Author Topic: Reperations..........  (Read 2766 times)

Offline funkedup

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« Reply #150 on: November 02, 2002, 02:00:40 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn're a Nazi.


Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #151 on: November 02, 2002, 02:04:24 PM »
*does a celebration dance*

Offline Tumor

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« Reply #152 on: November 02, 2002, 02:44:41 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick
..............................I am not responsible for the actions of people who lived nefore I was born and have no relationship to me. That is my stand on the "reperations issue"

NICE post Mav13.  Ya know, for a TAS puke you aint such a bad dude :D

..... but now your probably a racist ROFL!
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Offline Maverick

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« Reply #153 on: November 02, 2002, 03:40:46 PM »
Originally posted by Tumor

NICE post Mav13.  Ya know, for a TAS puke you aint such a bad dude :D

..... but now your probably a racist ROFL!

That's MR. TAS puke to you Tumor!

Yep I am a racist, extra terrestrials give me heartburn! Earth for Earthlings only!!! Aliens from outerspace, just send your money and technology, but you stay at home.

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Offline StSanta

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« Reply #154 on: November 02, 2002, 04:19:30 PM »
Of the last 800 years or so, Denmark and Sweden has been at war for 142.

I wish to have reparations for the suffering my ancestors felt at the hand of the Swedes.

However, I grew up in Sweden. So i wish reparations for the cruel rule Denmark imposed on Sweden from time to time.

I need the money so I can pay reparations to the French and Britons for the Viking raids around 800-900 BC.

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #155 on: November 02, 2002, 04:43:49 PM »
Hmm, you are going to tell me something intelligent and come up with a response to my STFU?!  You copied my posts and inject useless, non-comedy retorts that my black friend's 3 yr old son could have typed.  

YOU don't KNOW.  Why do people find it necessary to judge others?  You think you are king toejam?!  

I'm part Scottish, Polish, French, English, Dutch and German (my ancestry).  You know after all of that, I'm an AMERICAN.  

Boy the amazinhunks in this country like you Subaru, need to leave.  You have only shown me one thing so far, you rip people's comments off and type stupid crap in return to "make it original", my country's documents included.  

Stay on the toejamter, it isn't full yet.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2002, 04:46:05 PM by Masherbrum »
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Offline Tumor

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« Reply #156 on: November 02, 2002, 06:01:47 PM »
I am a decendant of the Irish

 My forefathers (most anyway) came to the U.S. in search of freedom, democracy and food!  They were forced to work for themselves to make a living... to survive, they did.

 I demand reparations to the tune of at least $1,000,000 (to start) because nobody in my entire family before or present has ever been given an economic free ride.  I don't feel I should actually have to work my way through life or contribute to society.  I deserve free education, medical coverage, food, housing and clothes, not to mention a nice new car (to be delivered yearly) at the taxpayers expense.

 I demand reparations immediately or I will squeak and whine until I get them.

P.S.  No I don't want to go to Ireland.  I want to stay right here in the good ole U.S. of A where there actually are plenty of people stupid enough to buy this hogwash
« Last Edit: November 02, 2002, 06:04:25 PM by Tumor »
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline funkedup

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« Reply #157 on: November 02, 2002, 11:48:06 PM »
OK I think the reparations idea has been thoroughly discredited by just about every band on the BBS political spectrum.  Close this thread, new topic.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #158 on: November 03, 2002, 12:07:46 AM »

one more:

reparations are baaad mmmkay.

alright - done, sorry continue.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #159 on: November 03, 2002, 01:08:14 AM »
Tumor, Tumor, Tumor.

You want REPARATIONS from the BRITISH.

Start with the Normans and Henry II; that'll do.

You could be worth MILLIONS!

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Glasses

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« Reply #160 on: November 03, 2002, 01:58:49 AM »
Or  we could ask for reparations to the Italians after all the western world was chaotic after their empire fell and set us back 1000 years in human scientific discovery! It's ALL THE ROMANS' FAULT!!!

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #161 on: November 03, 2002, 02:54:27 AM »
Look guys, I was first with the Swedish/Danish reparations claim.

