ggaming the gameh. Sorry, i can not understand this, because I'm not good at English.
You mean that I am gamer?
I can fly in only game, because I don't have flight license and have not operated a real airplane in real world.
As to flying the IL-2 as an attacker, you better check your stats again. You have 4 bomber deaths, 3 with C-47. There are no other bomber deaths listed, other than the IL-2. So, wherefs the 4th one? You don't really understand the kill stat.
I don't intend to answer this question, because you don't make an effort to understand the kill stat by yourself.
The counts of death in ... = The counts of killed by .....
You always need to check your stat flight by flight.
Crashing to tree or object, the kill stat show what kind of aircraft kill you?
While you write in BBS, some modest gentlemen are researching on the scoring sytem, learning flight tecnique, working for their country, enjoying in main arena together with their friends, or busy in their real world.
Plese check the scoring system or the kill stat by yourself.
Fighter score You did bad guess again.
I don't hesitate vulching, because the enemies chose to roll from vulched base though they have the other bases to roll.
Certainly I got many kills with vulching in NIK.
But almost kills in NIK are counted into attackers.
I got some victories as fighters with vulching certainly, though vulching are not always good for fighter score. Because enemy bases are farther than furball.
I know the best place for fighter score.
You need to look for the place by yourself.
Why? Because they pack four cannon and a huge ammo load. Add to that the 110G-2, Hurricane and Typhoon. Guess what? 707 of your 809 kills in fighters are in those aircraft. fly a tour using the C.202, 109F-4, Yak, P-51B or FM-2, generate the same numbers and that'll be impressive. You don't understand me.
When I was newbie before you enter into AH, many many great friend tell me how to fly in G6, G10, D9, F6F and many planes, and tried to fly in my favorite G10 yak-U and ........
I like NIK spit ZERO cat G10 spit and many many planes too.
When I felt spits are most comfortable, i stopped flying in spits though I like spits too.
Whatever you fly in, its OK, it's not my buisiness.
Whatever I fly in, it's not your buisiness.
We have many choices of aircrafts.
You enjoy in SBD or FM2, its no problem, its good, I think.
But rooks fleet sunk many times, while you satisfied yourself in SBD without destroying Shore Battery with your keeping fleet command for long hours. It's not good, I think.
While you enjoyed killing enmy planes in ship gunner without your death, some gentlemen were attacking enmy bases or bring
goon for rookland and their pleasure with their death.
I tried to destroy quickly town, VH, acks and so on. Many friends supported my jobs. Its my pleasure.
At least, we now know how you got a portion of your outstanding ranking in tour 31. Ohhhhhhh its good.
If you know it really, practise it by yourself and show how easily you get #1 by yourself.
I will not try to get #1 in tour 32, #1 is your turn.
It isn't as easy in practise as in theory. My comments are followings;
1, Understand AH scoring system moe accurately.
2. Check all situation in main arena by yourself, not guess.
3, Don't forget that many many really good enemy fighters waiting for you to kill you in main arena.
4, Don't forget that many many good friendly fighters sometimes ( not always) try to support you, if you help them.
I hope that you don't complain about AH scoring system untill you understand hte system accurately.
I'm believing that AH staffs try to make system better with their efforts to accept some player's good comments in BBS.
Truly AH staffs made the scoring system better than that in tour 10 or 20.
AH staffs
You need to try and error in scoring system by your self before you answer somebodies it.
This message is last for you. Sorry not to reply in your next question.