Author Topic: Feedback Please  (Read 1492 times)

Offline Batz

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Feedback Please
« Reply #60 on: October 08, 2003, 01:52:19 AM »
I made a reply but deleted it, my point with this punt just to show the difference in then and now.

No level of frustration justifies attacking one of the guys voluntering his time in an attempt to bring some fun to the rest of yas.

Theres many other things you can do if you dont like a set up. Dont fly it, make your own and sell it to a ct cm. You can even call ht and ask that the ct cms be rotated quarterly so some new blood gets a chance at running a few setups.

You have a group guys entertaining the idea of making there own set ups why not email skuzzy or ht and ask that the cts cms rotate. You would need a few experienced guys to show the new guys the ropes so you couldnt rotate an entire new crew but 2 or so a quarter may work.

Theres lotsa stuff a frustrated malcontent can do besides berate an insult the cms.


Offline Arlo

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Feedback Please
« Reply #61 on: October 08, 2003, 12:33:24 PM »
I understand your point in punting this thread and I never said verbal abuse as a means to handle frustration was justified. I simply gave my pov as to why things have changed and how, possibly, things can be improved. And it's not all "the player's fault." I don't think taking the stance that the CT community has degraded over time and lacks the character the staff has ... and repeating it here in the forum ... is going to fix anything (even if you believe it).

The thought of regular CT staff rotation isn't a bad one in my pov. It does bring up the question of how it is orchestrated (would it be the staff hand-picking it's successors? Would the rotation still be limited to a select few? Would the community be allowed to vote in anyone who expresses an interest?).

 Another way to create a closer bond between the staff volunteers and the rest of the CT community is to encourage the non-staff players to group together and develop their own setups (as is being attempted witht he "island hopping" project). This whould have a two-fold effect of taking some of the workload off of the staff and empowering the community .... making them responsible for their own choices in the setups which also takes some heat off of the staff. I hope the "Island Hopping" project progresses and is a success that sets the course for more "community projects" to come.

As for me ... I'm just as tired of the crap as you are. I just don't share in your pov as to where all the blame needs to go. Hell, I don't think the blame game needs to be played at all. We all have the ability to learn from the mistakes and go forward .... or dwell on the failures and point fingers. The choices we make between the two sets the course.