Author Topic: Thoughts on why Christianity is fake  (Read 2734 times)

Offline davidpt40

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« on: February 15, 2003, 05:00:06 AM »
Heres why I think Christianity is fake:

(1) An all-powerful, all-knowing God creates Heaven and Hell.  Hell is supposed to be only for Lucifer and the angels that followed him, but somehow, out of Gods control, EVERY SINGLE HUMAN is destined for hell.

(2) Since the two original humans, created in Gods own image, were tricked into eating a piece of fruit from a tree by Lucifer, man is kicked out of paradise and is forced to work and subsequently die.  Every single human is punished for the faults of Adam and Eve.

Lets just pretend the entire old testament is an allegory.  Now for the New Testament-

(3)  God sends his only son to earth so that people don't have to burn in a fiery pit for eternity.  Yet what does his son do?  He goes around in a very limited area, performing obscure miracles at his leisure.  For some reason Jesus won't perform miracles for disbelievers, even if it means they will spend ETERNITY in a fiery pit.

(4) Jesus is crucified and DIES.  Then he supposedly comes back to life, but what does he do?  He reveals himself to only 3 or 4 people!  What a selfish guy.  Here he has a chance to give the entire world some evidence to believe in God and he won't even do it.

So in summary, Christianity is this-  A God that won't give any evidence of his existance, yet if you don't believe in him 100% you go to a fiery pit called hell where demons torture you.

There is a book out now called "excavating jesus".  In the book, it tells how 'virgin births' were common in Jewish history and how it took 40-100 years after the death of Jesus for people to write about him (and subsequently make his story fit the prophesies).  In actuality, the body of Jesus was most likely eaten by dogs.

I think people believe in Christianity for a few reasons- (1) They are afraid to question the bible (2) They don't want to believe that they wont go to a paradise when they die (3)  They are afraid of going to hell (4) they have no common sense/are uneducated.

Offline lord dolf vader

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2003, 06:46:38 AM »
man they are gonna gird your loins hehe.

glad you joined the club

Offline Ratbo

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2003, 08:47:28 AM »
The single best *objestive* argument I've ever seen for putting stock in the Christian faith:

Even secular history shows that almost all of the 12 apostles met a violent end for refusing to back down on what they were preaching.  (this is different than meeting a violent end fighting in some Jihaad or fanatical combat)

Exactly what did these people *see* that led them to be so sure of their beliefs that they would rather die than recant their position?


Offline X2Lee

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Re: Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2003, 09:24:54 AM »
Originally posted by davidpt40
of Adam and Eve.

(4) Jesus is crucified and DIES.  Then he supposedly comes back to life, but what does he do?  He reveals himself to only 3 or 4 people!  

Ever actually read the bible?
Jesus appeared to over 200 people after his resurrection.

Mostly it boils down to this, you have the right to believe or not.
Choose wisely.


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Re: Re: Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2003, 09:33:51 AM »
Originally posted by X2Lee

Mostly it boils down to this, you have the right to believe or not.
Choose wisely.

Or what? Burn in some hot underground fire pit and be tortured for all eternity by demons? Is that really the best sales pitch Christianity could come up after almost 2000 years?

Offline Holden McGroin

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2003, 09:35:55 AM »
The old testament is greatly shared by Islam and Judaism.  While it is politically okay to attack Christianity, you are a racist bigot for attacking the shared beliefs of these other two peaceful religions.  
So in summary, Christianity is this- A God that won't give any evidence of his existance, yet if you don't believe in him 100% you go to a fiery pit called hell where demons torture you.
Shared belief among many religions:  Belive my way or be damned.  (also re-read PC-Bigot statement above)
(4) Jesus is crucified and DIES. Then he supposedly comes back to life, but what does he do? He reveals himself to only 3 or 4 people! What a selfish guy. Here he has a chance to give the entire world some evidence to believe in God and he won't even do it.
According to the book of Mormon, the Resurrected Chirist appeared to the natives of the new world.  Perhaps this belief can quiet your misgivings.

Many well educated and intellegent people believe in God, as evidenced by the quote attributed to Albert Einstien when discussing Quantum Theory,"I can't believe God throws dice!"

You can find many logical fallacies in religious belief, because religious belief is a system based on faith, not logic.  Faith and logic are two mutually exclusive thought processes. You cannot use one to prove the other.  A Leap of Faith is by definition, illogical.

Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!

Offline X2Lee

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2003, 09:38:01 AM »
Originally posted by Ratbo
The single best *objestive* argument I've ever seen for putting stock in the Christian faith:

Even secular history shows that almost all of the 12 apostles met a violent end for refusing to back down on what they were preaching.  (this is different than meeting a violent end fighting in some Jihaad or fanatical combat)

Exactly what did these people *see* that led them to be so sure of their beliefs that they would rather die than recant their position?


All they had to do to be spared was say they didnt see the resurrected Jesus. But they didnt deny to the point of being crucified, some crucified upside down.

