Author Topic: WW2OL Revisited  (Read 6065 times)

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2002, 02:48:45 PM »
About the launch? toejam man, I didn't know a launch lasted for over a year?

It's still a horrid piece of crap, it'll be 3 more years before it becomes what it says on the box. Are you meaning to tell me that CRS anticipated they would have 3 more years to get it to box specs??

I don't want an "online war sim" to fail, it's doing it on it's own, even if they tried to sell the idea and the current framework, I highly doubt anyone would buy it. Maybe for a nickel someone would..

Really venemous? No, but when someone comes here and tries to tell me something that looks like toejam, plays like toejam and is as slow as toejam isn't indeed toejam, then I feel the need to post here and remind them that toejam is toejam no matter what the few "good" aspects the toejam has.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2002, 02:58:40 PM »
plays like toejam for you. Not me and others. Why not qualify it like you should. Pretty vague without knowing your system and setup. BTW..I came in here when someone did an ad hoc review. Some enjoy it, you don't. Might want to hone those reviewing skills if you want someoneto get any info from it.

LOL, like hitech will let you look over his shoulder while he codes. You really want some war stories about HT coding warbirds;-)

btw. it isnt failing.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2002, 03:01:01 PM by hardcase »

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2002, 03:14:30 PM »

I care nothing about the airwar in wwwiiol but come on, 110 is the plane of choice for the lw in the battle of france? pistols are the weapon of choice by inf? grenades with their screwed up hit cone explode on impact and kill everyone in a tank? guys can climb underneath a tank and some how shoot the crew?

but you do still play AH, which in .50 caliber is rather close to 20mm, .50 caliber kills tanks, Hispano is from another planet compared to MG151/20, 75mm is quite sucky, slats operation isnt modelled, game where bomber guns were for a long time shooting through fuselage (only recently fixed!)....

I don't bother making up the grand list, but that for what came quickly up to my mind...

For some reason you seem to have some favorable bias over one games bugs and negative over another games ...
Whats up with that?-)

.50 cals killing tanks in ah is bs and I have posted it on it numerous times. But AH gameplay makes up for it. Also I dont tank in ah just like I dont fly in wwiiol. For the same reasons.

I can enter the arena in AH  and have an hours worth of fun that is far beyond what I get in an hour in wwiiol.

bombers gun shooting through themselves never bugged bombers have always been easy kills.

The difference is that in wwiiol I drive or run for 45 min and before I have 1 ounce of fun some one snipes me with a pistol, or kills my entire tank crew by clipping, or a grenade kills my entire tank crew. I then need to spend another 30 or 40 min playing virtual jogger.

Obviously with the planes theres two choices for LW: Bf110 and Bf109, which of the latter one is restricted.
So there will be alot 110s, which wasnt really that bad as many thinks - you can ask about that from anyone who knows the Bf110, problem was that it's bad reputation came from BoB where it was misused to escort, which it definately didn't fit for.
It wasn't excellent, but it wasn't either crap - it was competitive when let to fight on it's strenght.

I was 29 and 6 in 110 when I quit. I augered from red out or black out all 6 times. I have no problem with the 110. I just co'd the AH event "Battle of Britain" where my 110s owned the sky.

It was more expensive and took more material and a longer time to produce 110s. It certainly wasnt the plane of choice for the jagdwaffe durring the battle of France. The entire air war mostly consists of vulch missions to the other sides afs. Which I care nothing about, the fm and entire air war was terrible.


I don't either think the pistol is that widely used... mostly at close ranges under 100 meters which I see no problem with.
Grenade killing tanks is a bug, but it was left as it is to reflect the 'multiple ways' of infantry killing the tank and even so, you can't guarantee to kill a tank with even multiple grenades.
So thats all right with me, since theres also many times more tanks over the inf than in real life - in real life there that one inf lobbing grenades on your tank, would be closer to 100 troops.

Ofcourse you dont see the problem you're a fan boi. But I am not a liar and have myself sniped enemy inf with my pistol. Other guys in the game, whom I never saw before said they used the pistol over the rifle for longer range kills. Vulcan, whom I only know casually from ah is saying he has heard and experienced the same thing.

I dont care if you throw 1000 grenades at a buttoned up tank you aint gonna kill everyone inside. mgff/m should penetrate a tank. I have heard you say you killed a tank by striffing it.  Even if you hit the armor where it is thinnist early mgff/m exploded on impact. There were problem of mgff/m detonating on the skin of aircraft so 6mm surely would stop it.


I've had no problem with infantry so far.. I just use tank smartly and use teamwork - problem is that people thinks tanks are supposed to die only against satchel, AT-rifles, rocket launchers and molotovs...
In real life, lone tank rushing near enemy infantry without support, was a dead tank... in WWIIOL tankers life is much better.

I told you these "bugs" could be over looked if the overall fun factor was up. I dont find it fun. No one who I have played with found "fun". None of those who started out in wwiiol with me still play it.

in WWIIOL tankers life is much better.

That because how poorly thought out and planned their game is.

Offline Hussein

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« Reply #48 on: September 23, 2002, 03:25:32 PM »
Hardcase with a system as expensive as yours, you can run any other decently coded game (excluding WW2OL from those obviously) at 100+ fps. Possibly even 200+ fps.

So an average of 40 is weak, really weak.

What comes to the expected release date, if they weren't prepared to release it after what, 3 years? The game needs a complete recoding due to development of the competition passing them here and back. Sure it looked awesome 3 years ago, now it looks and is antique graphicswise.

Fishu: You left AH years ago, after beta if I recall right. Have you revisited the game seriously after that burnout you had, and if you did, did you enjoy it anymore?

