Author Topic: Uncalled for language in the MA  (Read 2493 times)

Offline poopster

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2002, 12:08:23 PM »
Well a little research, he flew less than 20 sorties last tour, and none on previous tours.

He's not in a squad, flown 360 sorties this tour and has 33 kills...

That about sums it up..

Offline CavemanJ

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2002, 12:27:16 PM »
Originally posted by Animal

Just a few days ago I got a warning for using the word "Moron" refering to my AK friends in friendly banter. :confused:
But this DeathPig character can flip out for an hour and no one is there to mute him.

Problem is that there are too few moderators, and when there IS one, they abuse their power. They mute you for things that not even HTC employees would mute you for.

I say that the moderators should only watch for people using inventive variations of words that are already in the filter, like plowing, cok suckah, assminer, stuff like that.

Yep, been sayin the anony-jerks need to be better policed for quite awhile now.  Right now if one of these moderators is having a bad day, and they already don't like you, you might as well log off for the night.  Make one slip up on the readio and they'll mute ya every time ya hit the enter key.

Toad ya forgot a group in your listing
Those who thing the moderators need to be policed better to prevent abuse of their power.  And some solid guidelines on when to use thier power.  'Course, once this is going good it wouldna hurt to add a few more folks and try for round the clock coverage.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2002, 01:34:32 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27

AKAK  i  didnt know you were a Jew!?:D  j/k bro  

Until last night, neither did I :D

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Offline AKDejaVu

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2002, 01:46:29 PM »
I'm curious as to why people feel that language that is "uncalled for in the MA" is acceptable here?  Remove the pics... email them to HTC and let them handle it.


Offline Animal

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2002, 01:49:38 PM »
sounds like an order

Offline Vulcan

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2002, 02:32:21 PM »
Yup this has happened a few times, Deathpig has made a complete idiot of himself more than this, especially on Ch 2.

In comparision Shane got muted for calling someone a dweeb. Its more likely he got muted for been just so damn annoying on ch 1 and this was the final nail that broke the camels back. However, shane is easily squelched and pretty harmless, his comments never go beyond 'lamers' or 'dweeb' and usually end in a challenge to go to the DA. So its kind of sad that he gets picked on while people like this Deathpig kid get away with the real problems.

The Hall Monitors need some hard and fast guidelines IMHO so that the muting is given out a little more fairly.

Offline Fridaddy

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2002, 02:47:28 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
How do you please all those groups?

You dont. The old saying "you cannot please all of the people all of the time" is true not only here but in all parts of life.

Yes like any company HTC must listen to us, the paying users. But in reality the only group HTC needs to please is... HTC. On the other hand HTC has an obligation to us, the paying users, to provide a fun arena to game in, and so far they have done so.

As HTC prolly doesnt have the people to full time monitor the game, I feel there should be some real-time moderation by us, the users. (This may be in place right now and we dont know about it.) But also there needs to be a offical feedback area to complain to HTC about abusive players (and moderators) outside of this BBS. This BBS should be used for exchangeing information and ideas, not complaining about players.

Along with this system there needs to be a graduated system of discipline for those who break the rules, from warnings to banning.

Just another mans $0.02, next time I will charge $0.04.


Offline Toad

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2002, 03:13:58 PM »
Originally posted by ccvi
Very easy solution. Don't implement an auto-filter and human triggered muting for the sender side, but add an option on what to receive.

Like some search engines offer the option to disable certain kinds of hits.

So the responsibility for language then rests on the passive listener rather than the active spewer?

We already have .squelch which is a form of that and it doesn't seem to be meeting the needs of the group.

But it might be worth looking into; you could make it much more encompassing that way.

I'd love a permanent squelch list too, but HT is on record as saying that doesn't encourage the community aspect he's looking for.
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Offline Toad

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2002, 03:17:43 PM »
Cave, how are you going to police the police?

I assume that HTC can look at the entire text record at some time but who knows how long they hold it.

I'm guessing you'd need at least one full time employee to review text. Is that the best use of resources?

Yeah, moderators should be held accountable if they screw up, just like anyone else. By what mechanism though? What's your idea?
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Offline eddiek

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I've tried the squelch commands...........
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2002, 03:39:02 PM »
Everything from squelching Channel 1 (which I hate to do cause I do like to gab with friends from other countries) to squelching individual players.   The only one that works for me is the individual players.  I type in the squelch command for channel one and it keeps right on coming through.  I gave up on it after a while, just started typing in the offensive player's handle with the .squelch command and keep on playing.
Best thing I have found to do when someone is spouting off in a beligerent, obnoxious, offensive manner is to get a few screenshots and just clip the offensive parts to send to HTC.  I've done it more than once, found the "offender" strangely absent from the arenas for quite a while after I sent them in...................

Offline CavemanJ

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2002, 03:49:04 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
Cave, how are you going to police the police?

I assume that HTC can look at the entire text record at some time but who knows how long they hold it.

I'm guessing you'd need at least one full time employee to review text. Is that the best use of resources?

Yeah, moderators should be held accountable if they screw up, just like anyone else. By what mechanism though? What's your idea?

Well, here's a thought
Whenever one of these moderators uses thier abilities, be it for a warning or a muting, the server dumps the previous X lines from the buffer to a log file, with the date/time and the name of the mod who issued the warning/mute.  If it's a warning the text on the warning box can also be dumped to this.
25-50 lines or so, to catch the context of what's being said.  Probably less if the server messages (captures/kills/etc) are filtered and not dumped to the log.

Offline Saurdaukar

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2002, 03:53:02 PM »
I get warning for letting "ass" slip instead of arse and this stupid kid gets way with THAT!?!?

Little consistancy here HTC, please.

Offline Mw007

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Re: Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2002, 04:01:38 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack

When I suggested that maybe the enemy's burst hit your cockpit area, instantly killing him, my fellow Knights were subjected to a 10 minute obscenity laden diatribe from DeathPig.  

While most of his comments seemed to focus over giving someone a blow-job, he crossed the line when he suggested to one of the female players that she give him oral sex and his grossly vulgar, anti-semetic comments.  Unfortunately the screenshots didn't catch what he said to Mandie but it did catch his other outbursts.

There isn't a place for that type of talk in AH or  anywhere and Mandie sure as hell didn't deserve the verbal attack on her, all she did was say hello over country channel.  


ACK-ACK, I got the whole thing on film, even the attack on Mandie. I'll be sending it to HTC. :)

Offline Toad

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2002, 04:20:46 PM »
Cave, worth a try . Why don't you send it in?
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Offline WldThing

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Uncalled for language in the MA
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2002, 04:22:50 PM »
I really dont think there are any moderators in the MA, or any other place for that reason...

What i do think though, is maybe one of the HTC staff is on at times, but under a different name..

Just my IMO.