Author Topic: The Last Post  (Read 5465 times)

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2000, 11:36:00 PM »
LOL.. I'm enjoying this thread... and Gordo just tagged another base... yep, there's better ways than cursin to get the point made.

"... never met anyone yet that didn't understand a slap in the face or a slug from a .45"  

And one GREAT thing I learned during my tour in a green suit was how to say 'Sir' or 'Officer' or any other honorific like it means "a**hole". Comes in handy quite often these days...  

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.


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« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2000, 11:46:00 PM »
I understand your actions Cord. IMHO, peaple get carried away with the whole thing. I for one have no idea why I want to strap myself in a prop driven plane (Simulation) and go shoot at another person in the same frame of mind. I do know that when the rivets start popping out of my monitor and bouncing around my cockpit, I'll log off. Heck, I've kids to raise!   All jestin' aside, I feel another loose here of a valued member.
Cord, thanks for an eye opener. I just hope you understand, I do not want to see any more limitations placed on anyone online or any place else, because of one groups sensablities. Personal filters can be a hassle but if you are so inclined it should be your decision and responsibility to use them. Not to the cost of the forum operater IMHO (your local laws may very) <S>


Man...what a can Of Worms!
How many real war aces fly sims anyway?

[This message has been edited by Luckyone (edited 03-25-2000).]

Offline BigJim

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« Reply #47 on: March 25, 2000, 01:41:00 AM »
Well I have NEVER cussed out another pilot, I have in frustration typed out some "cuss" word about a situation.  Now to HAVE a guy who's handle is banana take exception to my opinion is to say the least laughable, I fail to see the diffenece in Slang cussing and outright cussing and banana sure is Slang for something we all know  

BigJim out

Offline Swager

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« Reply #48 on: March 25, 2000, 09:16:00 AM »
I called someone a "Poophead" once!

"Damn.....I can't believe I missed that shot!!!"
JG2 "Richthofen"

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 03-25-2000).]
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline indian

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« Reply #49 on: March 25, 2000, 10:02:00 AM »
For those interested the Constitution Does give us the right for free speach. It does not give us the right to openly offend others. There are places in this great country that if you were to use that language face to face it would be called assault.

Saying that we should teach our kids to ignore these words or those poeple saying them (and believe me I use my fair share of them)is not helping the matter much either. Look around at the sorry state of teenagers these days it used to be More of them were good kids now you have to realy look hard to find a good kid. I have never seen so much lieing not even from when I was a kid. As stated above there is no need to swear in a game none at all, the most that will happen is you get squelched and you might wonder why some one dont type to you.

If some one gets the best of you then get even with your guns your language cant shoot anyone down in this game. As for killing and maming you can show your kids that it is a game by letting them see that the guy you shoot down was not realy killed. There is no blood ang guts falling out of the sky and we dont need it leave this junk for quake.

These are my view and mine only.

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon
  1st Aces High Trainer Corps.
Home of The Allied Fighter Wing A.F.W.
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Offline iculus

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« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2000, 11:05:00 AM »
What is needed is some sort of permanent squelch.  One that remains when you log on and log off.  This way you don't have to continually squelch folks.


Offline Sparks

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« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2000, 01:29:00 PM »
It's a sorry situation when people like you cord feel forced to leave over something like this.

I agree whole heartedly with everyone who raised this as an issue of respect - IT IS. I have a daughter of 12 also who is getting interested in flying AH and I don't see why I should have to monitor every flight she may watch, or squelch ch1, simply to allow those who want to swear openly online the freedom to do it. It used to be you didn't have to worry about protecting your kids as much because people RESPECTED their childhood, they RESPECTED the right of the parent to set the standards they believed were right for them.
AH is a totally open enviroment and does not carry a rating certificate - so I say to people like TOWD - if you RESPECT me and my family you should moderate your speech to a level you would use in any other family place.

I don't believe that parents have the sole responsibilty of filtering our society to our kids - we all have a role to play and I think I have a right to expect others to respect my family in an open public place.

