Author Topic: Some Concerns  (Read 1963 times)

Offline Moon Dog

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« Reply #90 on: March 25, 2001, 08:11:00 AM »


Moon Dog was a Nomad too wasn't he?


Dang it,  Westy.  I considered you a friend once.  

Actually,  I have only been in one squad in the regular arenas for almost 3 years.  I did start a scenario squadron in the special events arena,  but it was mostly for a joke.

Moon Dog

Offline Moon Dog

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« Reply #91 on: March 25, 2001, 08:17:00 AM »
Originally posted by Tac:
Hmm no 3 legged dog pic in the sig. Not the Animal I know... I hope at least  

I say allow the AW guys in for 15 a month.. but allow them to fly only the 202 and ju88 until they pay the other 15  

Hell,  I'm in.  


Offline Westy

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« Reply #92 on: March 25, 2001, 08:19:00 AM »
 Was just trying to cut ya into the line up front. If ya don't want to wear the Nomad hat then ya don't have to. (kind of all pointy, geeky looking and attention grabbing anyway)  


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 03-25-2001).]

AW Otto

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« Reply #93 on: March 25, 2001, 09:01:00 AM »
HAJO!!!!!!  Yes sir. It is me, your old wingy from AW. To prove it. I was with you at C82, we were both in a8`s under 1k alt., we went home with about 5 kills each and none were vulches. <G> Ahhh the memories.

Originally posted by Hajo:
AW OTTO??????   dat you? my old wingie from Air warrior?   If so cya up and good luck!

Offline Pollock

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« Reply #94 on: March 25, 2001, 09:32:00 AM »
I scrolled to the bottom of this post because it pretty much smells like a load of crap.  This is my first online sim so I cannot compare it to any of the compettiors out there nor am I inclined to do so at this point.  What I read in this post sounds like a shallow tactic that a commissioned salesman would do when he has one foot out the door and is about to be sacked because his numbers suck.  And he/she will do anything to keep thier customers.  

That being said if this is true it is no big deal it happens every day from your small town pizzeria to the big airlines.  If HTC can generate more profit then more power to them.  This may enable give HTC the capital to add improvements on this game.  "KEYWORD GAME!" adding historical arenas, more sponsored events, better servers, etc.

I have been a paid subscriber since the beginning and HTC has always supplied me with a great escape from reality when I need it.  If HTC feels threatened by this then perhaps they will make a post in response.

AW Mar03

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« Reply #95 on: March 25, 2001, 09:38:00 AM »
Hiya AH Folks, Otto Hajo Nomde wow the old crowd Hiya guys hope to see u all up one day

Offline Apache

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« Reply #96 on: March 25, 2001, 09:49:00 AM »
Originally posted by Gadfly:
Just remember: Warbirds sucks, come play AH, all of you.

Lol Gadfly, a little reverse Psychology eh? Or would that be double reverse?  

Offline Tjay

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« Reply #97 on: March 25, 2001, 10:23:00 AM »
Well regardles of the personal animosity and politics - the very first statement is true - some AW squads have ASKED if they could have a discount if they transferred enbloc. I don't know what the answer was and Hitech isn't telling AFAIK.
Here's MY plan.
1. Resign from my current AH squad.
2. Join the AW squad The Damned before the transfer.
3. Get my discounted account.
4. Resign from The Damned.
5. Rejoin my old AH squad.
6. Laugh all the way to the bank.

Is that OK with everyone? Oh, thought not.

Best wishes
An ex-AW AH dweeb.

Offline Brat

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« Reply #98 on: March 25, 2001, 11:26:00 AM »
Originally posted by AW Otto:
BRAT, I was there. I know what happened and Animl is correct. Unless you want to get highly involved in the discussion of what kind of bellybutton you made of yourself then I would imagine you will not say anything else about what happened while you were a staff member with AW.

By the way, hi folks.


Uhhh...funny. I don't remember you being there. I don't remember you listening in to the discussions between me and senior staff on the telephone. I don't remember seeing your name on the list of CC's in my emails. So tell exactly do YOU know what happened?

Oh...that's don't know're just another 1 post wonder that bounced in to save your little buddies and jump on the Brat train.

This is getting me when we're back on the subject.

Kelly...if you didn't post the original post than my apologies. I still think you're an bellybutton for even suggesting that you "might" post it in the first place and I think it shows your true loyalties to the Airwarrior community.

Animal...the only thing you've ever been right about since you stepped foot into the Airwarrior that your typing sucks and it gives everyone a headache when trying to decipher the drivel that you post.