The basic fact that nobody can deny is that WW2OL promised a toejamload more than it delivered. It still does so after a years running and patching. It still needs a high-end computer to barely be playable. Untill that is fixed (which will happen not by coding but progress with hardware heh heh.. :)) nobody can really defend it.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #49 on: September 23, 2002, 03:25:45 PM »
Gameplay works fine for me and others..and taking 45 mins to get to a battle. Sorry,  but that statements tells me you really didnt have a clue how to play. Sniping with the pistol, for all i know it is true. I will try it tonight. I don't know, but check the forums and no one is posting about it. For all i know,  you got your clock cleaned by someone you weren't looking at. Stating opinion as fact only influences the weak minded.


Offline Kieran

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« Reply #50 on: September 23, 2002, 03:30:16 PM »

Would you please, once and for all, point to where I am referencing AH in any discussion of WWIIOL? I don't, plain and simple. They are two different games. You are using that straw man as some sort of shield to deflect any comments about WWIIOL you find uncomfortable. Clipping did/does happen. That is a truth, and AH has nothing to do with it. The damage model is seriously screwed up. Once again, note no comparison to AH, yet the fact remains it is screwed up.

People make the comparison to AH only in what they choose to play. I just don't see how getting upset with the denizens of this game over a negative opinion of the game you like is warrented, especially given that you are doing it on the opposition's website? What kind of opinion do you expect to find here?

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2002, 03:30:23 PM »
any other game..apples and oranges. I max out tribes..but..duh...
All codes can be improved and I expect the next release to increase the FPS for all(going to dx8.1). You know EQ, with its dice throw combat is going to require 512 megs of memory in its next release.

How is the damge model seriously screwed up?  I like the idea of hitting an a13 and knowing there are 55 damage areas in it. Lack of damage graphics on aircraft is a pain, but that is coming also.

I get my 9.99/month enjoyment out of ww2.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2002, 03:32:33 PM by hardcase »

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #52 on: September 23, 2002, 03:34:29 PM »
Rah! Rah!

I'm HC and I am right and you are wrong!

Rah! Rah!

You can all just kiss my dong!

Rah! Rah!

You are and idiot and I'm real smart!

Rah! Rah!

Your breath smells just like a fart!
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #53 on: September 23, 2002, 03:42:45 PM »
If you dont like ww2ol, you arent wrong. My liking ww2ol doesnt make me right. But I do know the difference between an opinion and a rant.

I flew AH, Warbirds. Great flight sims, quick return on fun factor. WW2Ol is not always fun, but to me it is interesting and immersive.

If the bugs are too much for you to enjoy yourself, wait a while, things get fixed. BTW..why do you guys fly AH and not Warbirds?


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #54 on: September 23, 2002, 03:50:00 PM »
Oed, that is just crap. We get ppl running all the time. You know, like giving privs to  your firewall in XP. Deleting the lame bellybutton videos. Playing with more than 256 megs of ram using xp. Some amazinhunks are just nasty to ppl, like in any other forum. Others work to help anyone.  You seem to be doing some wishful thinking. Just because you quit doenst mean it is going to die. More stay than leave. Macs are coming, since AH wont support em. Euro are coming.

BTW..ppl who leave post their going away rants. Ppl who stay, play.


Offline Staga

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« Reply #55 on: September 23, 2002, 03:51:15 PM »
If you're adult try to behave like one.

Edit:This was for Mighty.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #56 on: September 23, 2002, 03:53:02 PM »
I'd like to think I am behaving like one:-)


« Last Edit: September 23, 2002, 03:58:02 PM by hardcase »

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #57 on: September 23, 2002, 04:06:44 PM »
I have never told anyone leaving ..good ridance..etc..

We have ppl leaving with 1 post on the Community Forum, meaning they never once posted asking for help. We have stopped a lot of leavings, by being patient, courteous and helpful. A lot of ppl buy the sim and don't have the computer to Fly, for example. They get told, upgrade etc. We have ppl buying  1.6 gig P4s with TNT2 M64 video cards installed and saying it is the sims fault they cant fly. Others have the systems but dont have the lastest drivers etc. Some dont know they have a firewall in xp. Some run win2k without the service pack. There are a number of suggestions that can be made to ppl and they work. I cannot change the gameplay and the gameplay can be complex, and there are bugs that piss me off. I suspend my disbelief and play on. Much like everyone does in WB and AH.

There was a new review in PC Games giving ww2ol a 70%. It was honest and someone took some time to get involved on more than a superficial level.

I fought this battle in warbirds for 4 years till it became the premier flight sim. Hating a sim is nothing new.


Offline Kieran

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« Reply #58 on: September 23, 2002, 04:09:35 PM »
There are player tests that have proven that:

1. First hit gets kill, regardless of how meager the damage done. The test was conducted by a player that snuck an infantry into an airbase, and, using his pistol, pinged the tail of enemy planes. One shot, one shot only. He wound up getting 18 kills for that sortie. 18 Kills with a pistol! Sure, there were those that suggested that all 18 kills were the result of pilots crashing on take off, etc, but c'mon, 18 kills?

2. The old "park the tank behind the 109 test". Several clips of mg into aileron, lift off, fly around, nothing wrong, land, several cannon rounds into wing and tail, take off, fly around, nothing wrong, etc. They even posted screenies showing all the holes in the wings and tail that were created, and they categorically stated the 109 flew as if nothing happened. Sounds pretty seriously flawed, doesn't it?

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #59 on: September 23, 2002, 04:14:29 PM »
Who gets credit for the kill is porked. Is it a game stopper to anyone other than score potatos? Bugs are prioritized. Me, I want the graphic engine rewrite for T&L.

The control surfaces of the 109 were indeed titanium. A data bug was found and is crushed in this next release. CRS does prowl their forums.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2002, 04:17:14 PM by hardcase »