Offline BigJim

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« Reply #52 on: March 25, 2000, 02:41:00 PM »
well I see all you "decency" folks have refused to address the issue of "smut" handles and I fail to see how your kids will be protected when the kill buffer flashes some of the squad names and handles?????  I think AH and most of the sims of this ilk were designed for ADULTS (in the early days no kid could afford to play) and to have someone "scream" over the buffer "hey watch it my kid is here" is somehow offensive to me, I didn't take your kids to raise (I raised my own who turned out ok) and I don't want to feel "responsible" for your kids downfall if I get "carried away in the moment", but of course since this is a "God, Mother and Apple Pie" discussion all opposing views will be soundly beaten down.  I think this is the "very reason" the ACLU came into being.  As for your perspective Indian, you are right there have been alot of laws passed to favor one point of view, most of which get struck down if they reach the supreme court in this country.

[This message has been edited by BigJim (edited 03-25-2000).]

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2000, 02:45:00 PM »
No one has quoted Apocolpse Now...
My boys are more likly to hear me swear about getting shot down then read anybody else swearing.
I think we are kidding our selves if we think that the US gov. is going to stop swearing on the internet. Watch your daytime TV for a week. See whats on at 3:30 when the kids get home from school. Crack open a teen beat mag and see what they are reading or a Cosmo.

Ohhh the good old days when people were polite..If they werent we shot em.. The US should be real polite right now, its way better armed then any society in history. Is it the most polite? From outside it doenst seem so.
We where real polite to our enemies in WW2...
LOL. Did any body refer to anybody in a way that wasnt a racial slur? Most of the world was activly de-humanizing the rest of the world. Makes it easier to fire bomb their cities I guess. Oh ya that counted as polite then...
Hypocrocy alive and well apperantly.
And much more deadly than swearing.

The Wrecking Crew


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« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2000, 04:02:00 PM »
 This is not an open public place. It is a privit club. You have to pay to be a member. It is no suprise that in a moment of furstration some one is gonna get PO,ed and there will be an out burst. If you have played for more than a day, you know exactly what is going to happen. So it is up to YOU to censer things for your familiy if that is your choice. It is not the goverments job, or HTC,s.

 If they were to waste the time and energy to create an R rated, and G rated arena. kGuess where everyone would be. I would rather see the place fill up with towd,s than see more of my freedoms get chipped away at.

 I wish that you younger guys could have seen the America I grew up in. Before all this PC crap started, this was a hell of a country.

Offline Sparks

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« Reply #55 on: March 25, 2000, 04:19:00 PM »
>>well I see all you "decency" folks have refused to address the issue of "smut" handles and I fail to see how your kids will be protected when the kill buffer flashes some of the squad names and handles????? <<
Well BigJim - I would definitely extend my dislike of the sort of language cord is talking about to handles - I can't understand why banana is allowed to keep his.

>>I think AH and most of the sims of this ilk were designed for ADULTS (in the early days no kid could afford to play) and to have someone "scream" over the buffer "hey watch it my kid is here" is somehow offensive to me<<
So it's NOT OK for you to be offended but OK for me to be offended? Why are your views of acceptable more valuable than mine? Also if the game is aimed at adults only then that is fair enough but let HTC put that on the signup screen - I don't have a problem with that.

>>I didn't take your kids to raise (I raised my own who turned out ok) and I don't want to feel "responsible" for your kids downfall if I get "carried away in the moment", but of course since this is a "God, Mother and Apple Pie" discussion all opposing views will be soundly beaten down. <<
No you didn't take my kids to raise and neither did I yours, but I hope I wouldn't swear in front of any of your family - it's only common respect.  I know what you're saying about "God Mother and Apple Pie" (even though I'm a Brit)and I recognise your views, I just disagree in this forum. If this was adult only arena I'd be swearing with the rest probably.

>>My boys are more likly to hear me swear about getting shot down then read anybody else swearing.<<
Pongo - your choice - your home.

>>Watch your daytime TV for a week. See whats on at 3:30 when the kids get home from school. Crack open a teen beat mag and see what they are reading or a Cosmo. <<
I recocgnise all that but just coz it's around doesn't mean it's ok and I have to think it's acceptable...

