Author Topic: Final Tribute To Air Warrior.  (Read 8157 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Final Tribute To Air Warrior.
« Reply #135 on: November 08, 2001, 10:41:00 AM »
Well, dok, actually AW did it FIRST, if they hadn't (Fill this space with any developer name), I agree, alot of us have our roots in AW, I respect the original concept, developers from the early days of AW. AW of late?  Just another MMOG that was outdated by other superior MMOG's

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #136 on: November 08, 2001, 10:51:00 AM »
Well put, Grizzly...thanks for that input.
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
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Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #137 on: November 08, 2001, 10:54:00 AM »
Another name "appears" that carries unquestionable respect in ALL flight sim communities. Of course, filtering some of DoK's "best writings" through the pornalizer wouldn't have the same impact as doing it to BB's. <EG>

<S> DoK


Originally posted by DoKtor GonZo:
Without AW ... and those people who supported it, worked on it, worked for it, and played it in the Dark Days of GEnie .. there would be no WB or AH. Nor a bunch of other games that the AW experience inspired.

You don't need to personally know Adolf Galland to respect what he did. You don't need to personally know BB or GE to respect what they contributed to this gaming genre.

It's a shame AW is gone, but it was inevitable. All things considered.


Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #138 on: November 08, 2001, 10:58:00 AM »
Originally posted by Arlo:
Ok, StSanta ...

 Before things continue to deteriorate further let me just make one thing clear:

I want an official Red Rider carbine action 200 shot range model air rifle.
No!   You'll shot your eye out!

 Cod I love that flick...  :)
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #139 on: November 08, 2001, 11:03:00 AM »
Originally posted by straffo:

So true   :)

 Why would ANYONE take SWolfe seriously?

 He/she/it has only demonstarted what appears to
be a very predjudiced outlook and a below
 average intellect. Shirley, nothing to
 fear there.

 One thing is clear to me, however, and that is I'm
 almost certain I would despise that entity
 in real life.
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #140 on: November 08, 2001, 11:20:00 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding:
Call me cynical, but the sentiment in this thread is a little bit hysterical, to the point of outright absurdity.

AW was a shrecking game.

AH is a shrecking game.


 Well Dowding, your use of the "G" word here
 indicates that you don't quite grasp the essence
 of what is involved in this thread.

 To many of us, what transpires when we log on
 and go "flying" IS a "game" but what takes
 place in the O'clubs and Big Weeks and other
 virtual meeting places of the COMMUNITY is far
 more that a "game"...



I like to put things in perspective. Is this really such a big thing in your lives as to warrant such an outcry?

 I think you should already know the answer to that.

Staga's post was funny.


 No, that is where I take issue. In the context of this thread it was NOT funny.
 That was MY opinion ( and apparently that of
 some others as well ) and I stated that I
 didn't find it funny. I found it offensive.
 Not the "dirty words", kee-rist I've been
 slapped on the wrist more times than I care to
 remember for using them in various forums over
 the years, but the ACT of taking THAT
 re-post of Blue Barons "text" placed here
 under the heading of "A FINAL TRIBUTE" that
 I found offensive. It was in BAD TASTE, period!
If he had done the same to the eulogy of a person who had died in the WTC disaster, that would have warranted the kind of posts aimed at Staga.

Well, again I refer to the passion that many of us
have for our "game" and more importantly our
community and say that the emotions involved
here are on the same par!

Get a grip!   :)

[ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: Dowding ]

 It seems to me that Staga could have done his
own "defense" of his decision to put up his
post here but instead clueless morons personified
here by SWulfe decided to chime in.
Actually, this thread has helped to put some
of the "players" here into the appropiate "bins". Unfortunately, that was NOT the
 intent of the original post in this thread.
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
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Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #141 on: November 08, 2001, 11:27:00 AM »
I can attest that was *not* the intent of the original post. Alas, that *was* the intent of Rotors trolling though. This whole thing got way out of hand - emotions are running high on all sides right now. All things must pass.


Originally posted by Gypsy Baron:

 Actually, this thread has helped to put some
of the "players" here into the appropiate "bins". Unfortunately, that was NOT the
 intent of the original post in this thread.

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #142 on: November 08, 2001, 11:30:00 AM »
Originally posted by Dawvgrid:
So in short all you aw`erslighten up
i wonder if im gonna get flamed for this    :D
This thread showed me that some of you are taking this waaaaay to serious,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 You still don't get the overall picture here
 I'm afraid...and that's not a criticism of
 you or anyone else here.

 This thread was started with a serious post
 on a serious subject and was IMMEDIATELY
 "set upon", for lack of a better characterization,
 by someone who was apparently attempting to
 be funny.

 I didn't find it to be funny and stated that to HIM in a reply to his post.

 Apparently entities such as SWulfe found the
 need to jump to Stagas defense... a curious
 reaction and apparently quite telling.

