Now on to race and "Europeans". Yes I want Europe to reamain european I dont want it full of Cambodians and Morrocans and Vietnamese much in the same way morrocans, cambodians and vietnamese didnt want their homelands to be taken over by europeans. I like europe and her history, it is my history a part of me and i will damned if one day some cambodian living off of social support in italy one day says his cambodian history is part of europes. I have no problem with multiculturalism in America, in fact its one of our strengths here, but europe had a dsefinite culture and definate history and definate ethnic history as well. None of what I say is meant to support a xenophobic and closed off hateful europe. It is ment to support a strong, purpuseful and european europe with strong foreign policy and and end to this internal weakness and socialist popsicle world view.
,,,,and once again you show big wisdom about the internal affairs in Europe,,,,,especially about all the emigrants from Vietnam and
Cambodia:D ,,,,,who`s the moron,,,HORTLUND?