>>Ohhh the good old days when people were polite..If they werent we shot em.. The US should be real polite right now, its way better armed then any society in history. Is it the most polite? From outside it doenst seem so.
We where real polite to our enemies in WW2...
LOL. Did any body refer to anybody in a way that wasnt a racial slur? Most of the world was activly de-humanizing the rest of the world. Makes it easier to fire bomb their cities I guess. Oh ya that counted as polite then...<<
I love a bit of dramatic over-generalisation of history to back up an arguement.

Sorry - just call me a hypocritic old duffer - I like it that way

Offline Fatty

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« Reply #56 on: March 25, 2000, 04:26:00 PM »
Censorship, denial of rights?  Those get tossed around a lot, especially of late in online communities.  A provider deciding what content it will or will not allow is no more censorship than a magazine deciding what it will or will not print.

Acceptable use policies (you've agreed to a number of them if you're even reading this) are nothing new, and many of them stem not from the protection of the innocent as much as a business making a concerted effort to ensure their customers do not have to put up with nonsense.

When the actions of a few threaten to incur a loss of customer base, the business has every right to deny service to that or those individual(s).  To deny them that right would indeed be censorship, you would be telling an entity what it can and cannot do in its own private game, service provider, web hosting, whatever the case may be.

So the question is not what people have a right to say.  The questions are what audience Hitech Creations wants to target, what that audience wants or does not want in terms of language, whether or not it is in their interests to enfore those wants, and if so how strictly.  Your 'rights' are limited to whether you subscribe and pay them or not, and to protest those decisions in an open forum (read: Outside of Hitech Creation's servers), so long as those protests do not violate the terms of service on THAT forum.  

In the meantime, preach about it on the streetcorner all you like, you have every right to.

Offline Wraith

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« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2000, 05:35:00 PM »
The AH server belongs to HT, if they want to kick people out of it, they can, the same thing goes for this forum. Its THEIR property, free speech does not apply in private property. If any loudmouths remain here its under the sufferance of HT.

I think its sad to see someone leave because of this.. I mean, this is real life anyway!. That 12 year old will learn all those terms in school anyway, you can't fight the inevitable (no offense Cord, 'tis the truth IMHO).

People are bound to get frustrated while flying, it happens to me all the time.

But I agree some people just go *way* beyond the "Im frustrated, I curse the inbreed that put water on my fuel mix and got me killed" kind of talk online...

I can only suggest something that other online games have and that is VERY successful: EJECT feature via voting.

If a player goes overboard with language/disrespect, players can actually VOTE to eject him from the server. Usually 6 or 10 votes are required to eject someone..and its even better when the eject feature does not allow the player to re-enter the server in X time (usually 4 hours).

In AH, you could use:

To eject: ".eject playername" .It would require 4 votes of same team to eject.

Better than squelch eh?  


"The only two things that fall from the sky is manna from heaven, and your plane."


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« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2000, 07:14:00 PM »
I think you guys have mis-understood me. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to behave. (except my daughter) And yes I'm sure she has heard these words or even used them (I hope not)
And if my wife were here I would beg for my balls back, because i loved her dearly.
But, if I tell my daughter that this type of  verbage is not acceptable behaviour, and she sees me is a GAME where it is used, what am I to do.
The constitution was drafted by men with the ideals of Patrick Henry and Thomas Payne; not Howard Stern. Although Howard Stern hides behind the words and enjoys the liberty of all free men, as he should.
I only meant to say goodbye to friends. I have done what I felt was the right thing.
Thanks for all the comments, I have learned some things from a different point of view, although I don't agree with some of them.

All my best,

Offline K-KEN

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« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2000, 07:48:00 PM »
CANNON and one is asking you to give up any rights.  Maybe just asking you to use better judgement-if you decide you need to use foul language to make your point on-line.  I am sure your parents and friends may find it questionable.  But then, it is your right.  I'd like to dedicate this to you...and others like you....  

[This message has been edited by K-KEN (edited 03-25-2000).]

[This message has been edited by K-KEN (edited 03-25-2000).]