So bugger off til I get that :D

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #162 on: November 03, 2002, 03:13:38 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Hmm, you are going to tell me something intelligent and come up with a response to my STFU?!  You copied my posts and inject useless, non-comedy retorts that my black friend's 3 yr old son could have typed.  

Gee, I wish your friend's 3 yr old son would actually post in your place. I might actually find something resembling an intelligent post. Something you need to work on. My retorts were supposed to be funny? Don't confuse my laughing at you as comedy (although you're posts here are sadly funny).

YOU don't KNOW. Why do people find it necessary to judge others? You think you are king toejam?!

I don't KNOW what? The posts in this thread I perceived as prejudiced, racism, and or hateful? You mean you don't find them that way? Do me a favor and kindly point out the posts I quoted as not being any of the above.  Educate me. Show me and others that I am incorrect in forming my opinion based on what I read. Keep in mind that I am not pre-judging people. If someone wants to make a prejudiced comment then he better not get upset if he's called prejudiced based on his post. King toejam? LOL I'm sorry, that must be you.

I'm part Scottish, Polish, French, English, Dutch and German (my ancestry). You know after all of that, I'm an AMERICAN.

And somehow that means automatically that you can't possibly be racist and/or prejudiced? I let my statements stand on their own merits without bringing in my multi-ethnicity or how many friends of whatever race I may have. I don't have this need to 'group' things. My responses have been about specific posts and persons. I'm an AMERICAN also. Race should have nothing to do with being an AMERICAN either, agreed?

Boy the amazinhunks in this country like you Subaru, need to leave. You have only shown me one thing so far, you rip people's comments off and type stupid crap in return to "make it original", my country's documents included.

LOL, I need to leave? Why, because I take exception to some prejudiced, racist, and/or hateful posts? Are you implying that The United States of America has no room for me? Are you that insecure with yourself and so hateful to share this wonderful country of ours with a fellow AMERICAN that happens to share a different viewpoint with you? I happen to understand that an AMERICAN is an AMERICAN regardless of viewpoint, race, creed, color, political affiliation, etc. and no one AMERICAN is more or less AMERICAN. Stupid crap? LOL, you are funny.
Stay on the toejamter, it isn't full yet.

And yet another intelligent retort. LOL. I'm really surprised you aren't embarassed yet.

BTW, what really is your point and position on the issue of using racist, bigoted, and/or prejudiced opinions when commenting on something?

I'm going to help you out here just because I care ;)
I'll start out with some definitions for you. You take it from here. You can ask help from your friend's 3 yr old if you really have trouble.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
Date: 1936
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
- rac·ist /-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective

Main Entry: 1prej·u·dice
Pronunciation: 'pre-j&-d&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from prae- + judicium judgment -- more at JUDICIAL
Date: 13th century
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
synonym see PREDILECTION

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1661
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
- big·ot·ed /-g&-t&d/ adjective
- big·ot·ed·ly adverb

Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence
- ig·no·rant·ly adverb
- ig·no·rant·ness noun

Main Entry: hate·ful
Pronunciation: 'hAt-f&l
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 : full of hate : MALICIOUS
2 : deserving of or arousing hate
- hate·ful·ly /-f&-lE/ adverb
- hate·ful·ness noun

Now if you actually read and comprehended what you've been reading, you wouldn't carry on with your silly tirade. PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME BEFORE YOU RESPOND.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #163 on: November 03, 2002, 04:16:05 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
subaruro... judging from your own words you think that every post except those of the few you mentioned are racist.   You like using the word... it rolls off your tounge so well and makes you seem so enlightened but... I don't see but a few posts that could be even remotely considered racist and even they are simply backlash that is caused by the whole racist/socialist idea of reparations..

you expect people to be happy about reparations?   You expect us to admire a group who would ask for or even accept reparations?   To animals credit he admits that it is a bad/stupid idea.

saburo... I would suggest that if you wish to attack people that you do it individually and not as a group lest you be tagged racist.  I think you are simply kneejerk reciting what you think will make you apear progressive.   I have to believe that because you seem so cowardly in your attacks.   You don't defend reparations except to condem those who disagree as racist.   A term that you seem to be unable to define as it applies to the posters.

btw funked is correct... Horowitz it correct as allways and much nicer than funked.

