Author Topic: Give Bombers More Incentive  (Read 1062 times)

Offline lazs2

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Give Bombers More Incentive
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2002, 10:54:09 AM »
so... my little blubber eating buddie.... Are you saying that you don't agree with my ideas?
the lazshole
Public Relations Officer of the BK's

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2002, 11:09:26 AM »
Ooops... guess trying to see through the tears caused by yur personal attack....  I missed the real meaning of your post..

you said I should "come up with more than one simple, stupid, flaming-gay, boring and retarded idea."

If you would simply tell me which of my ideas fit that description then, just for you, I would try to come up with more just like it.
the lazshole

Offline bowser

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« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2002, 03:04:05 PM »
"..Take you own advice and shut-up Lazshole. Try for once to come up with more than one simple, stupid, flaming-gay, boring and retarded idea....'.

Well I don't think this one is going to win an Aces High Writer Award.  Straight to the point, but sounds like a 10 year old having a hissy fit wrote it.  Judges?


Offline texace

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« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2002, 05:31:47 PM »
LOL...yet another example of two groups saying each other suck. Nice going, everyone.

     Everyone's entitled to thier own opinion...we have some here who say buffs are alrigt, if unmined a bit, some in here who just wish buffs would be toned down a bit, and those who feel the buff has a major impact on a style of play.

     Listen, there is no "style" in the MA, as people fly what they want and how they want to. The only thing is there is a majority of players who are fighters, so furballing is the norm. I've got a good idea for the that will make the majority of players happy.

     First off, let's get rid of heavy bombers, medium bombers, bomb loadouts, and rockets. Then, let's remove ground vehicles. After that...let's remove acks, ships, and strat buildings. Finally, let's make it to where hangers are indesructible. We have now converted the MA into the furballer's whee the fun happens 24 hours a this what we want? Well...maybe lazs and Wonton...maybe a few others...but I doubt that's what people want.

     Y'all need to stop complaining about things you don't understand...buffs and bombs themselves are a part of the game that aren't going to be removed just because someone thinks they speak for everyone.


Offline gavor

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« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2002, 06:09:49 PM »
I agree with AKDejaVu, make your own fun. Last night I cruised around in an M3 trying to sneak into an enemy VH and effect a cap. In between rolling it over twice(once by turning too hard and onec going too fast down a hill) and getting acked once, I had a ball. I had one sortie with support from some guy in a pzr and one with some CAS from a squaddie. It was unconventional but a great deal of fun.

I'll happily fly any plane anywhere and at anytime(this includes driving boats and GV's) as long as im having fun and putting a little something in for my country. People slagging buffs because they carry out their reason for existing are to my mind a little like someone who changes the rules in a game to omit all the bits they can't do(if that makes sense). Theres room for ftrs and buffs and GV's, and ships too. Thats what the game is about. If all you care about is furballing and you dont want this interrupted, go to the dueling arena. Please. Just go away. Your incessant whining hurts my head.

Offline Steven

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« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2002, 06:15:21 PM »
Well, speaking for me, who almost exclusively only flies the fighter aircraft, bombers do not ruin any of my fun and in fact increase the fun by adding variety to the threat and my target selection.

Offline Arfann

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« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2002, 06:19:36 PM »
Texace: No, that must not be what they want. If they did, they would run to the dueling arena en masse.  What they want is to do a little "superior dance" and try to put forth the proposition that they are some how more manly than the buff drivers. Typical cyber-behaviour for someone feeling less than manly in RL. Best reaction is no reaction. Let them have their little rants if it makes them feel better.


Offline zipity

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« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2002, 08:33:45 PM »
I have a real hard time understanding why some people pay money to play a WWII simulation and then complain that it's too much like the real thing.  Bombers were a huge factor in winning the war and if the Germans had built better bombers the outcome may have been different.  I fly both bombers and fighters and also drive the occasional GV and pt.  The game is a simulation, if you don't want realism then stop paying for it.

Oh wait, I hear the response coming "Yea... then buffs should have to have 5 or 6 people to be effective".  Well your right, in WWII a sole bomber with only a pilot wouldn't have been a major threat to anyone but then again neither would a whiney little snot that hadn't completed 18 months of training in fighters before that first furball.  SO when you complete your flight training and log a few thousand hours in a real fighter, them I go out and recruit a full bomber crew.  Until then shave those ball of fur and grow a couple real ones.