 As to degrees of seriousness, well, there are some
 who pays their $$$ and plays their "game" and
 that's where their involvement ends.
 There are those that become part of the larger
 form of the "game", the community. They form
 friendships and create foes but they all
 hold their "game" and the community to be
 something very, very personal. They devote their
 own time and energy to supporting the "game"
 and helping to build the community.
 That is their choice...that is MY choice.
 It's not something we take lightly. If we did
 we'd just be logging on to "play" and
 be gone...
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline batdog

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« Reply #143 on: November 08, 2001, 11:35:00 AM »
Right now I'm sitting here itching my nutts wondering "wtf is wrong w/ all these loons?"
Somebody needs to A: drink some beer and/or B: get laid.


Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #144 on: November 08, 2001, 11:36:00 AM »
Originally posted by DoKtor GonZo:
Without AW ... and those people who supported it, worked on it, worked for it, and played it in the Dark Days of GEnie .. there would be no WB or AH. Nor a bunch of other games that the AW experience inspired.

You don't need to personally know Adolf Galland to respect what he did. You don't need to personally know BB or GE to respect what they contributed to this gaming genre.

It's a shame AW is gone, but it was inevitable. All things considered.


 Hello DoK...good to "see" you again.
 Thanks for your words of insight ( and not
 "incite" ) here  :)

 You should drop in over at Big Week some time, if you're
 not already lurking there.
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #145 on: November 08, 2001, 12:10:00 PM »
Originally posted by batdog:
Right now I'm sitting here itching my nutts wondering "wtf is wrong w/ all these loons?"
Somebody needs to A: drink some beer and/or B: get laid.


 C: someone needs a can of talcum powder for
    that jock itch...   :)
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #146 on: November 08, 2001, 12:14:00 PM »
I love the changing of my name to SheWulfe.. it's quite humorous. Here, let me have a go.

GimpyBaron = GypsyBaron

Stupor = Tumor

Retardo = Ratbo

StupidLosa' = Montezuma

Ass = Aub

Ahh, you tards are so unimaginitive.

BlueBaron was in WarBirds you say? I never saw him. The only time I saw anything closely resembling him was the blue voodoo doll with pins stuck in it in his cubby hole in the tower.

I know who Kesmai is, I know that they created Air Warrior in the mid '80s to run on 286s/386s. They eventually got it ported to Windows when Windows 95 came out. Somewhere along the lines, HiTech reversed engineered the game so he could go off and create his own. HiTech and crew formed ICI, and joined teams with DoMark. They created COnfirmed Kill. DoMark split off with ICI because of some legal battle, and in the end DoMark got the terrain engine and the name. ICI got everything else.

Eventually WarBirds got a new terrain engine and the new name, forming WBv.92. Several years later, AirWarrior got itself a 3D engine and was renamed Air Warrior 3D- but still had the old basic underlying code in there. WarBirds adopts a 3D engine as well along the way. HiTech and his fellow business people here create Aces High after they leave iEN (which was iMOL at some point) and iEN stays with WarBirds. They make some updates and work on WarBirds III.

Now, here we are today- Air Warrior announces it's demise in the next month.

What part of the "history" am I missing that is so very important I should know?

I don't care about scores, I care about fun. History lessons do not enhance my fun here, nor do they entrigue me when I know the basics of what happened in the past.

So, in conclusion- why don't ya'll go get that stick surgically removed from your ass.

Oh, and one last thing- I did ask Gypsy Baron to lighten up. It never happened.
Maybe you should actually read this entire thread before adding anymore ignorant remarks.

And yes, this is ME vs. all of you in this thread. You took it upon yourselves to attack me, so when you smell the aroma of irony- perhaps you could respectfully kiss my ass.

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #147 on: November 08, 2001, 12:14:00 PM »
Swulf already got laid. And told us all about it. <yawn>


Originally posted by batdog:
Right now I'm sitting here itching my nutts wondering "wtf is wrong w/ all these loons?"
Somebody needs to A: drink some beer and/or B: get laid.



Offline Rotorian

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« Reply #148 on: November 08, 2001, 12:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:

Retardo = Ratbo


Now wait a cotton picking minute here.  If you are going to insult, please get yer ducks in a row.  I AM Retardo, or was that Rotardo?  Anyways close enough for infringement rights.  Now if ya wanna call Ratbo a ducklovinghowardsternlookalik efluffyimitatingfallingasleep atconsoffriendscanmakefunofhi mandhavepicturestoprove person.

Well, that is fine by me.

Offline Grimm

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« Reply #149 on: November 08, 2001, 12:39:00 PM »

Thank you for that excellent post. You are a wise man.  


As for this thread belonging in OClub, Well that may or may not be true.  All these posts talking of the merging of AW to AH are a big deal for AH as a Whole. Thats right on topic if you ask me.

I think some of these posts will start to be posted in the Oclub as they have less bearing on AH.  I will take your suggestion as nudges in that direction rather than flames.

This Still reminds me of 1066.  The Normans had a large influence on the history of england.  The Saxons didnt like it much.  I bet the AWers will have a big affect here.