PM »
If we do that and allow conservatively for a total of only four such occurrences, the probability of guilt comes out at a staggering 99.999%

Hah, that was brilliant! It's a shame that the guilty parties aren't capable of articulating any defense. That would be fun.

Offline Palace Cobra

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2023, 05:56:04 PM »
^^^^^^^^ *HUMP* *HUMP* *HUMP* :joystick:

Offline LCADolby

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #88 on: December 23, 2023, 05:57:56 PM »
That write up is a joy to behold  :old:
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Offline flippz

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #89 on: December 24, 2023, 09:15:29 AM »

Two very good points.You mention defending in court, and the number of remarkable coincidences.
A real problem is that many people just don’t know how to evaluate coincidences, they tend to give them far less value than they deserve. They also don’t know how proof works or the important part played by those remarkable coincidences. Coincidence and uncertainty needs to be accounted for in any kind of proof.
That begs the question, what constitutes proof, how sure do you need to be?
The USA has one of the best legal systems in the world and that system has a number of standards for the burden of proof, most people have heard of some of these phrases: “reasonable articulable suspicion”, “preponderance of the evidence” and “beyond a reasonable doubt” but those terms may seem a bit vague to some people.

your about as good of a lawyer as you are a shade using player, horrible.

you are correct in SOME of the above information.  all though in court and legal preceedings both parts present evidence and to either credit or discredit. 

i prefer to not joust with you on this matter as this was brought in to question about an earlier incident that day that led to you being caught running multi accounts across two countries. 

any one of those statements could be debunked with about 5 mins of my proof but i digress. 
now lets take your point of action as substantial and damming evidence in acct.  THIS IS IN NO WAY TO POINT FINGERS AT TROG I LOVE TROG TO DEATH
On thursday 12/22 i was flying as a knight along side troggy and switched to a rook (which i had not seen trogg fight at all that night). i made a few poignant comments about the knights not capturing a certain base (63). i flew out of a rook base and joined the rooks on an attack of a bish base (there was only about 3 of us going in as it was all most a 2 sector flight). i killed 2 bish and rtb to my base.  upon returning i find nox and troggy there waiting on me (all the while a massive fight was raging between the bish and the knights to gain foot holds in the southwest part of the map) troggy easily kills me as he has alt and is in better postioning.  this goes on for a few more trips as i watch other planes (51d and 47n) make it to the base unscathed, but yet somehow my spit 16 gets jumpped by a spit 14 and an f4u every trip back.  Is that a form of hunting? are they greifing me? in the context of gunzo it would be exactly the same!
Move on to Saturday i am still a rook.  i log on about 4:30. I up from a base that is lightly being attacked first two sorties nothing amazing.  third sortie i get three kills.  Low and behold who shows up Troggy, and a slew of f4s with simon in tow.  they flew almost 2 sectors to that fight.  i asked in country is a jokingly way how long the zoo crew had been coming in and 3 people answered they had not been there the whole time as it had only been bish fighters.......weird.  not been there all day, i get three kills and the f4 mongrols suddenly show up?  is troggy hunting me? and are they coercing with one another to ruin my game play.  i up a spit get to 14k i see 4 cons on dar due west i head that way.  low and behold 4 f4u fighters.  i begin attacking some turn for speed others for alt.  in the end none would engage until all were in better postion and it was a 4v1 (remember this statement).  i up again with the f4s looming over head at about 12 to 14k.  they kill a few planes i grab alt and chase down rudeboi and i think i got his rudder.  he out paces me leaving the fight, i grab alt and head due south as theres another f4 with alt i bnz him a lil and being out numbered he quickly goes in the 15* angle of rtbing.  i again gain alt to find a f4 n/e of our base fighting a country man (all due respect to the player) who didnt look as he was goonna win the encounter, i immediately roll 90 degrees set a 20* attack nose down and pummel the f4, right wing comes a loose.  all the sudden simon crows on 200 "you just cant respect a 1v1 huh" i repsond with the da is for 1v1 as my last sorties saw me fight all 4 f4s with no respect to a 1v1.  this again happens a few more times until there were more guys in the air and was a lot harder for them to triangulate me as there were more cons in the area.
Now again I love troggy to death.  do i think he was hunting me yes! do i think with over whelming evidence the f4s and troggy saw the kill feed and came there yes!  Do i mind? NO if you are hunting me i dont have to hunt a fight.  Is what i described the exact thing that took place absolutely not, some stuff stuff in there is exactly what happened some stuff is not exactly what happened, i only typed this to show you can manipulate anything in the world to your presepective.
in gunzos video you cant see the clip board but skyyr was getting kills way before encountering specter.  i was yanking his chain (again from what he left out from earlier in the day of me/us calling him on his use of shades) for the 51. you also cant see the clip board but we were headed south to a rook base where there was a high presence of enemies (rooks/bts) hovering over their base, why would you turn around and by time stamps in the videos, a long way to a single red plane in the base area when we were all most on top of the entire sector of dar we were going to fight?  did he have an alternate acct open and know that was skyyr? i find it weird to all most be on top of the fight and leave, so much that my name disappeared from the players list for a long time before he even got to skyyr. 
again you can spin anything to look the way you want with enough typing and pitch fork following. but the facts of the video does not justify the outcome any more than my snap shot of the last two days in aces high.
again no one i mentioned in the above scenario i mean any harm or grief to, just used as examples and ways to prove a point.  another good point was the day after the video by gunzo was released i was next to hollywd and troggy popped up on the kill feed as having killed a player in the immediate area.  hollywd hopes on the radio and said where is troggy and what is he in, a reply came back.  i then ask hllywd why did you ask what troggy was in and why?  he replied hes probally the best fighter out here and thats who i want to fight first.  i just typed that to show people arent hunted as much as looked out for or prized in a fight win.
me and my squad change countries alot.  we look for airplane fights, not people. we get caught on diffrent sides sometimes.  we kill each other the same as we kill others.  the loudest crowers in the game are worthless of hunts as they think they are, just but hurt from a lilttle of the thunder being stolen.