If you re-read my posts
First one:
The racist idiots spewing such hatred is very unamerican, at least in ideals. Perhaps, they should be the ones to "go back where they came from." We'll never evolve until we end this hatred based on stupidity. Quit being so insecure.

Second one:
BTW, if you were truly secure with yourself, and ful of self confidence, you'd not be attacking and insulting groups 'different' than your own. When I see prejudice, I see ignorance, hate, and insecurity in that person. LOL, the saddest part is that you don't realize it. Maybe it's worse than ignorance. You go figure it out.

Then a little later in this thread I started quoting not only the perceived racist posts, but also those that I perceived as prejudiced and/or hateful. I stopped after the first page as my quotes post was ridiculously long.

Many times in this thread I have stated Racist, prejudiced, and/or hatred. Those posts I quoted fall into one of those three catagories (some belong in more than one.) I didn't classify whole groups nor did I prejudge them. I judged the individual posts based on how I perceived them to be.

Are you insinuating that somehow someone can say racist and/or prejudiced things because they are upset with an issue or that they think an idea might be bad and that person is not racist and/or prejudiced?

I'll say it again. I think reparation payments are a bad idea also. So has every single person that had an opinion of reparations in this thread.  My arguement has been about using prejudice, racism, AND/OR hatred as an arguement and/or solution to the reparations issue.

subaruro... judging from your own words you think that every post except those of the few you mentioned are racist.

BTW, please re-read my posts and show me the one that says all the posts I quoted were racist only. I did state the quotes to be racist, prejudiced, and/or hateful. I still do.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
Date: 1936
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
- rac·ist /-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective

Main Entry: 1prej·u·dice
Pronunciation: 'pre-j&-d&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from prae- + judicium judgment -- more at JUDICIAL
Date: 13th century
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
synonym see PREDILECTION

Main Entry: hate·ful
Pronunciation: 'hAt-f&l
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 : full of hate : MALICIOUS
2 : deserving of or arousing hate
- hate·ful·ly /-f&-lE/ adverb
- hate·ful·ness noun

you expect people to be happy about reparations?   You expect us to admire a group who would ask for or even accept reparations?   To animals credit he admits that it is a bad/stupid idea.

Being happy, mad, sad, etc should not be a basis for prejudice, racism, and/or hate. Doesn't solve anything.
Why would one have a need to 'admire' a group? I find a big difference from admiration and hate.
Yes, Animal did state reparations to be "roadkill" (I think that's what he said).
Sandman, Midnight Target, and I (to name some) also stated that it was a bad idea. Question for you? Why did you say "to animals credit" and not state anyone else? Just curious.

saburo... I would suggest that if you wish to attack people that you do it individually and not as a group lest you be tagged racist.  I think you are simply kneejerk reciting what you think will make you apear progressive.   I have to believe that because you seem so cowardly in your attacks.   You don't defend reparations except to condem those who disagree as racist.   A term that you seem to be unable to define as it applies to the posters

Sorry but where have I "attacked" a whole group based on race? I post here above the definition of racism. Please explain to me how I'm racist. Perhaps you didn't truely know the definition of racist. Please don't take this as an 'attack' against you as it is not. Everyone in this world is ignorant of many things including yours truely. I do know the definition of racism, prejudice, and hatred and made my comments accordingly.

BTW I would think a coward who didn't stand up for one's beliefs, especially if they felt something wrong was going on.

Main Entry: cow·ard
Pronunciation: 'kau(-&)rd
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French coart, from coe tail, from Latin cauda
Date: 13th century
: one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity
- coward adjective

Now had I agreed with those I disagree with for fear of an arguement, then yes I would be a coward.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell


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« Reply #164 on: November 03, 2002, 04:17:09 AM »
Airhead and/or SaburoS why don't you all tell everyone exactly what makes either of you two so NON-RACIST...

You all seem to get a kick out of calling everyone else a racist and have many examples and smart bellybutton remarks calling others racist why not tell us some of the things and give examples from your daily lives showing how you guys are so NON-RACIST.

Cmon, lets see that! :)