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« Reply #99 on: March 25, 2001, 11:45:00 AM »
Originally posted by kmeyers:
You folks seem to have confused me with someone else. My name is Kelly MEYERS not Kelly MYERS whoever that may be. I'm not an employee of EA or any other gaming company and I don't remember ever claiming to be. I assure you though and ROC has confirmed it too this isn't a troll.


Friggin' liar.  You are quite the sack of sheep dip.


Offline Fatty

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« Reply #100 on: March 25, 2001, 12:36:00 PM »
Heh, I can't believe this bugger is still kicking.

Offline easymo

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« Reply #101 on: March 25, 2001, 12:42:00 PM »
 Are you SURE we cant have the 1.03 FM back?

AW Otto

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« Reply #102 on: March 25, 2001, 12:55:00 PM »
Uhhh...funny. I don't remember you being there. I don't remember you listening in to the discussions between me and senior staff on the telephone. I don't remember seeing your name on the list of CC's in my emails. So tell exactly do YOU know what happened?

Oh...that's don't know're just another 1 post wonder that bounced in to save your little buddies and jump on the Brat train.

Well, Brat (yes, I know you called me "dick" and some would call you a degrading name in this situation but I will not stoop to that level) the fact of the matter is I WAS senior staff. "I was there" meaning in the staff ranks and privy to more information than you thought. Not only was I privy to this information and forwarded emails you had written as well as others, there were others who were also privy to this. You and most of the other staff just didn`t know that.

  Just clarifying for you here. I was not aware there was a Brat train and if I was aware of it I wouldn`t want to be on it. I just saw a discrepancy in your post here and wanted all to know that what they read here is not always the full truth.

  After reading though these posts though I can see that the folks who post here probably do not need that pointed out to them. They all seem rather intelligent and I`m sure they know this to be true anyway. My apologies to them for even saying anything in this forum. I should have directed my statements toward you, Brat, in a private email.

  Again, my apologies to all.

Offline Brat

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« Reply #103 on: March 25, 2001, 01:43:00 PM »
So let me get this straight...a former senior staff member just came here and broke his Non Disclosure Agreement by announcing that he had privy to information regarding a matter that was specifically private between a player and said staff, and also admitted that others had access to this information?

Besides the fact that your claims are a total fabrication and you are actually completely clueless as to what happened...I now have every right to take this information to Kesmai and have your ass.

No wonder they canned all you guys...

As a senior staff member that was "involved in the matter" wouldn't it be safe to say that you should have known better considering this is the exact violation that I was accused of by both you and Animal here?

Wow...the irony...

I guess I should call Kesmai with this breach of contract admission and ask them why my personal information was passed around illegally...unfortunately I could only do this if any of the information you were stating were truth, but because you're full of toejam I don't really think it would hold up to well.

I hope EA gives all you guys your jobs all deserve each other and I'm sure a new group of 12 yearolds that you guys can boss around and police in the arenas will be along with the introduction of AOL into the arenas.

AW Otto

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« Reply #104 on: March 25, 2001, 03:02:00 PM »
LOL Brat. I think you took this all out of text. I have broken no NDA. I said that I knew what happened. I didn`t say what happened nor would I ever say that in a public forum.

And I never got "canned". I quit the program last summer for several reasons.

Look, I didn`t come here looking to have a battle of wits nor one of words. If that`s what ya want then take it up in a private email. As far as I`m concerned this topic is finished in this thread. Reply with whatever garbage you want but I will not respond to it no matter how ridiculous your ramblings may get concerning the issue.

Have a good day.

Originally posted by Brat:
So let me get this straight...a former senior staff member just came here and broke his Non Disclosure Agreement by announcing that he had privy to information regarding a matter that was specifically private between a player and said staff, and also admitted that others had access to this information?

Besides the fact that your claims are a total fabrication and you are actually completely clueless as to what happened...I now have every right to take this information to Kesmai and have your ass.

No wonder they canned all you guys...

As a senior staff member that was "involved in the matter" wouldn't it be safe to say that you should have known better considering this is the exact violation that I was accused of by both you and Animal here?

Wow...the irony...

I guess I should call Kesmai with this breach of contract admission and ask them why my personal information was passed around illegally...unfortunately I could only do this if any of the information you were stating were truth, but because you're full of toejam I don't really think it would hold up to well.

I hope EA gives all you guys your jobs all deserve each other and I'm sure a new group of 12 yearolds that you guys can boss around and police in the arenas will be along with the introduction of AOL into the arenas.