Originally posted by Vulcan
So SaburoS whats your response to the RIAA members who participate in price fixing, monopolisation, and anti-competitive behaviour?
I hope you and Nash and sending them emails lecturing them on theft too
How many times are we going to have to go around in circles on this?
I've already answered that question.
Bottom line is this:
Benefitting from someone else's copyrighted materials without payment or permission is theft. Period. Nothing more, nothing less.
Any reasons brought up so far trying to justify that theft, doesn't wash.
This is probably what will happen. If anyone gets arrested(probably detected by a hidden code in the music file) and convicted the following:
1) Downloading the files for free and not selling/sharing the files:
paying a fine of the full retail price(what the single cd price or album price if no single exists) of each song file on your system or in your cd/mp3 collection.
2) The above plus: If allowing others to share in the files of music stored in your computer: Above fine plus possibly an additional huge fine on their calculation of how many files were taken from your computer.
3) Add to the above: If you also actually started making money (making cds and selling them): Epect the above fines but add a huge $ amount. also jail time.
The judges in these cases will be making huge examples of the first group caught.
The real question you should be asking yourself is this:
Do you think the above will happen to you if caught?
Look up copyright laws and the infrigment of those laws.
Good luck.