These guys saw somthing so compelling that
they would DIE horribly for the cause of chrisianity.
Think for a minute, all but one of the diciples died rather than deny Jesus was God. Just a month earlier they had seen Jesus
tortured, beat till he was unrecognizable,spit on and paraded to the tree and nailed to it to die. These guys say all this.

 Think it was demoralizing for the 12? Think it blew thier whole belief system apart? they saw him do miracles, they believed he was God.Now the romans crucufied him. Think they would die for the cause of a humiliated leader who was dead?

No they saw him rise again or not a man among them would have died for a lost cause.
 I think this evidence brought to a modern court would agree
Its just common sence and logic.....

Offline hawk220

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2003, 09:40:20 AM »
duck and cover David!:D

I do agree, however with you. I love when folks quote the bible...written by HUMAN MEN..actually based on more ancient religions..

people need a crutch and the fairy tale of god and 'miracles' is a great opiate for them


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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2003, 09:41:10 AM »
Originally posted by X2Lee

Its just common sence and logic.....

Agreed! Just like the big boat with all the animals on it.

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Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2003, 09:42:12 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Or what? Burn in some hot underground fire pit and be tortured for all eternity by demons? Is that really the best sales pitch Christianity could come up after almost 2000 years?

Grun I am not trying to convert you or offer you heaven or hell.
Like I said, its up to each person to choose.

If you choose  to believe and you are right and theres no God,
you have lost nothing. On the other hand if you are wrong?
Men are free to believe in what they choose.


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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2003, 09:47:27 AM »
You are clearly stating that if I'm wrong then I will suffer eternal pain and torture. It has to come down to that - and that means that is the best sales pitch all you billions of Christians have been able to copme up with in 2000 years.

That is pretty weak. More to the point what kind of insecure god is he if he must have such a policy to ensure his peoples adoration?

Offline X2Lee

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2003, 09:55:14 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
You are clearly stating that if I'm wrong then I will suffer eternal pain and torture. It has to come down to that - and that

You must cant read dweeb. I said nothing about hell or torture.
I also said I aint trying to convice you.

Many are called, few are chosen.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2003, 09:59:42 AM »
Originally posted by X2Lee
If you choose  to believe and you are right and theres no God,
you have lost nothing. On the other hand if you are wrong?

Correct you did not use the word hell.   But it's really funny how you are clearly implying something bad and trying to tip toe around the concept of hell with ridiculous threats of "what if you are wrong"...

Offline X2Lee

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2003, 10:05:27 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Correct you did not use the word hell.   But it's really funny how you are clearly implying something bad and trying to tip toe around the concept of hell with ridiculous threats of "what if you are wrong"...

Threats? Man you are deluded.
By the way? You are wrong and yer going to hell and burn forever.
Bite me demon.    :p

Offline Siaf__csf

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Thoughts on why Christianity is fake
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2003, 11:34:53 AM »
I've learned long ago that most people need the safetynet of religion just to get by. They can't handle the reality of life as it is, so they have to believe in supernatural things which give them comfort in bad times.

It's well documented that the more primitive a society gets, the more gods it starts to have. Those tribemen in the Amazon believe every other tree is a God, not even mentioning the forest animals.. :)

It's inherent to a humans nature to explain the things thier brain can't grasp with divine intervention. Scientits like Einstein are no objection from that fact.

In fact, at times when he lived, people were given a very strict christian upbringing which included regular church trips and brainwashing. Church in earlier ages was often the most massive, even little scary building where people heard stories thier virgin conciousness never heard before. All this done with the echoing strong voice of the priest covered with mystical paintings.. Like going to the movies.

How many of you people would ever find out there's a God, Jesus or whatever unless you learned these facts from the birth? Your parents, grandparents and sometimes even church usually make damn sure the baby will be stuffed with 'ideas' way before it has any possible means to analyse and grasp the things it's been told.

I was lucky enough to have parents who didn't stuff thier religious aspects on me, so when I went to visit my grandparents who were believing and religious people, it came as a strong contrast to home. This enabled me to question and suspect the things I was told and in the end form my own opinnion about how things work in this universe.

Christian type of God is not part of it, trust me. I'm an agnostic.. I really can't say if there is a God or not, but I laugh at the ones that blindly shout out His/Her's existence too, based on a scrap book written during hundreds of years and by dozens of people.

When I read the Holy Bible, I see a lot of wisdom in it. It perfectly fits the hygienical standards of those days and it's giving many good advice on people.. Eating pork was dangerous in those days, for real.. Blood transplants were dangerous in those days, not anymore..

Bible gives hygiene instructions for troops on wartrips (like that you should build a lavatory some way out of the camp, not toejam inside the perimeter to avoid infectious diseases etc.)

It's easy to see the value the book must have had 2000 years ago, but now all that stuff is really outdated and anyone still following the 2000 year old (material) teachings is really nothing but a fool.

The social teachings are, of course, still as valid as they were in those days. If you live like the Bible says, you're prone to live a peaceful co-existence with your neighbors. Nothing smarter has been invented afterwards (even though Bush administration thinks otherwise at the moment ;) )