Offline gavor

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« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2002, 08:43:05 PM »
Until then shave those ball of fur and grow a couple real ones.

Hehe, Wit of the Week.

I don't really think that a fluff milkrunning a few hangers in order to spoil the fight for the real players should be rewarded.

And a contender for Whine of the Week, all in one thread!

Offline gavor

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« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2002, 08:44:41 PM »
"..Take you own advice and shut-up Lazshole. Try for once to come up with more than one simple, stupid, flaming-gay, boring and retarded idea....'.

I forgot hissy fit of the week.... 1 vote

Offline Hooligan

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« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2002, 10:47:20 PM »
zipity wrote:


The game is a simulation, if you don't want realism then stop paying for it.

Surely you have noticed that bombers drop bombs with totally unrealistic pin-point accuracy.  Bombers can hit targets in Aces High (CVs, individual hangers, etc...) that they would not have a prayer of hitting in real life.  Real heavy bombers were lucky to get a strike within a few hundred yards of the aiming point.  

If bombers had realistic bomb accuracy then I doubt many would complain about them, not least of all because nobody would be likely to fly them.  Other elements of the game are clearly simulation but bombers are so unrealistic they are simply.... fluff.


Offline Wanker

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« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2002, 10:03:54 AM »
Hooligan, while it is true that buffing is not realistic in AH, the same can be said for flying fighters. There are just as many realism holes in flying fighters as there in flying buffs. Where are the gunjams in fighters? Where are the random mechanical failures? Where is the realistic engine warm-up time?

The fighter pilots have the Linda Blair 360 degree views, and the buffers have the lazer-guided bombing. Both are decisions made by HTC for whatever reason.

How many WW2 era aircraft hangers would take 3,000 pounds of bombs to be destroyed? Zero.

To argue that buffing is in any way less realistic than flying fighters is ludicrous.

Simply put, Lazs' crusade to eliminate the buffer's role in the strat game of the MA is so self serving and lacking of any logical merit, that it is laughable.

Offline Hooligan

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« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2002, 10:13:42 AM »
Fighter vs. fighter combat is still by far most realistic part of AH.  Furthermore the obvious things you mention like lack of mechanical failure affect fighters and bombers equally.  Fighter weapons do not have unerring accuracy at extreme range like bombs from level bombers do, and this is HUGE difference.

On a one vs. one level at least, fighter vs. fighter combat in AH is about as realistic as HTC can make it.  The same can hardly be said about bombers.  In real life airfields were not captured nor disabled like they are in AH.  The gamiest part of this simulation is base capture and bombers.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2002, 10:27:45 AM »
well... fluffers  are like liberals to me.  They are amusing and fun to watch so long as they don't get anything they want.

banana...  To class the simulation of the fighters next to the simulation of fluffs is what is laughable.   Oh... and most of us simulated fighter jocks have thousands of hours of simulated fighter time...  Those who don't are indeed slaughtered.  And.... When did killing a hanger in WWII stop fighter action?   When were all the fighters ever parked in hangers so that lazer guided bombs could destroy every single one of em?

gavor.. your choice of quotes, slavish devotion to a political cause and lack of any original thought on your own part label you as an easily amused, dishonest moron, toady.....   Not that there is anything wrong with that...   Perhaps you could be the guest drooler at the annual   "Fluffer  and village idiot convention and strat fair"???

Fluffs  simply have too much effect on the other players for the amount of skill and effort required.     Tone it down and they cry like babies.   Face it..  people will ignore them if they have any choice.   They are NOT a part of the game except for being foisted off on us like the fat nosepicking kid down the street was when we were kids.   If HTC doesn't force us to play with them then we wont.
the "lazshole"
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Offline deSelys

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« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2002, 10:36:56 AM »
To the buff pilots and to Lazs the Pink Baron...

...Is all this racket worth the effort when bomb sights and bomb dispersion will be profoundly revised in 1.09?

I know that I'll enjoy flying buffs much more when I'll have to think and work to set up the bombsight correctly.

Let's just wait and see...

[EDIT, a couple of jours later]Baaah just forget what I said. This feature won't be added in 1.09 :(

You may resume the flaming
« Last Edit: February 11, 2002, 02:12:55 PM by deSelys »
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